
WhichAchieved73 <- function(simData, simLength, target) {
    simRepeats <- dim(simData)[1] / simLength
    ach73 <- c()
    iter <- 1L
    for(n in 1:simRepeats) {
        lower <- (1 + simLength * (n - 1))
        upper <- (simLength + simLength * (n - 1))
        vals <- simData[lower:upper,]
        if (any(vals[,"VS"] >= target)) {
            ach73[iter] <- n
            iter <- iter + 1L

FrontierAchieveAboveBelow73 <- function(x, target) {
    if (any(x >= target) & any(x < target)) {
    } else {

GetFrontiers <- function(simData, optRuns, simLength) {
    frontierList <- list()
    for(n in 1:length(optRuns)) {
        lower <- (1 + simLength * (optRuns[n] - 1))
        upper <- (simLength + simLength * (optRuns[n] - 1))
        vals <- simData[lower:upper,]
        frontierList[[n]] <- FindFrontier(x = vals$VS, y = vals$Cost)

PlotInterpolation <- function(vs, indicator, target) {

    intResult <- Interpolate(vs = vs, indicator = indicator, target = target)

    dat <- data.frame(vs, indicator)

    ggPlot <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = vs, y = indicator))
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + geom_line(alpha = 0.5, col = 'red')
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + geom_point(alpha = 0.2)
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + geom_point(alpha = 0.5, col = 'red')
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + geom_vline(xintercept = target, alpha = 0.5)
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + geom_hline(yintercept = intResult, alpha = 0.5)
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + theme_classic()
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + theme(axis.line.y = element_line())
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + theme(axis.line.x = element_line())
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + expand_limits(y = round(max(indicator), digits = -9))
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::scientific, breaks = scales::pretty_breaks())
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + scale_x_continuous(labels = scales::percent, breaks = scales::pretty_breaks())
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = 8))
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size = 8))
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + theme(axis.title = element_text(size = 9))
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + theme(axis.line.x = element_line())
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + theme(axis.line.y = element_line())
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + theme(legend.title = element_text(size = 9))
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 8))
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + xlab("Viral Suppression")
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + ylab("Additional Cost of Care")
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + theme(text = element_text(family = "Avenir Next"))
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + annotate(geom = "text", x = 0.65, y = round(intResult, -8), label = paste("73% viral suppression\nat a cost of", scales::dollar(intResult)), family = "Avenir Next")

Interpolate <- function(vs, indicator, target) {
    # Find values lower than target
    lowerVals <- vs[which(vs < target)]

    # identify which is closest, but below target
    lowerV <- lowerVals[which(abs(lowerVals - target) == min(abs(lowerVals - target)))]

    # Find values above target
    upperVals <- vs[which(vs >= target)]

    # identify which is closest, but above target
    upperV <- upperVals[which(abs(upperVals - target) == min(abs(upperVals - target)))]

    # calculate total distance between upper and lower values
    dist <- upperV - lowerV

    # upperWeight is the proportional distance of upperV to target out of total dist
    upperWeight <- abs(upperV - target) / dist

    # lowerWeight is the proportional distance of lowerV to target out of total dist
    lowerWeight <- abs(lowerV - target) / dist

    # upperIndex is index of data.frame corresponding to upperV
    upperIndex <- which(upperV == vs)

    # lowerIndex is index of data.frame corresponding to lowerV
    lowerIndex <- which(lowerV == vs)

    # Interpolation in terms of y is a weighted sum of upper and lower points.
    # These points are weighted by 1-their poportional distance to the target
    out <- (indicator[upperIndex] * (1 - upperWeight)) + (indicator[lowerIndex] * (1 - lowerWeight))

RunInterpolation <- function(simData, optRuns, simLength, frontierList, target) {
    iCost <- c()
    iTest <- c()
    iLink <- c()
    iPreR <- c()
    iInit <- c()
    iAdhr <- c()
    iRetn <- c()
    iTCst <- c()

    iter <- 0L

    for(n in 1:length(optRuns)) {
        lower <- (1 + simLength * (optRuns[n] - 1))
        upper <- (simLength + simLength * (optRuns[n] - 1))
        vals <- simData[lower:upper,]

