
#' @title createRepo
#' @description Creates a new project and pushes it to GitHub
#' @details This is designed to make a bare repo to be used for workshops. It will create a new project with a customized README and customized download file. It then pushes this to GitHub.
#' @export
#' @author Jared P. Lander
#' @md
#' @param name Name to use for project and repo
#' @param path Location for the new project
#' @param data [data.frame] listing data sources. Must have at least the following columns: Local (the name the file should be on disk after downloaded), Remote (the URL of the file), Mode (the way to write to disk, either 'w' or 'wb').
#' @param packages Vector of packages that the user will be instructed to install.
#' @param user GitHub username
#' @param organizer Name of organizer of class. This can be in the form a a Markdown-style link.
#' @param token The name of the environment variable holding the GitHub access token. This can be set with [base::Sys.setenv()].
#' @param readme Path to parameterized rmarkdown document with parameters `className`, `organizer` and `packages`. If missing the default from the package is used.
#' @param ssh If `TRUE`, change the remote to use ssh instead of https
#' @return If all operations are successful, returns `TRUE`
createRepo <- function(name, path, 
                       packages=c('here', 'knitr', 'rmarkdown', 
                                  'tidyverse', 'usethis'),
    # use defaults for certain arguments
        user <- Sys.info()['user']
    # they must specify a path
        stop('You must specify a path to for the generated repo.')
    # they MUST install usethis and rprojroot, so if they are not in the 
    # packages list they are added
    # and a message is generated saying as such
    unique(c(packages, 'rprojroot', 'usethis'))
    # create new project
    # copy code, data, images, prep, etc
    # folders <- dir(here::here('payload'), full.names=TRUE)
    folders <- dir(system.file('payload', package='RepoGenerator'), 
                   # include all files to get .gitignore
                   # this seems a little dangerous to me
                   # because what other hidden files are coming
    file.copy(folders, file.path(path), recursive=TRUE)
        readme <- file.path(path, 'README.Rmd')
    # render the README
    # remove the HTML version of README which was created for some reason I don't know
    unlink(file.path(path, 'README.html'))
    ## add list of files to the download file
    # if the data is missing, take all the data in metadata
        data <- utils::read.csv(system.file('metadata/DataList.csv', package="RepoGenerator"), 
                         stringsAsFactors=FALSE, header=TRUE)
    dataBlocks <- createDownloadText(data)
    write(dataBlocks, file=file.path(path, 'prep', 'DownloadData.r'), append=TRUE)

    # create new GitHub repo
    # requires that the token be stored in GITHUB_PAT
    new_github_repo <- createGitHubRepo(repoName=name,
    # create git repo
    repo <- git2r::init(path)
    # add and commit files
    git2r::add(repo, dir(path, recursive=TRUE))
    # also add .gitignore
    # not sure if we can just change the above dir to include hidden files
    # because that might also include the .git folder
    git2r::add(repo, file.path(path, '.gitignore'))
    git2r::commit(repo, "Adding all files to Git")

    # add the remote
    git2r::remote_add(repo, 'origin', sprintf('https://github.com/%s/%s.git',
                                              user, name)
    # push to git
    git2r::push(repo, "origin", "refs/heads/master", 
    # switch to SSH afterward
    # this will allow us to use the ssh key to push to it instead of https
        # first we remove the current https remote
        git2r::remote_remove(repo, name='origin')
        # then we add the ssh remote
        git2r::remote_add(repo, 'origin', sprintf('git@github.com:%s/%s.git', 
                                                  user, name)

#' @title createDownloadText
#' @description Builds text for file that downloads data
#' @details Creates a block of code. The first line is a comment of the file name, then is uses [download.file()] using the remote URL and the local filename.
#' @author Jared P. Lander
#' @md
#' @param info [data.frame] listing data sources. Must have at least the following columns: Local (the name the file should be on disk after downloaded), Remote (the URL of the file), Mode (the way to write to disk, either 'w' or 'wb').
#' @return Returns the block of text
#' @examples 
#' dataList <- read.csv(system.file('metadata/DataList.csv', package='RepoGenerator'), 
#'     stringsAsFactors=FALSE, header=TRUE)
#' cat(RepoGenerator:::createDownloadText(dataList))
createDownloadText <- function(info)
    downloadBlock <- "# %s\ndownload.file(\n\t'%s',\n\tdestfile=file.path(dataDir, '%s'),\n\tmode='%s')\n"
    sprintf(downloadBlock, info$Local, info$Remote, info$Local, info$Mode)
jaredlander/RepoGenerator documentation built on May 10, 2019, 8:06 a.m.