
Defines functions read.rain.locations formatRain calculateEndTime read.rain

Documented in read.rain read.rain.locations

#'Retrieve rain data from City of Portland Hydra network.
#'The City of Portland operates a rain gauge network.  This function retrieves
#'rain data from the SQL server database using the USP_MODEL_RAIN stored procedure.
#'The stored procedure summarizes the data within a prespecified period of time
#'(e.g., hourly) and returns the summarized data rather than raw tips.
#'@param station a vector of hydra station codes; the default is the WPCL gauge
#'@param start the start date as a \code{Date} object
#'@param end the end date as a \code{Date} object
#'@param daypart the unit in which the interval is specified
#'@param interval the interval over which the data should be summarized
#'@param dsn Alternate dsn for the NEPTUNE database - for access to production or test instances.
#'@param format logical, TRUE will perform some data formatting, FALSE will return the data.frame exactly
#'as it was returned by the database
#'@return a data.frame of rain data
read.rain <- function(station = 160, start = end - 7, end = Sys.Date(),
                      daypart = c('day','hour', 'minute', 'month', 'year'),
                      interval = 1, server = NULL, format = T){
  con <- dbConnect(database = 'NEPTUNE', server = server)
  stopifnot(lubridate::is.Date(start), lubridate::is.Date(end))
  make.queries <- function(start, end, interval, daypart, station){
    qry <- sprintf("{call USP_MODEL_RAIN('%s', '%s', %s, '%s', %s)}",
                   format(start), format(end), interval, daypart, station)
    ans <- dbGetQuery(con, qry)
    return(if (is.data.frame(ans)) ans else NULL)

  # Format args and get data
  daypart <- match.arg(daypart)
  args <- data.frame(station, start, end, daypart, interval)
  rain <- purrr::pmap_dfr(args, make.queries)
  if (format){
    formatRain(rain, interval, daypart)
  } else {

#'@importMethodsFrom lubridate +
calculateEndTime <- function(x, interval, daypart){
  x$start.utc + lubridate::period(interval, daypart)

#'@importMethodsFrom lubridate +
formatRain <- function(x, interval, daypart, local.tz = "America/Los_angeles"){
  kFields <- c("location_name", "location_id",
               "start_local", "end_local", "rainfall_amount_inches",
               "sensor_present", "downtime",  "station_id")
  x <- read.rain.locations() |>
    sf::st_drop_geometry() |>
      y = x,
      by = c("location_id" = "h2_number")
    ) |>
      rainfall_amount_inches = as.numeric(rainfall_amount_inches),
      downtime = downtime == "Y",
      sensor_present = sensor_present == "Y",
      start_local = parseUTCm8Time(x$date_time),
      end_local   = start_local + lubridate::duration(interval, daypart)
    ) |>
      location_id, location_name, start_local, end_local,
      rainfall_amount_inches, sensor_present, downtime

  # x        <- merge(x, read.rain.locations() |> sf::st_drop_geometry(), by.x = 'h2_number',
  #                      by.y = 'location_id', all.x = T)
  # #names(x) <- gsub('_', '.', names(x), fixed = T)
  # x$rainfall_amount_inches <- as.numeric(x$rainfall_amount_inches)
  # x$downtime               <- x$downtime == 'Y'
  # x$sensor_present         <- x$sensor_present == 'Y'
  # #   Fix dates
  # x$start_local   <- parseUTCm8Time(x$date_time)
  # x$end_local     <- x$start_local + lubridate::duration(interval, daypart)
  # x$date_time   <- NULL
  # #   Sort
  # kFields <- c("location_name", "location_id",
  #              "start_local", "end_local", "rainfall_amount_inches",
  #              "sensor_present", "downtime",  "station_id")
  # x <- dplyr::arrange(x, location_id, start_local)
  # x <- x[,kFields]
  # #class(x) <- c('intervalrain', 'data.frame')

#'@rdname read.rain
read.rain.locations <- function(server = NULL)
  con <- dbConnect(database = 'NEPTUNE', server = server)
  qry <- c("
           SELECT DISTINCT STATION.h2_number as location_id,
                           STATION.station_name as location_name,
                           STATION.state_plane_x_ft AS x,
                           STATION.state_plane_y_ft AS y,
                           STATION.start_date       AS station_start,
                           STATION.end_date         AS station_end
           FROM STATION INNER JOIN RAIN_SENSOR on STATION.station_id = RAIN_SENSOR.station_id;")
  res <- dbGetQuery(con, qry)

  res$station_start <- parseUTCm8Time(res$station_start)
  res$station_end   <- parseUTCm8Time(res$station_end)
  res <- sf::st_as_sf(tibble::as_tibble(res), coords = c("x", "y"), crs = 2913)
jasonelaw/BESdata documentation built on Nov. 3, 2023, 9:32 a.m.