        if (FrontierAchieveAboveBelow73(x = vals[,"VS"][frontierList[[n]]], target = target)) {
            iCost[iter] <- Interpolate(vs = vals[,"VS"][frontierList[[n]]], indicator = vals[,"Cost"][frontierList[[n]]],              target = target)
            iTest[iter] <- Interpolate(vs = vals[,"VS"][frontierList[[n]]], indicator = vals[,"Testing"][frontierList[[n]]],           target = target)
            iLink[iter] <- Interpolate(vs = vals[,"VS"][frontierList[[n]]], indicator = vals[,"Linkage"][frontierList[[n]]],           target = target)
            iPreR[iter] <- Interpolate(vs = vals[,"VS"][frontierList[[n]]], indicator = vals[,"Pre-ART Retention"][frontierList[[n]]], target = target)
            iInit[iter] <- Interpolate(vs = vals[,"VS"][frontierList[[n]]], indicator = vals[,"Initiation"][frontierList[[n]]],        target = target)
            iAdhr[iter] <- Interpolate(vs = vals[,"VS"][frontierList[[n]]], indicator = vals[,"Adherence"][frontierList[[n]]],         target = target)
            iRetn[iter] <- Interpolate(vs = vals[,"VS"][frontierList[[n]]], indicator = vals[,"ART Retention"][frontierList[[n]]],     target = target)
            iTCst[iter] <- Interpolate(vs = vals[,"VS"][frontierList[[n]]], indicator = vals[,"Total Cost"][frontierList[[n]]],        target = target)
            iter <- iter + 1
    careOutput <- data.frame(iCost, iTest, iLink, iPreR, iInit, iAdhr, iRetn, iTCst)

FindFrontier <- function(x, y) {
    # Create data.frame of x and y
    df <- data.frame(x = x, y = y)
    # Zero the index vector
    frontierIndex <- c()
    # Finding the cost frontier
    rankCost <- order(df$y)
    frontierIndex[1] <- rankCost[1]
    for (i in 1:dim(df)[1]) {
        # Remove rows on the frontier
        noFront <- df[-(frontierIndex),]
        # Only consider values with larger impact
        remain <- noFront[noFront$x > max(df[frontierIndex,1]),]
        # break if remain is empty
        if (dim(remain)[1] == 0) break;
        # calculate gradient of last point on frontier to all remaining
        grad <- (df[frontierIndex[i],2] - remain[,2]) / (df[frontierIndex[i],1] - remain[,1])
        # calculate gradient to all points, everywhere
        ref <- (df[frontierIndex[i],2] - df[,2]) / (df[frontierIndex[i],1] - df[,1])
        # find the smallest, non-zero gradient from those remaining and pin-point
        # it's index in the whole data.frame
        frontierIndex[i+1] <- which(ref == min(grad[grad >= 0], na.rm = TRUE))

FindFrontierPlot <- function(x, y) {
    # Create data.frame of x and y
    df <- data.frame(x = x, y = y)
    # Zero the index vector
    frontierIndex <- c()
    # Finding the cost frontier
    rankCost <- order(df$y)
    frontierIndex[1] <- rankCost[1]
    for (i in 1:dim(df)[1]) {
        # Remove rows on the frontier
        noFront <- df[-(frontierIndex),]
        # Only consider values with larger impact
        remain <- noFront[noFront$x > max(df[frontierIndex,1]),]
        # break if remain is empty
        if (dim(remain)[1] == 0) break;
        # calculate gradient of last point on frontier to all remaining
        grad <- (df[frontierIndex[i],2] - remain[,2]) / (df[frontierIndex[i],1] - remain[,1])
        # calculate gradient to all points, everywhere
        ref <- (df[frontierIndex[i],2] - df[,2]) / (df[frontierIndex[i],1] - df[,1])
        # find the smallest, non-zero gradient from those remaining and pin-point
        # it's index in the whole data.frame
        frontierIndex[i+1] <- which(ref == min(grad[grad >= 0], na.rm = TRUE))
    ggPlot <- ggplot(df, aes(x = x, y = y))
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + geom_point(alpha = 0.2)
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + geom_line(data = df[frontierIndex,], aes(x = x, y = y), col = "red", alpha = 0.5)
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + geom_point(data = df[frontierIndex,], aes(x = x, y = y), col = "red", alpha = 0.5)
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + theme_classic()
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + theme(axis.line.y = element_line())
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + theme(axis.line.x = element_line())
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + expand_limits(y = round(max(y), digits = -9))
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::scientific, breaks = scales::pretty_breaks())
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + scale_x_continuous(labels = scales::percent, breaks = scales::pretty_breaks())
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = 8))
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size = 8))
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + theme(axis.title = element_text(size = 9))
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + theme(axis.line.x = element_line())
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + theme(axis.line.y = element_line())
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + theme(legend.title = element_text(size = 9))
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 8))
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + xlab("Viral Suppression")
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + ylab("Additional Cost of Care")
    ggPlot <- ggPlot + theme(text = element_text(family = "Avenir Next"))
jackolney/CascadeDashboard documentation built on May 18, 2019, 7:56 a.m.