################################# #
# maxnet ENMdetails object ####
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maxnet.name <- "maxnet"
maxnet.fun <- maxnet::maxnet
maxnet.errors <- function(occs, envs, bg, tune.args, partitions, algorithm,
partition.settings, other.settings,
categoricals, doClamp, clamp.directions) {
if(!("rm" %in% names(tune.args)) | !("fc" %in% names(tune.args))) {
stop("Maxent settings must include 'rm' (regularization multiplier) and 'fc' (feature class) settings. See ?tune.args for details.")
if(!is.numeric(tune.args[["rm"]])) {
stop("Please input numeric values for 'rm' settings for maxnet.")
all.fc <- unlist(sapply(1:5, function(x) apply(combn(c("L","Q","H","P","T"), x), 2, function(y) paste(y, collapse = ""))))
if(any(!tune.args[["fc"]] %in% all.fc)) {
stop("Please input accepted values for 'fc' settings for maxnet.")
if(any(tune.args$rm <= 0)) {
stop("Please input a positive value for 'rm' settings for maxnet.")
maxnet.msgs <- function(tune.args, other.settings) {
msg <- paste0("maxnet from maxnet package v", packageVersion('maxnet'))
maxnet.args <- function(occs.z, bg.z, tune.tbl.i, other.settings) {
out <- list()
out$data <- rbind(occs.z, bg.z)
out$p <- c(rep(1, nrow(occs.z)), rep(0, nrow(bg.z)))
out$f <- maxnet::maxnet.formula(out$p, out$data, classes = tolower(tune.tbl.i$fc))
out$regmult <- tune.tbl.i$rm
# some models fail to converge if this parameter is not set to TRUE
# usually the case with sparse datasets
if(is.null(other.settings$addsamplestobackground)) {
out$addsamplestobackground <- TRUE
out$addsamplestobackground <- other.settings$addsamplestobackground
out <- c(out, other.settings$other.args)
maxnet.predict <- function(mod, envs, other.settings) {
requireNamespace("maxnet", quitely = TRUE)
# function to generate a prediction Raster* when raster data is specified as envs,
# and a prediction data frame when a data frame is specified as envs
if(inherits(envs, "SpatRaster") == TRUE) {
pred <- maxnet.predictRaster(mod, envs, other.settings$pred.type,
# otherwise, envs is data frame, so return data frame of predicted values
pred <- predict(mod, envs, type = other.settings$pred.type, na.rm = TRUE,
clamp = other.settings$doClamp,
other.settings$other.args) |> as.numeric()
maxnet.ncoefs <- function(mod) {
# no existing method in model object for variable importance
maxnet.variable.importance <- function(mod) {
#' @title ENMdetails maxnet
#' @description This is the ENMdetails implementation for maxnet, the R version of
#' the Maxent algorithm. The configuration for running the model now includes addsamplestobackground = TRUE,
#' which explicitly adds presences to the background for model training, though as the current
#' version of maxnet has this set to TRUE as default, behavior between ENMeval versions should not differ.
#' @export
enm.maxnet <- ENMdetails(name = maxnet.name, fun = maxnet.fun, errors = maxnet.errors,
msgs = maxnet.msgs, args = maxnet.args,
predict = maxnet.predict, ncoefs = maxnet.ncoefs, variable.importance = maxnet.variable.importance)
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