
#                                StateServer                                   #
#' StateServer
#' \code{StateServer} This class is responsible for serializing and deserializing
#' object states. Invoked by the StateManager class, this  class is comprised of
#' two methods, saveState and restoreState. The saveState method takes as
#' its parameters, a state identifier and the object to be saved,
#' then serializes and saves the object to the States directory.
#' The restoreState method takes a state identifier as its parameter and
#' reads the object, designated by the state identifier from file and returns
#' it to the StateManager object.
#' The StateServer class is a participant of the State family of classes.
#' \strong{State Family of Classes Overview:}
#' The State family of classes is responsible for object persistence and
#' data recovery in the NLPStudio package and is comprised of the following
#' participants.
#' \strong{State Class Family Participants:}
#' \itemize{
#'  \item State: This class oversees the process of saving, restoring and
#'  querying states. It takes requests from client applications and dispatches
#'  instantiates the appropriate visitor to fulfill the request. This class
#'  also provides state query functionality.
#'  \item StateManager: This class has a persistent single object that
#'  receives a save/restore request from a visitor, keeps track of the
#'  saved states, and their locations, and dispatches the appropriate
#'  save/restore method within the StateServer class to serialize or
#'  deserialize the object.
#'  \item StateServer: This class is responsible for serializing and deserializing
#'  object states.
#'  \item VWriteState: This visitor class is invoked through the accept method
#'  of the originator object, and dispatches a request to the StateManager
#'  class for logging and fulfillment.
#'  \item VReadState: This visitor class is invoked through the accept method
#'  of the originator object, and dispatches a request to the StateManager
#'  class for logging and fulfillment. This class also manages the process
#'  of restoring composite objects to the prior designated state by iterating
#'  through the composite hierarchy.
#'  }
#' \strong{StateServer Methods:}
#' The following methods are defined for this class:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{\code{new(key)}}{Method that instantiates an object of the StateServer class. The method is invoked by the StateManager class with a unique key. This key is validated against future requests to confirm that the requests is originating from the StateManager class.}
#'  \item{\code{saveState(key, stateId, object)}}{Method for serializing and storing the object to disk.}
#'  \item{\code{restoreState(key, stateId)}}{Method for deserializing and returning the object from disk at state designated by the stateId parameter.}
#'  }
#' @param key Character string indicating a unique request from the StateManager class.
#' @param object A serializable object to be serialized and saved.
#' @param stateId Character string which uniquely identifies an object and its state at a specific point in time.
#' @docType class
#' @author John James, \email{jjames@@datasciencesalon.org}
#' @family State Classes
#' @export
StateServer <- R6::R6Class(
  classname = "StateServer",
  lock_objects = FALSE,
  private = list(
    ..key = character(0),
    ..statesPath = character(0),
    ..stateClasses = character(0),
    ..stateFilePath = character(0),

    validateRequest = function(method, key, object = NULL) {

      if (key != private$..key) {
        v <- Validator0$new()
        v$notify(class = "State", method = method,
                 fieldName = "key", value = key, level = "Error",
                 msg = paste("Unable to save state. The request did not",
                             "originate from the stateManager.",
                             "See ?State for further assistance."),
                 expect = TRUE)

      if (!(is.null(object))) {

        v <- ValidatorClass$new()
        if (v$validate(class = "State", method = method,
                   fieldName = "class(object)", value = class(object)[1], level = "Error",
                   msg = paste("Object is not a serializable object.",
                               "See ?State for further assistance."),
                   expect = Constants$getStateClasses()) == FALSE) {

  public = list(

    initialize = function(key) {
      private$..key <- key
      constants <- Constants$new()
      private$..statesPath <- constants$getStatesPath()
      private$..stateClasses <- constants$getStateClasses()

    saveState = function(key, stateId, object) {

      # Validate Request
      if (private$validateRequest(method = "saveState", key, object) == FALSE) stop()

      # Save object
      private$..stateFilePath <- file.path(private$..statesPath, paste0(stateId, ".rds"))
      base::saveRDS(object, file = private$..stateFilePath)


    restoreState = function(key, stateId) {

      # Validate Request
      if (private$validateRequest(method = "restoreState", key) == FALSE) stop()

      # Restore Object
      object <- readRDS(file.path(private$..statesPath, paste0(stateId, ".rds")))

j2scode/NLPStudio documentation built on May 7, 2019, 8:58 p.m.