
Defines functions parseAhrqSas parseQuanDeyoSas parseQuanElix parseElix

Documented in parseAhrqSas parseElix parseQuanDeyoSas

# Copyright (C) 2014 - 2015  Jack O. Wasey
# This file is part of icd9.
# icd9 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# icd9 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with icd9. If not, see <http:#www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' @title parse AHRQ data
#' @description Takes the raw data taken directly from the AHRQ web site and
#'   parses into RData. It is then saved in the development tree data directory,
#'   so this is an internal function, used in generating the package itself!
#' @template savesas
#' @template parse-template
#' @param returnAll logical which, if TRUE, will result in the invisible return
#'   of ahrqComorbidAll result, otherwise, ahrqComorbid is reutrned.
#' @template verbose
#' @keywords internal
parseAhrqSas <- function(sasPath = system.file("extdata", "comformat2012-2013.txt", package = "icd9"),
                         save = FALSE, path = "data", verbose = FALSE) {
  #returnAll = FALSE,
  f <- file(sasPath, "r")
  ahrqAll <- sasFormatExtract(readLines(f)) # these seem to be ascii encoded

  ahrqComorbidWork <- ahrqAll[["$RCOMFMT"]]

  ahrqComorbidAll <- list()

  for (cmb in names(ahrqComorbidWork)) {
    if (verbose) message("parsing AHRQ SAS codes for '", cmb, "'")
    somePairs <- strsplit(x = ahrqComorbidWork[[cmb]], split = "-")

    # non-range values (and their children) just go on list
    unpaired_items <- sapply(somePairs, length) == 1
    out <- c()
    if (any(unpaired_items))
      out <- icd9ChildrenShort(unlist(somePairs[unpaired_items]), onlyReal = FALSE)

    thePairs <- somePairs[lapply(somePairs, length) == 2]
    out <- c(out, lapply(thePairs, function(x) icd9ExpandRangeForSas(x[1], x[2])))
    # update ahrqComorbid with full range of icd9 codes:
    ahrqComorbidAll[[cmb]] <- icd9SortShort(unique(unlist(out)))

  # drop this superfluous finale which allocates any other ICD-9 code to the
  # "Other" group
  ahrqComorbidAll[[" "]] <- NULL

  ahrqComorbid <- ahrqComorbidAll

  ahrqComorbid$HTNCX <- c(
    ahrqComorbid$HTNCX, # some codes already in this category

  ahrqComorbid$CHF <- c(
    ahrqComorbid$CHF, # some codes already in this category

  ahrqComorbid$RENLFAIL <- c(
    ahrqComorbid$RENLFAIL, # some codes already in this category

  ahrqComorbid[c("HTNPREG", "OHTNPREG", "HTNWOCHF",
                 "HTNWCHF", "HRENWORF", "HRENWRF", "HHRWOHRF",
                 "HHRWCHF", "HHRWRF", "HHRWHRF")] <- NULL

  # officially, AHRQ HTN with complications means that HTN on its own should be
  # unset. however, this is not feasible here, since we just package up the data
  # into a list, and it can be used however the user wishes. It would not be
  # hard to write an AHRQ specific function to do this if needed, but it makes
  # more sense to me

  #   condense to parents, for each parent, if children are all in the list, add the parent
  for (cmb in names(ahrqComorbid)) {
    if (verbose) message("working on ranges for: ", cmb)
    parents <- icd9CondenseShort(ahrqComorbid[[cmb]], onlyReal = FALSE)
    for (p in parents) {
      kids <- icd9ChildrenShort(p, onlyReal = FALSE)
      kids <- kids[-which(kids == p)] # don't include parent in test
      if (all(kids %in% ahrqComorbid[[cmb]]))
        ahrqComorbid[[cmb]] <- c(ahrqComorbid[[cmb]], p)

  names(ahrqComorbid) <- icd9::ahrqComorbidNamesHtnAbbrev
  if (save) saveInDataDir("ahrqComorbid") # nocov

#' @title parse original SAS code defining Quan's update of Deyo comorbidities.
#' @description As with \code{parseAhrqSas}, this function reads SAS code, and
#'   in, a very limited way, extracts definitions. In this case the code uses
#'   LET statements, with strings or lists of strings. This saves and invisibly
#'   returns a list with names corresponding to the comorbidities and values as
#'   a vector of 'short' form (i.e. non-decimal) ICD9 codes. Unlike
#'   \code{parseAhrqSas}, there are no ranges defined, so this interpretation is
#'   simpler.
#'   With thanks to Dr. Quan, I have permission to distribute his SAS code.
#'   Previously, the SAS code would be downloaded from the University of
#'   Manitoba at
#'   \url{http://mchp-appserv.cpe.umanitoba.ca/concept/ICD9_E_Charlson.sas.txt}.
#'   There are structural differences between this version and the version
#'   directly from Dr. Quan, however, the parsing results in identical data.
#' @template savesas
#' @template parse-template
#' @keywords internal
parseQuanDeyoSas <- function(sasPath = NULL,
                             condense = FALSE,
                             save = FALSE,
                             path = "data") {
  if (is.null(sasPath)) sasPath <- system.file("extdata",
                                               package = "icd9")

  quanSas <- readLines(sasPath, warn = FALSE)
  qlets <- sasExtractLetStrings(quanSas)
  qlabels <- qlets[grepl("LBL[[:digit:]]+", names(qlets))]
  quanDeyoComorbid <- qlets[grepl("DC[[:digit:]]+", names(qlets))]
  names(quanDeyoComorbid) <- unlist(unname(qlabels))

