
##' Overlap window permutation tests.
##' Assess the signficance of the overlap or excess in a window using a
##' simulation based permutation test.
##' This function estimates the probability of observing an
##' overlap/excess in a given interval as extreme as the one observed under the
##' null hypothesis that A and B actually come from the same distribution. By
##' default, this hypothesis is tested by simulating new data A' and B' from a
##' Null density $f_0$ estimated by concatenating A and B.  Setting \code{parametric = F} 
##' will instead give a traditional permutation test (not yet implemented.)
##' @inheritParams overlapEstWindow
##' @param nperm The number of simulated samples or permutations to generate.
##' @param two.sided If \code{TRUE} the p-values returned for the excess are 
##' two-sided. P-values for the overlap are always one-sided.
##' @param excessRef The reference value against which to compare the
##' observed excess.  The default is zero, which should make sense in most cases. 
##' @return An object of class overlapPermObj; a list containing \describe{
##' \item{table}{A table listing the observed overlap and excess in the window,
##' their reference values under the null, and p-values from the permutation tests.}
##' \item{window}{The requested window \code{c(t0,t1)}}
##' \item{nperm}{The requested number of permtutations}
##' \item{nperm,parametric,two.sided,}{The values passed in the funciton call.}
##' \item{overlapRef}{The esitmated reference value, computed as:
##' $
##' \int_{t_0}^{t_1} \hat f_0(s) ds
##' $}
##' }
##' \item{excessRef}{The reference value for the excess passed in the funciton call. }
##' @seealso {summary.overlapPermObj}
##' @export
overlapPerm <- function(A,B,t0=0,t1=24,adjust=0.8,nperm=1e3,kmax=3,
	 obs <- overlapEstWindow(A,B,t0,t1,adjust,kmax)

	 # Estimate the maximal overlap in the window under H0: f_A = f_B
	 bw <- getBandWidth(c(A,B), kmax = kmax) / adjust
	 d0 <- function(x){
	 overlapRef <- integrate(d0,t0/12*pi,t1/12*pi)$value
	 ## Run the Permutations ##
	    newSamples <- resample(c(A,B),nperm,adjust=adjust,kmax=kmax)
	    Anew <- newSamples[1:length(A),]
	    Bnew <- newSamples[{length(A)+1}:{length(A)+length(B)},]
	    ## Make parallel, check interupt, and/or print progress
      # res is a matrix with row 1 overlap, row 2 excess
	    res <-
	 } else{
	 	cat('Non-parametric not implemented yet\n')

	 ## Compute p-values
	 p <- c()

	 # Ovrelap p #
	 p[1] <- mean(res[1,] <= obs$overlap)

	   p[2] <- mean(abs(res[2,]-excessRef) >= abs(obs$excess-excessRef))
	 } else{
     p[2] <- ifelse({obs$excess-excessRef} >= 0, mean(res[2,] >= obs$excess),
                    mean(res[2,] <= obs$excess))
	 table <- matrix(c(obs$overlap,overlapRef,p[1],obs$excess,excessRef,p[2]),
	 rownames(table) <- c('overlap','net excess')
	 colnames(table) <- c('observed','reference','p-value')
	 out <- list(table=table,window=c(t0,t1),nperm=nperm,
	 class(out) <- c('overlapPermObj','list')
jbhender/camtrap documentation built on May 18, 2019, 5:59 p.m.