
Defines functions a_vector_LP a_vector_OLS_and_LP

# TODO: Improve the `a` vector estimation

# Two-stage metalog optimization:
#   (1) attempt an OLS original method, on failure
#   (2) run the LP method
a_vector_OLS_and_LP <-
           diff_error = .001,
           diff_step = 0.001) {
    # Some place holder values
    A <- data.frame()
    c_a_names <- c()
    c_m_names <- c()
    Mh <- data.frame()
    Validation <- data.frame()

    # TODO: Large for-loop can probably be factored into smaller functions
    for (i in term_lower_bound:term_limit) {
      Y <- as.matrix(myList$Y[, 1:(i)])
      z <- as.matrix(myList$dataValues$z)
      y <- myList$dataValues$probs
      step_len <- myList$params$step_len
      methodFit <- 'OLS'
      a <- paste0('a', (i))
      m_name <- paste0('m', i)
      M_name <- paste0('M', i)
      c_m_names <- c(c_m_names, m_name, M_name)
      c_a_names <- c(c_a_names, a)

      # Try to use the OLS approach
      temp <- try(((solve(t(Y) %*% Y) %*% t(Y)) %*% z), silent = TRUE)

      # Use LP if temp is not a valid numeric vector
      if ('matrix' %in% class(temp)) {
        temp <- a_vector_LP(
          term_limit = i,
          term_lower_bound = i,
          diff_error = diff_error,
          diff_step = diff_step
        methodFit <- 'Linear Program'

      temp <- c(temp, rep(0, (term_limit - (i))))

      #build a y vector for smaller data sets
        y <- seq(step_len, (1 - step_len), step_len)
        tailstep <- (step_len / 10)
        y <- c(seq(tailstep, (min(y) - tailstep), tailstep),
               seq((max(y) + tailstep), (max(y) + tailstep * 9), tailstep))

      # Get the list and quantile values back for validation
      tempList <- pdf_quantile_builder(
        term_limit = i,
        bounds = bounds,
        boundedness = boundedness

      # If it not a valid pdf run and the OLS version was used the LP version
      if (tempList$valid == 'no' &
          class(temp) == 'numeric' &
          fit_method != 'OLS' ) {
        temp <- a_vector_LP(
          term_limit = i,
          term_lower_bound = i,
          diff_error = diff_error,
          diff_step = diff_step
        temp <- c(temp, rep(0, (term_limit - (i))))
        methodFit <- 'Linear Program'

        # Get the list and quantile values back for validation
        tempList <- pdf_quantile_builder(
          term_limit = i,
          bounds = bounds,
          boundedness = boundedness

      if (length(Mh) != 0) {
        Mh <- cbind(Mh, tempList$m)
        Mh <- cbind(Mh, tempList$M)
      if (length(Mh) == 0) {
        Mh <- as.data.frame(tempList$m)
        Mh <- cbind(Mh, tempList$M)
      if (length(A) != 0) {
        A <- cbind(A, temp)
      if (length(A) == 0) {
        A <- as.data.frame(temp)
      tempValidation <-
        data.frame(term = i,
                   valid = tempList$valid,
                   method = methodFit)
      Validation <- rbind(Validation, tempValidation)

    colnames(A) <- c_a_names
    colnames(Mh) <- c_m_names
    a1 <- data.frame(a1 = rep(1,nrow(A)))

    #calculate the error on the data values
    A <- cbind(a1, A)
    Est <- as.matrix(myList$Y) %*% as.matrix(A)
    Z <- matrix(cbind(rep(myList$dataValues$z,ncol(A))),ncol = ncol(A))
    myList$params$square_residual_error <- colSums((Z - Est)^2)
    colnames(myList$params$square_residual_error) <- NULL

    myList$A <- A
    myList$M <- Mh
    myList$M$y <- tempList$y
    myList$Validation <- Validation


a_vector_LP <-
           diff_error = .001,
           diff_step = 0.001) {
    A <- data.frame()
    cnames <- c()

    for (i in term_lower_bound:term_limit) {
      Y <- as.matrix(myList$Y[, 1:(i)])
      z <- as.matrix(myList$dataValues$z)

      # Bulding the objective function using abs value LP formulation
      Y_neg = -(Y)
      new_Y <- matrix(c(Y[, 1], Y_neg[, 1]), ncol = 2)

      for (c in 2:length(Y[1, ])) {
        new_Y <- cbind(new_Y, Y[, c])
        new_Y <- cbind(new_Y, Y_neg[, c])

      a <- paste0('a', (i))
      cnames <- c(cnames, a)

      # Building the constraint matrix
      error_mat <- c()

      for (j in 1:nrow(Y)) {
        front_zeros <- rep(0, (2 * (j - 1)))
        ones <- c(1, -1)
        trail_zeroes <- rep(0, (2 * (length(Y[, 1]) - j)))
        if (j == 1) {
          error_vars <- c(ones, trail_zeroes)
        else if (j != 1) {
          error_vars <- c(front_zeros, ones, trail_zeroes)
        error_mat <- rbind(error_mat, error_vars)

      new <- cbind(error_mat, new_Y)
      diff_mat <- diffMatMetalog(i, diff_step)
      diff_zeros <- c()

      for (t in 1:length(diff_mat[, 1])) {
        zeros_temp <- rep(0, (2 * (length(Y[, 1]))))
        diff_zeros <- rbind(zeros_temp, diff_zeros)

      diff_mat <- cbind(diff_zeros, diff_mat)

      # Combine the total constraint matrix
      lp_mat <- rbind(new, diff_mat)

      # Objective function coeficients
      f.obj <- c(rep(1, (2 * length(Y[, 1]))), rep(0, (2 * (i))))

      # Constraint matrix
      f.con <- lp_mat

      # Symbol vector
      f.dir <- c(rep("==", length(Y[, 1])), rep(">=", length(diff_mat[, 1])))

      # Right-hand side for constraints
      f.rhs <- c(z, rep(diff_error, length(diff_mat[, 1])))

      # Solving the linear program
      lp_sol <- lpSolve::lp("min", f.obj, f.con, f.dir, f.rhs)

      # Consolidating solution back into the a vector
      tempLP <-
        lp_sol$solution[(2 * length(Y[, 1]) + 1):(length(lp_sol$solution))]
      temp <- c()

      for (r in 1:(length(tempLP) / 2)) {
        temp[r] <- tempLP[(r * 2 - 1)] - tempLP[(2 * r)]

      if (length(A) != 0) {
        A <- cbind(A, temp)

      if (length(A) == 0) {
        A <- as.data.frame(temp)


    colnames(A) <- cnames

isaacfab/RMetalog documentation built on Jan. 26, 2021, 6:44 a.m.