
Defines functions getEDY

Documented in getEDY

#' Detection of individuals with Extreme Downregulation of chromosome Y (EDY)
#' from transcriptomic data
#' To assess EDY, the function measures the relative expression of the entire
#' chromosome Y with respect to the autosomes for each individual. For \emph{n}
#' probes (exons) in chromosome Y, with \eqn{x{i}} intensity (read counts) for
#' the \emph{i-th} probe, it computes \eqn{y = 1/n ·  \sumlog2(x{i}) } as a
#' measure of the average expression of chromosome Y (summation limits between
#' \emph{i=1} and \emph{N}). Likewise, for \emph{m} probes in the autosomes, the
#' function computes the mean expression of autosomes \eqn{a = 1/m ·
#' \sumlog2(x{i})} (summation limits between \emph{i=1} and \emph{M})
#' [\strong{NOTE:} for RNAseq data \eqn{log2(x{i} + 1)} is computed to avoid
#' problems with zero counts]. The relative amount of an individual's Y
#' expression with respect to the individual's autosomes is then \eqn{Ry = y -
#' a}, and, in a population sample, the individual \emph{j} is considered with
#' EDY if \deqn{Ry{j} < median(Ry) - 1.2 · IQR(Ry)}
#' where IQR is the inter-quartile range across the sample.
#' @title getEDY
#' @param x An ExpressionSet or RangedSummarizedExperiment from microarray or
#'   RNAseq experiments.
#' @param gender.var A string indicating the name of the column in the table of
#'   phenotype (accessed by \code{pData} or \code{colData}) that contains the
#'   gender of the individuals.
#' @param male.key A string indicating the symbol that idendtifies males (e.g.,
#'   "male", "M", ...).
#' @param gene.key A string indicating the name of the column that contains the
#'   Gene Symbol in the table of features (accessed by \code{fData} or
#'   \code{rowData}).
#' @param coef Numerical. Value to consider an outlier when calling getEDY. Default
#'   correspond to 1.2 which keeps 5\% of data in the normal case.
#' @param group.var A string indicating the name of the column that contains the
#'   information about whether the individual is case or control (accessed by
#'   \code{pData} or \code{colData}).
#' @param control.key A string indicating the symbol that identifies control
#'   group (e.g., "control").
#' @param experiment.type A string indicating whether the data set is a
#'   \strong{microarray} or a \strong{RNAseq} experiment
#' @import Biobase
#' @import SummarizedExperiment
#' @export getEDY
#' @return A list containing 4 objects: 
#' \itemize{ 
#'   \item \code{EDY}: a factor with two levels, \code{NO} and \code{YES} , 
#'     that indicates whether the individual has EDY or not.
#'   \item \code{EDYcontinuous}: a vector with individual relative expression
#'     of chromosome Y with regard the autosomal genes.
#'   \item \code{threshold}: a number indicating the threshold from which down 
#'     an individual is considered to have EDY. 
#'   \item \code{eSet} or \code{RangedSummarizedExperiment}: an ExpressionSet 
#'     or RangedSummarizedExperiment that contains only males from the initial
#'     data set. It contains a new column in \code{pData} or \code{colData}
#'     containing the EDY status of each individual.
#'   }

