
## ============================================================================
## Functions specific to the data.table package
## Includes 1. data.table related functions not for export
##          2. functions for export
## Assertations related to data.tables are in assertations.R
## ============================================================================

## data.table related functions not for export --------------------------------

# Turns a vector of numerics or characters into essentially a NSE
# version, where the input to the expression is returned, unevaluted
vectorToParsedTxt <- function(vector, wrap = '"', collapse = ", ",
                              concatenate = "c(", end = ")") {
    vector %>%
        paste0(wrap, ., wrap) %>%
        paste(collapse = collapse) %>%
        paste0(concatenate, ., end)

# Returns vectorToParsedTxt for a list of vectors. If the vector is
# numeric, nothing is wrapped around the numbers, otherwise single quotes
# are wrapped around the elements of each list/vector
vectorsToParsedTxt <- function(listVectors) {
    lapply(listVectors, function(f) {
        if (is.numeric(f)) {
            vectorToParsedTxt(f, wrap = "") 
        } else if (is.factor(f)) {
            vectorToParsedTxt(f, concatenate = "factor(c(", end = "))")
        } else {

# Turns a list of vectors into an unevaluated i expression in data.table
# that will subset the data.table by the expression (note that keys must
# already be set on the data.table for this to work)
vectorsToParsedTxtDT <- function(listVectorsNSE) {
    listVectorsNSE %>%
        vectorsToParsedTxt() %>%
        unlist() %>%
        paste(collapse = ", ") %>%
        paste0("list(", .,")")

# Function to create an S3 object: subsetObj
subsetObj <- function(...) {
    # Put ... into a list
    obj <- list(...)
    # Error handling - is the length of ... > 0
    assert_that(length(obj) > 0)
    # Error handling - does every element have a name?
    if ("" %in% names(obj)) {
        stop("Each element of the subsetObj needs to have a name that ",
             "corresponds with a column name.")
    # Error handling - does each element have > 0 elements w/i?
    if (all(vapply(obj, length, numeric(1)) == 0)) {
        stop("Each element needs to have one or more items to subset on.")
    structure(obj, class = "subsetObj")

# Function for determining if an object is a subsetObj
is.subsetObj <- function(obj) inherits(obj, "subsetObj")

# Function for extracting column names from a subsetObj
getSubsetCols <- function(subsetObj) {

getSubsetCols.subsetObj <- function(subsetObj) {

# Function for getting a data.table expression for a subsetObj
getSubsetExpr <- function(subsetObj) {

getSubsetExpr.subsetObj <- function(subsetObj) {

# keyMatch: determines if the keys in a data.table exactly match the a 
# character vector of specified keys
keyMatch <- function(data, keys) {

keyMatch.data.table <- function(data, keys) {
    dataKeys <- attributes(data)$sorted
    ifelse(is.null(dataKeys), FALSE, identical(dataKeys, keys))

# hasKey: TRUE or FALSE, does a data.table have a key set?
hasKey <- function(data) {

hasKey.data.table <- function(data) {

## Functions for export -------------------------------------------------------

#' keepColsDT()
#' Deletes all of the columns in a data.table by reference except for the 
#' columns that you specify to keep.
#' @keywords keep, columns, DT, data.table
#' @param data a data.table
#' @param keepCols a character vector of column names NOT to delete
#' @param verbose TRUE by default, if FALSE it turns off the messages that
#' appear after each column is deleted by reference.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' columnsToKeep <- c("mpg", "cyl", "disp")
#' mtcars <- data.table(mtcars)
#' keepColsDT(mtcars, columnsToKeep)

keepColsDT <- function(data = NULL, keepCols = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
    # Error handling
    #assertthat::assert_that(namesIn(keepCols, data))
    if (!namesIn(keepCols, data)) {
        stop("One or more names in 'keepCols' is not present in names(data).")
    # Figure out which columns to delete
    allCols <- names(data)
    deleteCols <- allCols[!(allCols %in% keepCols)]
    if (length(deleteCols) < 1) {
        stop("No columns found to delete, please check your keepCols arg.")
    if (identical(deleteCols, allCols)) {
        stop("You cannot delete every remaining column in your 'data' arg.")
    # Delete the columns
    for (col in deleteCols) data.table::set(data, , col, NULL)
    # Messages after the columns have been deleted (happens so quickly that
    # I don't think messages need to appear after each is deleted 1-by-1)
    if (verbose & interactive()) {
        message(paste(deleteCols, collapse = ", "), " deleted by reference.")

#' deleteColsDT()
#' Deletes all of the specified columns in a data.table by reference.
#' @keywords delete, columns, DT, data.table
#' @param data a data.table
#' @param deleteCols a character vector of column names o delete
#' @param verbose TRUE by default, if FALSE it turns off the messages that
#' appear after each column is deleted by reference.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' columnsToDelete <- c("mpg", "cyl", "disp")
#' mtcars <- data.table(mtcars)
#' deleteColsDT(mtcars, columnsToDelete)

deleteColsDT <- function(data = NULL, deleteCols = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
    # Error handling
    #assertthat::assert_that(namesIn(deleteCols, data))
    if (!namesIn(deleteCols, data)) {
        stop("One or more names in 'keepCols' is not present in names(data).")
    if (identical(deleteCols, names(data))) {
        stop("You cannot delete every remaining column in your 'data' arg.")
    # Delete the columns
    for (col in deleteCols) data.table::set(data, , col, NULL)
    # Messages after each column is deleted
    if (verbose & interactive()) {
        message(paste(deleteCols, collapse = ", "), " deleted by reference.")

