
utils::globalVariables(c("choice", "choice_id"))

#' Get survey response choices
#' Retrieve a table giving the response choices for each close-ended question in
#' a survey. Text-entry and other question types without predefined choices are
#' omitted.
#' @param design_object A \code{\link{qualtrics_design-class}} object retrieved
#' from Qualtrics by \code{\link{design}}.
#' @return A table of response choices. 
#' @seealso \code{\link{blocks}}, \code{\link{questions}}
#' @importFrom utils type.convert
#' @export
choices <- function(design_object) {

  choice_tree <- lapply(design_object$questions, function(question) {
    lapply(question[["choices"]], function(element) {
      element <- nulls_to_na(element)
  # omit questions without predefined choices, which appear as empty lists
  choice_tree <- choice_tree[!vapply(choice_tree, function(x) !length(x),
  choice_tbl <- parse_choices(choice_tree)

parse_choices <- function(choice_tree) {
  # choice_tree is a list of lists: there is a list for each survey item, and
  # each of these lists contains a list for each available choice
  # the names in choice_tree are question ids, which should be unique
  stopifnot(identical(names(choice_tree), unique(names(choice_tree))))

  # deal with case of MC with "other" option
  z <- lapply(choice_tree, unlist, recursive = FALSE)
  z <- lapply(z, function(y) lapply(y, function(z) if(!length(z)) z <- NA else z))
  x <- data.table::rbindlist(z, fill = TRUE, idcol = "question_id")
  x[, names(x) := lapply(.SD, as.character)]
  # x is now a wide table with columns like 9.description, 9.choiceText...
  x <- data.table::melt(x,
    id.vars = "question_id",
    variable.name = "choice_id",
    na.rm = TRUE)
  # split e.g. 9.description into a choice_id number and key
  x[, c("choice_id", "key") := data.table::tstrsplit(x$choice_id, "\\.")]
  x <- data.table::dcast.data.table(x, question_id + choice_id ~ key, value.var = "value")
  # we want a numeric sort on choice id
  x[, choice_id := type.convert(choice_id)]

format_choices <- function(tbl) {
  data.table::setkeyv(tbl, c("question_id", "choice_id"))
  data.table::setnames(tbl, names(tbl), uncamel(names(tbl)))
  for (varname in c("recode", "description")) {
    if (varname %in% names(tbl)) {
      data.table::setnames(tbl, varname, paste0("choice_", varname))
  data.table::setcolorder(tbl, union("choice_id", names(tbl)))
jamesdunham/qsurvey documentation built on May 18, 2019, 11:20 a.m.