
Defines functions `iap`

#' Number of Companion Species (IAP)
#' Function finds the number of companion species or the average
#' species richness of other species for each species in a
#' community. This is the quality index \eqn{Q} of Index of
#' Atmospheric Purity (IAP) in lichen bioindication (LeBlanc & De
#' Sloover 1970). The non-randomness of low or high \eqn{Q} values is
#' found by randomization.
#' @details Index of Atmospheric Purity (IAP) is used in bioindication
#' with epiphytic lichens and bryophytes (LeBlanc & De Sloover
#' 1970). It derives species indicator scores (\eqn{Q}) as the number
#' of other species in sampling units where each focal species is
#' present, and then finds the IAP values for each sampling unit as
#' scaled weighted sum of species indicator values.
#' Function \code{iapq} finds the \eqn{Q} values for all species in a
#' community data set. Function \code{iap} applies these values for a
#' community data set to evalute the IAP values for each site. The
#' species are matched by names. LeBlanc & De Sloover (1970) used
#' scaled abundance values and divided the weighted sum by 10, but
#' this is not done in the current function, but this is left to the
#' user.
#' Function \code{iapq} is a general measure of indicator value for
#' species richness and can well be used outside lichen
#' bioindication. The \eqn{Q} value is the average species richness in
#' sampling units where the species is present, excluding the species
#' itself from the richness. For rare species, \eqn{Q} is based on
#' small sample size, and is therefore more variable than for common
#' species. The \code{iapq} function assesses the non-randomness
#' (\sQuote{significance}) of \eqn{Q} by taking random samples of the
#' same size as the frequency (number of occurrence) of the focal
#' species and finding the average richness (without the focal
#' species) in these samples. Because species are more likely to be
#' present in species-rich sampling units than in species-poor, the
#' random sampling uses the observed species richness (with the
#' focal species) as weights in random sampling. Testing is two-sided
#' and the number of greater or less random values is multiplied with
#' two. The observed value of \eqn{Q} is included in the random sample
#' of species richness values both in assessing the \eqn{p}-value and
#' in estimating the quantiles.
#' @references LeBlanc, S.C. & De Sloover, J. (1970) Relation between
#' industrialization and the distribution and growth of epiphytic
#' lichens and mosses in Montreal. \emph{Can. J. Bot.} 48, 1485--1496.
#' @param comm The community data frame.
#' @param freq.min Minimum number of occurrences for analysed species.
#' @param permutations Number of permutations to assess the randomized
#' number of companion species.
#' @importFrom stats median sd quantile
#' @rdname iap
#' @export
`iapq` <-
    function (comm, freq.min = 5, permutations = 999)
    spno <- rowSums(comm > 0)
    freq <- colSums(comm > 0)
    take <- freq >= freq.min
    ntake <- sum(take)
    idx <- seq(ncol(comm))[take]
    out <- matrix(NA, nrow=ntake, ncol=7)
    rownames(out) <- colnames(comm)[take]
    colnames(out) <- c("Freq", "Q", "SES", "E(Q)", "2.5%", "97.5%", "Pr(Q)")
    sim <- numeric(permutations)
    for (i in 1:ntake) {
        k <- idx[i]
        othersp <- spno - (comm[,k] > 0)
        q <- mean(othersp[comm[,k]>0])
        out[i,2] <- q
        out[i,1] <- freq[k]
        for (j in 1:permutations)
            sim[j] <- mean(sample(othersp, freq[k], prob=spno))
        out[i,4] <- mean(sim)
        dev <- sd(sim)
        if (dev == 0) dev <- 1
        out[i,3] <- (q - out[i,4])/dev
        out[i,5:6] <- quantile(c(sim, q), c(0.025, 0.975))
        p <- if (q < median(sim)) sum(q >= sim) else sum(q <= sim)
        out[i,7] <- min(1, (2*p+1)/(permutations+1))
    class(out) <- "iapq"

#' @param iapq Result of \code{iapq}.
#' @rdname iap
#' @export
`iap` <-
    function(comm, iapq)
    comm <- as.matrix(comm[, rownames(iapq)])
    drop(comm %*% iapq[, 2, drop=FALSE])

#' @importFrom graphics matlines plot.default
#' @param x \code{iapq} result object.
#' @param \dots Other arguments to the function.
#' @rdname iap
#' @export
`plot.iapq` <-
    function (x, ...)
    plot.default(x, ...)
    i <- order(x[,1])
    matlines(x[i,1], x[i,4:6], lty=c(1,2,2), ...)

#' @importFrom stats printCoefmat
#' @export
`print.iapq` <-
    function (x, ...)
    printCoefmat(x, tst.ind = 2:6, ...)

#' @param object \code{iapq} result object.
#' @rdname iap
#' @export
`summary.iapq` <-
    function (object, ...)
    x <- object[object[,7] <= 0.1,]
    i <- order(x[,2])
    x <- x[i,]
    class(x) <- "iapq"
jarioksa/natto documentation built on March 28, 2024, 12:45 a.m.