
#' @title Query logR data
#' @description Query logR logs from defined database or csv file.
#' @param alert logical, if TRUE then filter out non-alerts.
#' @param status logical, if TRUE then filter out success.
#' @param since POSIXt or Date, if provided then filter on start timestamp.
#' @param where list named, each element can be a vector of character values for `IN` filter for name in list.
#' @param limit integer, if provided then limit numbers of rows returned.
#' @param .conn DBI connection.
#' @param .table character.
#' @param .schema character.
#' @details By default all function arguments will be taken from options which are used to setup logR logging, for arguments description see \link{logR}.
#' @return Logs according to filters in \emph{DESC} order.
#' @seealso \link{logR}, \link{logR_watcher}
logR_query = function(alert, status, since, where, limit, .conn = getOption("logR.conn"), .table = getOption("logR.table"), .schema = getOption("logR.schema")){
    sql = paste0("SELECT * FROM ",paste(c(.schema,.table),collapse="."))
    # - [x] decode custom filter in `where` arg, from list to character
    where = if(!missing(where)){
            sapply(names(where), function(col) sprintf("(%s IN (%s))", col, paste0("'",where[[col]],"'", collapse=", ")))
        } else character()
    } else character()
    # - [x] allow filter for alerts or NULL
        if(isTRUE(alert)) where = c(where, "(alert = TRUE OR alert IS NULL)")
    # - [x] allow filter for non-success status or NULL
        if(isTRUE(status)) where = c(where, "(status != 'success' OR status IS NULL)")
    # - [x] allow filter by since data/POSIXt
        if(!any(class(since) %in% c("POSIXct","POSIXlt","Date"))) stop("logR_query 'since' argument must be POSIXt or Date.")
        if(class(since) %in% "Date") since = as.POSIXct(since)
        where = c(where, paste0("logr_start >= '",format(since, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS"),"'::TIMESTAMPTZ"))
        sql = paste(sql, paste(where, collapse=" AND "), sep = " WHERE ")
    # - [x] return logs in *DESC* order
    sql = paste(sql,"ORDER BY logr_id DESC")
        sql = paste(sql, paste("LIMIT",as.integer(limit)))
    sql = paste0(sql,";")
        logr <- setDT(dbGetQuery(.conn, sql)),
        error = function(e) stop(paste0("Query to logR table fails. See below sql and error for details.\n",sql,"\n",as.character(e)), call. = FALSE)

#' @title Detects invalid logs
#' @description On unlikely fatal error R session crash while evaluting logged expression it will not update \code{status} field in database. This functions helps to detect such cases.
#' @param since POSIXt or Date, must be provided for this function.
#' @details \code{since} parameter default value is current timestamp minus one day, so it should be scheduled daily. If you don't want to provide \code{since} param then use \code{logR_query} directly.
#' @return Will raise warning in case if it will find any NULL stats logs. Otherwise NULL invisibly.
#' @seealso \link{logR_query}
logR_watcher = function(since = Sys.time()-86400){
    status = NULL
    # - [x] wraps logR to detect NULL status - fatal errors - by default since previous day
    logr = logR_query(status=TRUE, since=since)[is.na(status)]
    if(nrow(logr) > 0L) warning(paste("Unknown 'status' detected by logR_watcher, count:", nrow(logr)))

#' @title Query whole logR table
#' @description Easy way to fetch all logs from logR table.
#' @param .conn DBI connection.
#' @param .table character.
#' @param .schema character.
#' @return data.table, if non-zero length then ordered by \emph{logr_id} field.
logR_dump = function(.conn = getOption("logR.conn"), .table = getOption("logR.table"), .schema = getOption("logR.schema")){
    logr_id = NULL
        logr <- setDT(dbReadTable(.conn, c(.schema, .table))),
        error = function(e) stop(sprintf("Query to logR table (%s) fails.\n%s", paste(c(.schema, .table), collapse="."), as.character(e)), call. = FALSE)
    if(ncol(logr)) logr[order(logr_id)] else logr
jangorecki/logR documentation built on May 18, 2019, 12:24 p.m.