knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

respr v2.0 was a huge rewrite and rethinking of the entire package. During this process it quickly became clear we could not update the package satisfactorily without breaking some code from v1.x. Therefore, we took the decision to implement these and a few other improvements in the belief that it was better to do it now and have the package work consistently and logically well into the future even if it meant some v1.x code may break.

While the majority of the package workflows are in general unchanged, and older code may work, there are enough changes that we recommend old code be used very carefully with v2. respR workflows are generally concise and overall work in the same way, so any updating of code to be compatible should be relatively straightforward.

This is an incomplete summary of the major code changes in v2.0, with some suggestions for how to update older code to allow it to work. See here for full release notes for this version.

If you have completed or are in the process of submitting a publication and respR v1.x code as supplementary information, see vignette("v1_code") for information about how to include a link to respR v1.1 so that your code will remain reproducible in the future.

If you come across any changes that are not documented here, and you think should be, let us know and we will add it to the list.

Deprecated functions

inspect_data and pcrit were officially deprecated some time ago, and have been completely removed in this version. Update code to use inspect() and oxy_crit() instead.

Pcrit analyses

As well as pcrit being removed, calc_pcrit has been renamed oxy_crit() to avoid conflicts with another package. Any code using calc_pcrit can be replaced with oxy_crit, and may work, since the defaults have remained largely the same. Note however the new method input. Previously both currently supported methods were performed, but now only one is, selected using method with Broken-Stick regression the default. Therefore, outputs may not be the same. Output objects have been completely restructured and elements renamed, so any code extracting results from these will not work.

Flowthrough respirometry analyses

The entire workflow for analysing flowthrough respirometry data has changed. Any previous code for analysing these types of data will likely not work, and should be rewritten using the four new specialised functions. See vignette("flowthrough") for more details.

Input changes

Several function inputs have been renamed to make them more consistent.

Output structural changes

The majority of function outputs have been restructured and many elements renamed. Any code that directly extracted results or parameters from these may not now work. Updating code should be relatively straightforward as error messages will state an element is missing or not found, or a NULLwill be returned. Normal object-oriented workflows should not be affected as functions have been updated to recognise new element names.

The general changes include the following:

Function specific changes


This function has been rewritten to be less aggressive about removing empty or non-numeric columns, or those containing data which wasn't time or oxygen, such as temperature. Now, all columns are retained, where possible. Column renaming has been updated to be much more robust, ensuring unique column names, and removing problematic characters. The result is any previous datasets imported using this function will likely have different column structures and naming. Best option is to reimport the data, check the structure, and edit any column references in subsequent code.


If saving output as a data frame, the added numeric time column is now titled time.num rather than elapsed. If the reference $elapsed is used in code for some reason, find and replace $elapsed with $time.num.


Primary input df now renamed to x. Any code using df = can be replaced with x =.

Inputs have been reordered with method as second input. Code where inputs were not explicitly named may not work as it did previously.

The "max" and "min" methods have been deprecated. These still work as before for now, so older code using these will still work, but they will be removed in a future version. Most users should use "highest" and "lowest" instead. Note the new "maximum" and "minimum" methods do not work the same as "max"/"min", as they order strictly numerically. See help(auto_rate).

The width input behaviour has changed slightly. Previously if it was a value between 0 and 1 it represented a proportional width of the whole dataset regardless of the by input. This now applies only to by = "row". If by = "time" any value between 0 and 1 now represents (as with values above 1) a time window in the units of the time data. Any code with by = "time" and width between 0 and 1 will now produce different outputs. Replace by = "time" with by = "row" and the results should match the previous version.


By default, the function now outputs a vector of converted numeric values as opposed to the previous output which was a list object of class convert_DO. A new simplify logical input controls this, with the default being TRUE. Previous code which saved this output for later use can restore this behaviour by adding simplify = FALSE to the call. Code which used or extracted converted values by calling the $output element can be used by doing a search for this and replacing it with nothing, or deleting it.

The "%" oxygen unit has been deprecated and replaced with "%Air". In older code replace "%" (and other variations such as "percent") with "%Air". See help("convert_DO"). Note, the additional unit of "%Oxy" has been added. These are not the same.


This function has been completely rewritten to incorporate several new adjustment methods. The original inputs (x and by) have been retained as the first two inputs, and the default behaviour of applying the mean of all background rates in by as the adjustment value is also retained. Therefore, older code should work as before, but care should be taken that the desired adjustments are applied as expected.


calc_rate() and subset_data()

A change to the code for determining by = "oxygen" ranges to ensure it works with both oxygen production data as well as oxygen uptake data, means that output results may differ from those in v1.1. The previous behaviour was the function found the first occurrence of the from value, then the first occurrence of to, with rates determined between these bounds. Now, it finds the first occurrence of from, then the last occurrence of to. With most data any difference in rates as a result of this change should be minor. Also as a result, data subsets in subset_data() using this method now tend to be longer.


The output $list and $list_raw elements renamed $locs and $locs_raw. Code should not need to be updated unless these were used to extract references to fix data issues in the relevant data frames.


The o2.unit has been renamed to oxy.unit. Previous code with o2.unit as a named input will therefore fail to run. To update code, simply do a 'find-and-replace' for the old and new inputs.

januarharianto/respR documentation built on April 20, 2024, 4:34 p.m.