Man pages for isglobal-brge/nlOmicAssoc
non-linar omic association

bestNNFunction to select the best nnet, but this could be in the...
bestRFFunction to select the best rf, but this could be in the...
compareMethodsCompare nlAssoc objects obtained by nlOmicAssoc()
fit.ewasFunction to fit ewas to a data.frame or an expressionSet
fit.gamFunction to fit gam to a data.frame or an expressionSet
fit.gamboostFunction to fit gam with boosting to a data.frame or an...
fit.mfpFunction to fit a multivariable fractional polynomial model...
fit.nnetworkFunction to fit neural network to a data.frame or an...
fit.partDSAFunction to fit partDSA with boosting to a data.frame or an...
fit.rforestFunction to fit rforest to a data.frame or an expressionSet
getSigniffiltering for an object of class nlAssoc, to get...
nlOmicAssocFits the specified multivariable model to a data.frame or an...
plot.nlAssocplot for an object of class nlAssoc
plot.single.mfpplot for an object of class nlAssoc, obtatined with model...
print.nlAssocPrint for an object of class nlAssoc showing only first...
scoreVarsscoring the variables of selected_vars slot in an nlAssoc...
summary.nlAssocSummary for an object of class nlAssoc
isglobal-brge/nlOmicAssoc documentation built on May 9, 2019, 8:16 a.m.