
Tables show per-gene probabilities of de novo variation Probabilities are per chromosome, per generation. To obtain probabilities for a cohort, multiply by 2 (to get diploid probability), then by the number of people in the population. Unless otherwise indicates, probability tables are adjusted for typical exome sequencing coverage & mega-base scale inter-species divergence.

probTable_Samocha2014 original probability table from Samocha 2014 source data = "fixed_mut_prob_fs_adjdepdiv" uses refseq transcripts gene ids are ??

internal data (denovolyzeR:::pDNM) updated table, based on canonical Gencode transcripts source data = "hgnc_annotated_depthadj_pmuts_fs_canonical_transcripts_div_Feb07" ENST represent the transcript that were used to calculate probabilities hgnc identifiers are also provided for convenience

jamesware/denovolyzeR documentation built on May 18, 2019, 11:21 a.m.