
Defines functions drop_underscore_x_from_name upper_first_letter capitalize_words make_state_abb pad_decimals

Documented in capitalize_words make_state_abb pad_decimals

#' Pad decimal places with trailing zeros.
#' @param numbers
#' A number or vector of numbers.
#' @param digits
#' Number of decimal places to pad. If NULL (default), uses the maximum
#' number of decimal places in the numbers input. If digits is less than
#' the number of decimal places in the data, rounds the data to the decimal
#' place specified. If rounding at a 5, follows R's rules to round to the
#' nearest even number.
#' @return
#' The original numbers, now as strings with trailing zeros added to the decimal places.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pad_decimals(c(2, 3.4, 8.808))
pad_decimals <- function(numbers, digits = NULL) {

  if (!is.numeric(numbers)) {
    stop("The numbers parameter must be numeric.")

  numbers  <- as.character(numbers)
  decimals <- strsplit(numbers, "\\.")
  decimals <- unlist(lapply(decimals, "[", 2))
  decimals[is.na(decimals)] <- "0"
  if (is.null(digits)) {
    digits <- max(nchar(decimals))
  numbers <- as.numeric(numbers)
  numbers <- sprintf(paste("%.", digits, "f", sep = ""), numbers)
  numbers[numbers == "NA"] <- NA


#' Returns abbreviations of state name input.
#' @param state
#' A vector of strings with the names of US states.
#' @return
#' A vector of strings with the abbreviations of the inputted state names.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' make_state_abb("california")
make_state_abb <- function(state) {
  state_abb <- datasets::state.abb[match(tolower(state),
  state_abb[tolower(state) == "canal zone"]           <- "CZ"
  state_abb[tolower(state) == "district of columbia"] <- "DC"
  state_abb[tolower(state) == "guam"]                 <- "GU"
  state_abb[tolower(state) == "puerto rico"]          <- "PR"

#' Capitalizes the first letter of every word
#' @param words
#' A string or vector of strings with words you want capitalized
#' @param lowercase_of
#' If TRUE (default), keeps the string " of " to be lowercased as is custom in
#' English writing (e.g. District of Columbia).
#' @return
#' The original string with the first letter of each word capitalized
#' @export
#' @examples
#' capitalize_words("district of columbia")
capitalize_words <- function(words, lowercase_of = TRUE) {

  if (!is.character(words)) {
    words <- as.character(words)

  original <- words
  words    <- unique(words)
  words    <- tolower(words)
  temp     <- words

  for (i in c(" ", "-", "#", "$", "%", "&", '\\(', "-", "_", "=", "/", "@", ")")) {
    words <- strsplit(words, i)
    words <- lapply(words, upper_first_letter)
    words <- unlist(lapply(words, paste, collapse = i))

  words <- gsub("\\\\", "", words)

  for (i in 1:length(words)) {
    if (substr(temp[i], nchar(temp[i]), nchar(temp[i])) == ")") {
      words[i] <- paste0(words[i], ")")

  if (lowercase_of) {
    words <- gsub(" Of ", " of ", words)

  original <- words[match(tolower(original), tolower(words))]


upper_first_letter <- function(word) {
  first_letter <- toupper(substring(word, 1, 1))
  other_letters <- substring(word, first = 2)
  word <- paste0(first_letter, other_letters)

# For some reason a bunch of the datasets end certain columns with '_x" so this
# just removes it to be cleaner (personal choice, not really important)
drop_underscore_x_from_name <- function(x) {
  x <- gsub("_x$", "", x)
jacobkap/crime documentation built on Jan. 10, 2023, 8:19 a.m.