  # use validation: takes time, but these are run-once per package creation (and
  # test) tasks.
  if (condense)
    quanDeyoComorbid <- lapply(quanDeyoComorbid, icd9Condense)
    quanDeyoComorbid <- lapply(quanDeyoComorbid, icd9ChildrenShort, onlyReal = FALSE)

  names(quanDeyoComorbid) <- icd9::charlsonComorbidNamesAbbrev
  if (save) saveInDataDir("quanDeyoComorbid")

parseQuanElix <- function(condense = FALSE,
                          save = FALSE,
                          path = "data") {
  quanElixComorbid <- list(
    chf = c("398.91", "402.01", "402.11", "402.91", "404.01", "404.03",
            "404.11", "404.13", "404.91", "404.93", "425.4" %i9da% "425.9",
    arrhythmia = c("426.0", "426.13", "426.7", "426.9", "426.10", "426.12",
                   "427.0" %i9da% "427.4", "427.6" %i9da% "427.9", "785.0",
                   "996.01", "996.04", "V45.0", "V53.3"),
    valve = c("93.2", "394" %i9da% "397", "424", "746.3" %i9da% "746.6", "V42.2",
    pulm.circ = c("415.0", "415.1", "416", "417.0", "417.8", "417.9"),
    pvd = c("093.0", "437.3", "440", "441", "443.1" %i9da% "443.9", "447.1",
            "557.1", "557.9", "V43.4"),
    htn = c("401"),
    htncx = c("402" %i9da% "405"),
    paralysis = c("334.1", "342", "343", "344.0" %i9da% "344.6", "344.9"),
    neuro.other = c("331.9", "332.0", "332.1", "333.4", "333.5", "333.92",
                    "334", "335", "336.2", "340", "341", "345", "348.1",
                    "348.3", "780.3", "784.3"),
    chronic.pulm = c("416.8", "416.9", "490" %i9da% "505", "506.4", "508.1",
    dm.uncomp = c("250.0" %i9da% "250.3"),
    dm.comp = c("250.4" %i9da% "250.9"),
    hypothyroid = c("240.9", "243", "244", "246.1", "246.8"),
    renal = c("403.01", "403.11", "403.91", "404.02", "404.03", "404.12",
              "404.13", "404.92", "404.93", "585", "586", "588", "V42.0",
              "V45.1", "V56"),
    liver = c("70.22", "70.23", "70.32", "70.33", "70.44", "70.54", "70.6",
              "70.9", "456.0" %i9da% "456.2", "570", "571",
              "572.2" %i9da% "572.8", "573.3", "573.4", "573.8", "573.9",
    pud = c("531.7", "531.9", "532.7", "532.9", "533.7", "533.9", "534.7",
    hiv = c("42" %i9da% "44"),
    lymphoma = c("200" %i9da% "202", "203.0", "238.6"),
    mets = c("196" %i9da% "199"),
    solid.tumor = c("140" %i9da% "172", "174" %i9da% "195"),
    rheum = c("446", "701.0", "710.0" %i9da% "710.4", "710.8", "710.9", "711.2",
              "714", "719.3", "720", "725", "728.5", "728.89", "729.30"),
    coag = c("286", "287.1", "287.3" %i9da% "287.5"),
    obesity = c("278.0"),
    wt.loss = c("260" %i9da% "263", "783.2", "799.4"),
    lytes = c("253.6", "276"),
    anemia.loss = c("280.0"),
    anemia.def = c("280.1" %i9da% "280.9", "281"),
    etoh = c("265.2", "291.1" %i9da% "291.3", "291.5" %i9da% "291.9", "303.0",
             "303.9", "305.0", "357.5", "425.5", "535.3", "571.0" %i9da% "571.3",
             "980", "V11.3"),
    drugs = c("292", "304", "305.2" %i9da% "305.9", "V65.42"),
    psychoses = c("293.8", "295", "296.04", "296.14", "296.44", "296.54", "297",
    depression = c("296.2", "296.3", "296.5", "300.4", "309", "311")

  quanElixComorbid <- lapply(
    function(x) icd9DecimalToShort(x))

  if (condense)
    quanElixComorbid <- lapply(
      function(x) icd9Condense(x, onlyReal = FALSE))
    quanElixComorbid <- lapply(
      icd9ChildrenShort, onlyReal = FALSE)

  names(quanElixComorbid) <- icd9::quanElixComorbidNamesHtnAbbrev
  if (save) saveInDataDir("quanElixComorbid")

