
context("Evolutionary Multi-Objective Algorithms")

test_that("preimplemented EMOAs work well", {

  #FIXME: is something like this in BBmisc? Needed that multiple times now.
  printList = function(l) {
    ns = names(l)
    pairs = sapply(ns, function(n) {
      paste0(n, l[[n]], sep = "=")
    collapse(pairs, ", ")

  expect_is_pareto_approximation = function(pf, n.obj, algo, prob, algo.pars) {
    info.suffix = sprintf("Algo '%s' failed on problem '%s' with params '%s'",
      algo, prob, printList(algo.pars))
    expect_equal(nrow(pf), length(which.nondominated(t(pf))), info = paste0(info.suffix, "Not all returned points are nondominated."))
    expect_true(all(is.numeric(pf)), info = paste0(info.suffix, "Not all returned points are numeric."))
    expect_equal(ncol(pf), n.obj, info = paste0(info.suffix, "Number of columns is not equal to the number of objectives."))

  fns = list(
    zdt1 = smoof::makeZDT1Function(dimensions = 2L),
    zdt2 = smoof::makeZDT2Function(dimensions = 3L)
  max.evals = 200L

  # test NSGA-II
  for (n.pop in c(5, 10, 15)) {
    for (fn in names(fns)) {
      res = nsga2(
        task = makeOptimizationTask(fns[[fn]]),
        n.population = n.pop,
        n.offspring = 5L,
        max.evals = max.evals,
        monitor = NULL
      expect_is_pareto_approximation(res$pareto.front, getNumberOfObjectives(fns[[fn]]), "nsga2", fn,
        list(n.pop = n.pop, n.offspring = 5L, max.evals = max.evals)

  # test SMS-EMOA
  for (n.pop in c(5, 10, 15)) {
    for (fn in names(fns)) {
      res = smsemoa(
        task = makeOptimizationTask(fns[[fn]]),
        n.population = n.pop,
        max.evals = max.evals,
        monitor = NULL
      expect_is_pareto_approximation(res$pareto.front, 2L, "smsemoa", fn,
        list(n.pop = n.pop, n.offspring = 5L, max.evals = max.evals)

  # test Aspiration-Set EMOA (AS-EMOA)
  for (n.pop in c(10, 20)) {
    task = makeOptimizationTask(makeZDT3Function(dimensions = 2L))
    aspiration.set = matrix(
      c(0.2, 0.25,
        0.21, 0.2,
        0.18, 0.4), ncol = 3L, byrow = FALSE
    res = asemoa(task, n.population = n.pop, max.evals = max.evals,
      aspiration.set = aspiration.set, monitor = NULL)
    expect_is_pareto_approximation(res$pareto.front, 2L, "asemoa", "ZDT3",
      list(n.pop = n.pop, n.archive = 3L))

test_that("Summary function for EMOA result works", {
  # Check multiple parents support
  zdt1 = smoof::makeZDT1Function(dimensions = 2L)
  # test NSGA-II
  res = nsga2(
    task = makeOptimizationTask(zdt1),
    n.population = 30L,
    n.offspring = 10L,
    max.evals = 150L,
    monitor = NULL

  xx = summary(res)
  expect_class(xx, c("list", "ecr_multi_objective_result_summary"))
  expect_true(is.numeric(xx$dom.hv) && xx$dom.hv >= 0)

  # since we did not pass any any reference points, all the other indicators are NA
  expect_true(all(is.na(xx[which(names(xx) %nin% c("n.nondom", "dom.hv"))])))

  xx = summary(res, ref.points = t(res$pareto.front))
  expect_true(all(xx >= 0))
jakobbossek/ecr documentation built on May 18, 2019, 9:09 a.m.