
weights.subclass <- function(psclass, treat) {

  ttt <- treat[!is.na(psclass)]
  classes <- na.omit(psclass)

  n <- length(ttt)
  labels <- names(ttt)
  tlabels <- labels[ttt == 1]
  clabels <- labels[ttt == 0]

  weights <- rep(0, n)
  names(weights) <- labels
  weights[tlabels] <- 1

  for(j in unique(classes)){
    qn0 <- sum(ttt == 0 & classes == j)
    qn1 <- sum(ttt == 1 & classes == j)
    weights[ttt == 0 & classes==j] <- qn1 / qn0
  if (sum(weights[ttt == 0]) == 0) {
    weights[ttt == 0] <- rep(0, length(weights[clabels]))
  } else {
    ## Number of C units that were matched to at least 1 T
    num.cs <- sum(weights[clabels] > 0)
    weights[clabels] <- weights[clabels] * num.cs / sum(weights[clabels])

  if (any(is.na(psclass))) {
    tmp <- rep(0, sum(is.na(psclass)))
    names(tmp) <- names(treat[is.na(psclass)])
    weights <- c(weights, tmp)[names(treat)]

  if (sum(weights) == 0) {
    stop("No units were matched")
  } else if (sum(weights[tlabels]) == 0) {
    stop("No treated units were matched")
  } else if (sum(weights[clabels]) == 0) {
    stop("No control units were matched")

itpir/MatchIt documentation built on May 18, 2019, 5:52 a.m.