getEDY <- function(x, gender.var, male.key, gene.key, coef=1.2, 
                   group.var, control.key, experiment.type, ...){
  exp.type <- charmatch(experiment.type, 
                               c("microarray", "RNAseq"))
  if (is.na(exp.type))
    stop("Invalid 'experiment.type' argument. Allowed types are 'microarray' or 'RNAseq'")
  if (inherits(x, "ExpressionSet")){
      #Filter males in the expression set
      if (!missing(gender.var)) {
        ii <- which(varLabels(x)==gender.var)
        x <- x[,pData(x)[,ii]==male.key]
        x <- x[,!is.na(pData(x)[,ii])]
      } else {warning("male.key not specified. Performing analysis with the whole dataset")}
      #Add column with the hgnc symbol information to fData
      if (gene.key != "hgnc_symbol"){
        fData(x)$id.feature <- featureNames(x)
      annot.expr <- fData(x)
      #Select from genes in gene.expr those that we know the hgnc symbol
      gene.expr <- exprs(x)[rownames(exprs(x))%in%annot.expr$id.feature,]
      #Replace gene ID for hgnc symbol
      rownames(gene.expr) <- annot.expr[, gene.key]
      #Select those genes that belong to chrY
      exprY <- gene.expr[annot.expr[, gene.key]%in%EDY::chrY.genes$hgnc_symbol,]
      exprY <- exprY[complete.cases(exprY),]
      #Select those genes that belong to the rest of the genome
      exprRef <- gene.expr[annot.expr[, gene.key]%in%EDY::autosomal.genes$hgnc_symbol,]
      exprRef <- exprRef[complete.cases(exprRef),]
  else if (inherits(x, "RangedSummarizedExperiment")){
    #Filter males in the set
    if (!missing(gender.var)){
      ii <- which(names(colData(x)) == gender.var)
      x <- x[, !is.na(colData(x)[, ii])]
      x <- x[, colData(x)[, ii] == male.key]
    } else {warning("male.key not specified. Performing analysis with the whole dataset")}
    #Add column with the hgnc symbol information to fData
    if (gene.key != "hgnc_symbol"){
      rowData(x)$id.feature <- rownames(assay(x))
    annot.expr <- data.frame(rowData(x))
    #Select from genes in gene.expr those that we know the hgnc symbol
    gene.expr <- assay(x)[rownames(assay(x))%in%annot.expr$id.feature,]
    #Replace gene ID for hgnc symbol
    rownames(gene.expr) <- annot.expr[, gene.key]
    #Select those genes that belong to chrY
    exprY <- gene.expr[annot.expr[, gene.key]%in%EDY::chrY.genes$hgnc_symbol,]
    exprY <- exprY[complete.cases(exprY),]
    #Select those genes that belong to the rest of the genome
    exprRef <- gene.expr[annot.expr[, gene.key]%in%EDY::autosomal.genes$hgnc_symbol,]
    exprRef <- exprRef[complete.cases(exprRef),]
  #Apply EDY formulae: 
  if (exp.type==1){ # microarray
    Ry <- sweep(exprY, 2, FUN="-", 
                apply(exprRef, 2, mean))
  else if (exp.type == 2){ # RNAseq
    Ry <- sweep(log2(exprY+1), 2, FUN="-", 
                apply(log2(exprRef+1), 2, mean))

  EDYcontinuous <- apply(Ry, 2, mean)
  if (!missing(group.var)&&!missing(control.key)){
    if (inherits(x, "ExpressionSet")){
      controls <- EDYcontinuous[pData(x)[,group.var]==control.key]
    else if (inherits(x, "RangedSummarizedExperiment")){
      controls <- EDYcontinuous[colData(x)[,group.var]==control.key]
  } else {
    controls <- EDYcontinuous
    warning("No control group specified")
  thresh <- median(controls, na.rm=TRUE) - coef*IQR(controls, na.rm=TRUE)
  EDY <- cut(EDYcontinuous, c(-Inf, thresh, Inf), 
             labels = c("Yes", "No"))
  EDY <- relevel(EDY, 2)
  if (inherits(x, "ExpressionSet")){
    pData(x)$EDY <- EDY
    names(EDY) <- names(EDYcontinuous)
    ans <- list(EDY=EDY, EDYcontinuous=EDYcontinuous, 
                threshold=thresh, eSet=x)
  } else if (inherits(x, "RangedSummarizedExperiment")){
    colData(x)$EDY <- EDY
    names(EDY) <- names(EDYcontinuous)
    ans <- list(EDY=EDY, EDYcontinuous=EDYcontinuous, 
                threshold=thresh, RangedSummarizedExperiment=x)
  class(ans) <- "EDY"
isglobal-brge/EDY documentation built on Jan. 24, 2020, 3:21 a.m.