#' @title Generate Elixhauser comorbidities
#' @description This function uses the \code{\%i9d\%} operator, so cannot be
#'   done as an R file in the \code{data} directory. The data is documented in
#'   \code{datadocs.R}.
#' @template parse-template
#' @keywords internal
parseElix <- function(condense = FALSE, save = FALSE, path = "data") {
  elixComorbid <- list(
    chf = c("398.91", "402.11", "402.91", "404.11", "404.13", "404.91",
            "404.93", "428.0" %i9da% "428.9"),
    arrhythmia = c("426.1", "426.11", "426.13", "426.2" %i9da% "426.53",
                   "426.6" %i9da% "426.89", "427.0", "427.2", "427.31", "427.60",
                   "427.9", "785", "V45.0", "V53.3"),
    valve = c("93.20" %i9da% "93.24", "394.0" %i9da% "397.1",
              "424.0" %i9da% "424.91", "746.3" %i9da% "746.6", "V42.2", "V43.3"),
    pulm.circ = c("416.0" %i9da% "416.9", " 417.9"),
    pvd = c("440.0" %i9da% "440.9", "441.2", "441.4", "441.7", "441.9",
            "443.1" %i9da% "443.9", "447.1", "557.1", "557.9", "V43.4"),
    htn = c("401.1", "401.9"),
    htncx = c("402.10", "402.90", "404.10", "404.90", "405.11", "405.19",
              "405.91", "405.99"),
    paralysis = c("342.0" %i9da% "342.12", "342.9" %i9da% "344.9"),
    neuro.other = c("331.9", "332.0", "333.4", "333.5", "334.0" %i9da% "335.9",
                    "340", "341.1" %i9da% "341.9", "345.00" %i9da% "345.11",
                    "345.40" %i9da% "345.51", "345.80" %i9da% "345.91", "348.1",
                    "348.3", "780.3", "784.3"),
    chronic.pulm = c("490" %i9da% "492.8", "493.00" %i9da% "493.91", "494",
                     "495.0" %i9da% "505", "506.4"),
    dm.uncomp = c("250.00" %i9da% "250.33"),
    dm.comp = c("250.40" %i9da% "250.73", "250.90" %i9da% "250.93"),
    hypothyroid = c("243" %i9da% "244.2", "244.8", "244.9"),
    renal = c("403.11", "403.91", "404.12", "404.92", "585", "586", "V42.0",
              "V45.1", "V56.0", "V56.8"),
    liver = c("70.32", "70.33", "70.54", "456.0", "456.1", "456.20", "456.21",
              "571.0", "571.2", "571.3", "571.40" %i9da% "571.49", "571.5",
              "571.6", "571.8", "571.9", "572.3", "572.8", "V42.7"),
    pud = c("531.70", "531.90", "532.70", "532.90", "533.70", "533.90",
            "534.70", "534.90", "V12.71"),
    hiv = c("42" %i9da% "44.9"),
    lymphoma = c("200.00" %i9da% "202.38", "202.50" %i9da% "203.01",
                 "203.8" %i9da% "203.81", "238.6", "273.3", "V10.71", "V10.72",
    mets = c("196.0" %i9da% "199.1"),
    solid.tumor = c("140.0" %i9da% "172.9", "174.0" %i9da% "175.9",
                    "179" %i9da% "195.8", "V10.00" %i9da% "V10.9"),
    rheum = c("701.0", "710.0" %i9da% "710.9", "714.0" %i9da% "714.9",
              "720.0" %i9da% "720.9", "725"),
    coag = c("286.0" %i9da% "286.9", "287.1", "287.3" %i9da% "287.5"),
    obesity = c("278.0"),
    wt.loss = c("260" %i9da% "263.9"),
    lytes = c("276.0" %i9da% "276.9"),
    anemia.loss = c("280.0"),
    anemia.def = c("280.1" %i9da% "281.9", "285.9"),
    etoh = c("291.1", "291.2", "291.5", "291.8", "291.9",
             "303.90" %i9da% "303.93", "305.00" %i9da% "305.03", "V11.3"),
    drugs = c("292.0", "292.82" %i9da% "292.89", "292.9",
              "304.00" %i9da% "304.93", "305.20" %i9da% "305.93"),
    psychoses = c("295.00" %i9da% "298.9", "299.10" %i9da% "299.11"),
    depression = c("300.4", "301.12", "309.0", "309.1", "311")

  elixComorbid <- lapply(
    elixComorbid, function(x)

  # convert to short form, for consistency with other mappings.
  if (condense) {
    elixComorbid <- lapply(
      function(x) icd9Condense(x, onlyReal = FALSE))
  } else {
    elixComorbid <- lapply(
      icd9ChildrenShort, onlyReal = FALSE)

  names(elixComorbid) <- icd9::elixComorbidNamesHtnAbbrev
  if (save) saveInDataDir("elixComorbid")
jackwasey/icd9 documentation built on May 18, 2019, 7:57 a.m.