
Defines functions make_classifier sboost

Documented in sboost

#' @useDynLib sboost, .registration = TRUE
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
.onUnload <- function (libpath) {
  library.dynam.unload("sboost", libpath)

#' sboost Learning Algorithm
#' A machine learning algorithm using AdaBoost on decision stumps.
#' Factors and characters are treated as categorical features.
#' Missing values are supported.
#' See \url{https://jadonwagstaff.github.io/projects/sboost.html} for a description
#' of the algorithm.
#' For original paper describing AdaBoost see:
#' Freund, Y., Schapire, R.E.: A decision-theoretic generalization of on-line
#' learning and an application to boosting. Journal of Computer and System Sciences
#' 55(1), 119-139 (1997)
#' @param features feature set data.frame.
#' @param outcomes outcomes corresponding to the features.
#' @param iterations number of boosts.
#' @param positive the positive outcome to test for; if NULL, the first outcome in
#'                 alphabetical (or numerical) order will be chosen.
#' @param verbose If true, progress bar will be displayed in console.
#' @return An \emph{sboost_classifier} S3 object containing:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\emph{classifier}}{\emph{stump} - the index of the decision stump\cr
#'     \emph{feature} - name of the column that this stump splits on.\cr
#'     \emph{vote} - the weight that this stump has on the final classifier.\cr
#'     \emph{orientation} - shows how outcomes are split. If \emph{feature} is numeric
#'       shows split orientation, if \emph{feature} value is less than \emph{split} then vote
#'       is cast in favor of left side outcome, otherwise the vote is cast for the
#'       right side outcome. If \emph{feature} is categorical, vote is
#'       cast for the left side outcome if \emph{feature} value is found in
#'       \emph{left_categories}, otherwise vote is cast for right side outcome.\cr
#'     \emph{split} - if \emph{feature} is numeric, the value where the decision stump
#'             splits the outcomes; otherwise, NA.\cr
#'     \emph{left_categories} - if \emph{feature} is categorical, shows the \emph{feature}
#'       values that sway the vote to the left side outcome on the \emph{orientation} split;
#'       otherwise, NA.}
#'   \item{\emph{outcomes}}{Shows which outcome was considered as positive and which negative.}
#'   \item{\emph{training}}{\emph{stumps} - how many decision stumps were trained.\cr
#'     \emph{features} - how many features the training set contained.\cr
#'     \emph{instances} - how many instances or rows the training set contained.\cr
#'     \emph{positive_prevalence} - what fraction of the training instances were positive.}
#'   \item{\emph{call}}{Shows the parameters that were used to build the classifier.}
#' }
#' @seealso
#'   \code{\link{predict.sboost_classifier}} - to get predictions from the classifier.
#'   \code{\link{assess}} - to evaluate the performance of the classifier.
#'   \code{\link{validate}} - to perform cross validation for the classifier training.
#' @examples
#' # malware
#' malware_classifier <- sboost(malware[-1], malware[1], iterations = 5, positive = 1)
#' malware_classifier
#' malware_classifier$classifier
#' # mushrooms
#' mushroom_classifier <- sboost(mushrooms[-1], mushrooms[1], iterations = 5, positive = "p")
#' mushroom_classifier
#' mushroom_classifier$classifier
#' @export
sboost <- function(features, outcomes, iterations = 1, positive = NULL, verbose = FALSE) {

  # Experimenting with regression, not yet a feature available in the public package
  type <- "class"

  if (type == "reg") {
    sboost_output <- data.matrix(regression(features, outcomes, iterations))
    class(sboost_output) <- c("sboost")
  } else if (type == "mean") {
    sboost_output <- data.matrix(means(features, outcomes, iterations))
    class(sboost_output) <- c("sboost")
  } else {
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if (is.data.frame(outcomes)) outcomes <- as.vector(outcomes[[1]])
    processed_features <- process_feature_input(features)
    categorical <- find_categorical(features)
    otcm_def <- check_positive_value(outcomes, positive)
    processed_outcomes <- process_outcome_input(outcomes, features, otcm_def)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    classifier <- make_classifier(processed_features, processed_outcomes, categorical, iterations, verbose)
    sboost_output <- process_classifier_output(classifier, features, outcomes, otcm_def, match.call())


# make_classifier takes an unordered set of features and outcomes,
#        orders them, and calls the appropriate functions for each iteration
# Param: features - a numerical matrix of features
# Param: outcomes - a numerical vector of outcomes
# Param: categorical - a vector representing which features are categorical
# Param: iterations to call appropriate functions
# Return: classifier consisting of a linear combination of decision stumps
make_classifier <- function(features, outcomes, categorical, iterations, verbose) {

  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ordered_index <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(features), ncol = ncol(features))
  for (i in 1:ncol(features)) {
    ordered_index[, i] <- order(features[, i]) - 1

  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  classifier <- adaboost(features, ordered_index, outcomes, categorical, iterations, verbose)

jadonwagstaff/sboost documentation built on May 16, 2022, 7:58 a.m.