
Defines functions tripcode.to.timestamp

  tripcode.to.timestamp = function(x, y ) {
    #added by BC to fix one trip in 2023 that went over midnight to fix mismatch
    ind = which(paste(x,y, sep="") == "S1710202300:30:00")
    if(length(ind) > 0){
      x[ind] = "S18102023"
    #require( lubridate)
    # take a snow crab trip code and time to create a POSIXct object using lubridate
    z = nchar(x[1])
    yr = as.numeric(substring( x, z-3, z))
    mth = as.numeric(substring( x, z-5, z-4))
    day = as.numeric(substring( x, 2, z-6))
    datecode = paste( yr, mth, day, sep="-")
    datetime = ymd_hms( paste( datecode, y), tz="America/Halifax" ) # base storage is ADT/AST
    datetime = with_tz( datetime, "UTC" ) # convert to UTC .. internal storage
    return( datetime )
jae0/snowcrab documentation built on Aug. 25, 2024, 7:30 p.m.