#' mergeDT()
#' Merges two data.tables using 
#' @keywords merge, tables, DT, data.table, fast, key, setkey
#' @param DT1 a data.table
#' @param DT2 a data.table
#' @param keys a character vector of one or more columns to join on between
#' DT1 or DT2. If you have already used \code{data.table::setkey()} to set
#' the keys for DT1 and DT2 and those keys are identical, and you do not
#' specify the keys argument, the join will be performed on those columns.
#' @param keepCols a character vector of column names NOT to delete. You may
#' specify keepCols or deleteCols but NOT BOTH.
#' @param deleteCols a character vector of column names to delete. You may
#' specify keepCols or deleteCols but NOT BOTH.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' Merging two data.tables where we specify the key in \code{mergeDT}:
#' mergeDT(DT1, DT2, keys = "common_id")
#' Setting keys first, then merging two data.tables:
#' setkey(DT1, common_id)
#' setkey(DT2, common_id)
#' mergeDT(DT1, DT2)

mergeDT <- function(DT1 = NULL, DT2 = NULL, keys = NULL, keepCols = NULL, 
                    deleteCols = NULL) {
    # Arguments: data.tables 1 (DT1) and 2 (DT2), a character vector of keys
    #            (keys) to be used to merge DT1 and DT2, and, optionally, 
    #            either a character vector of columns to keep from DT2 
    #            (keepCols) or remove from DT2 (removeCols)
    # Outputs: a merged data.table (full join)
    # Error handling - are DT1 and DT2 valid?
    # Copy the data.tables
    DT1 <- data.table::copy(DT1)
    DT2 <- data.table::copy(DT2)
    # Error handling - do DT1 and DT2 have identical keys? If not, the keys
    # argument must be supplied
    DT1keys <- attributes(DT1)$sorted
    DT2keys <- attributes(DT2)$sorted
    if (is.null(keys) & !is.null(DT1keys) & !is.null(DT2keys)) {
        if (identical(DT1keys, DT2keys)) {
        } else {
            stop("You have not specified the 'keys' argument, and your ",
                 "two data.tables do not have identical keys. Please either ",
                 "set the keys argument, or give your data.tables identical ",
    } else {
        # Error handling - is the 'keys' argument supplied?
        if(is.null(keys)) {
            stop("You have not specified the 'keys' argument, and your ",
                 "two data.tables do not have identical keys. Please either ",
                 "set the keys argument, or give your data.tables identical ",
        # Set appropriate keys
        data.table::setkeyv(DT1, keys)
        data.table::setkeyv(DT2, keys)
    # Keep or delete columns depending on the keepCols and deleteCols args
    allCols <- names(DT2)
    if (!is.null(keepCols) & !is.null(deleteCols)) {
        stop("You can only specify one of 'keepCols' or 'deleteCols'")
    } else if (!is.null(keepCols)) {
        keepColsDT(DT2, keepCols, silent = TRUE)
    } else if (!is.null(deleteCols)) {
        deleteColsDT(DT2, deleteCols, silent = TRUE)
    # Merge the tables (full join)

#' subsetDT()
#' Subsets a data.table by either setting keys, or using keys that have already
#' been set. This type of subset may be faster than using a subset expression
#' in the i clause of a data.table statement without setting keys. 
#' @keywords subset, rows, DT, data.table
#' @param data a data.table
#' @param ... one or more lists, where the first element of the list is the
#' column name, and the second element is one or more items from that column
#' to subset. 
#' @param ref TRUE by default, it will take the keys that are set during 
#' the subset process and apply those keys to data by reference. If FALSE,
#' a copy of data is made via \code{data.table::copy()}, leaving data
#' unaffected by the key setting in subsetDT.
#' @export

subsetDT <- function(data, ..., ref = TRUE) {
    # Error handling
    # Create a subset object if one wasn't passed to ...
    obj <- subsetObj(...)
    columns <- getSubsetCols(obj)
    # Are all of the columns in names(data)?
    if (!namesIn(columns, data)) {
        stop("One or more of your columns are not present in names(data).")
    # If keys matching the columns in ... exist, use those keys. If not, set
    # keys. If ref == FALSE, make a data.table::copy of data, otherwise the
    # keys will be set by reference.
    if (!keyMatch(data, columns)) {
        if (ref == FALSE) data <- data.table::copy(data)
        setkeyv(data, columns)

    # Get the expression
    subsetExpr <- getSubsetExpr(obj)
    # Subset data
    data[eval(parse(text = subsetExpr)), ]
jakesherman/jakemisc documentation built on May 18, 2019, 9:08 a.m.