
Defines functions desired_ep_Ftest

Documented in desired_ep_Ftest

#' Determines the required sample size in a future study to achieve the desired expected power (ep)
#' based on the uncertainty associated with an existing study.
#' Uses the F-test of the previous study as input in the sample size planning process.
#' @param Ftest The F-test of the previous study.
#' @param df1 The numerator degrees of freedom.
#' @param df2 The denominator degrees of freedom.
#' @param desired_ep The desired expected power for the future study.
#' @param alpha The significance level. Default is \eqn{\alpha = .05}.
#' @param filter The filter value reflects the probability of nonsignificant results being filtered.
#' filter = 0 means that there is no filtering and you would have observed nonsignificant results.
#' filter = 1 means that only significant results are observed and you would never have seen nonsigificant results if they had occurred.
#' Filtering is based on alpha = .05 and assumes that are have observed a significant result.
#' Filtering is conducted by weighting (actually filtering) the posterior distribution.
#' For instance, if filter = 1, then the posterior of the null (i.e., the noncentrality parameter is 0)
#' is up to 20 times more likely than when the noncentrality parameter is very large. Setting filter > 0 slows estimation.
#' @param upper_null Specifies the upper value of the composite null hypothesis in units of Cohen's f.
#' The default value of upper_null = 0 keeps the point null hypothesis.
#' A value of, for instance, upper_null = .05 would remove all posterior values between -.05 and .05 from consideration when calculating expected power.
#' @param estimate_fixed Specifies whether the predictor in the regression model is either fixed or random. The default is FALSE for random predictors.
#' @param future_fixed Specifies whether the future study will have fixed predictors.
#' @return Returns (1) the sample size required for the future study to achieve the specified level of expected power.
#' This reflects the uncertainty associated with the previous study and (2) the median 95% confidence interval width for the correlation in the prospective study.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' desired_ep_Ftest(Ftest = 5.0, df1=2, df2=50, desired_ep = 0.80)
#' }
desired_ep_Ftest <- function(Ftest, df1, df2, desired_ep=0.80, alpha=0.05, filter=0, upper_null=0, estimate_fixed=TRUE, future_fixed=TRUE){
	# upper_null is in units of Cohen's f.

	exit <- 0
	if (Ftest < 0){
		cat("The F-test must be > 0.\n")
	if (df1 < 1) {
		cat("df1 must be greater than 1.\n")
	if (df2 < 1) {
		cat("df2 must be greater than 1.\n")
	if (filter < 0) {cat("filter must be between or equal to 0 and 1.\n")
	if (filter > 1) {cat("filter must be between or equal to 0 and 1.\n")
	if (upper_null < 0) {cat("The upper_null value must be greater than 0 (and close to 0).\n")
	if (upper_null > 1) {cat("The upper_null value must be greater than 0 (and close to 0). Excluding extremely large effect sizes does not make sense.\n")
	if (desired_ep > 1) {cat("desired_ep must be between alpha and 1. Default value is 0.80 if not specified.\n")
	if (desired_ep < alpha) {cat("desired_ep must be between alpha and 1. Default value is 0.80 if not specified.\n")
	if (alpha > 1) {cat("alpha must be between 0 and 1. Default value is 0.05 if not specified.\n")
	if (alpha < 0) {cat("alpha must be between 0 and 1. Default value is 0.05 if not specified.\n")
	if (alpha == 0) {cat("alpha must be between 0 and 1. Default value is 0.05 if not specified.\n")

	if (exit == 0){
	start_df2 <- c(3,4,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,85,90,95,100,110,120,130,140,
	                             4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000,
	                             12000, 14000, 16000, 18000, 20000, 25000, 30000, 40000, 50000)

	#Initial model computing expected power across the starting values of df2 ranging from 2 to 10,000
	#Single static posterior distribution for this initial model
	posterior <- posterior_Cohen_f(Ftest=Ftest, df1=df1, df2=df2, filter=filter, upper_null=upper_null, fixed=estimate_fixed)
	ndraws<- length(posterior)

	start_values <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(start_df2), ncol=2)
	for (i in 1:length(start_df2)){
			df2new <- start_df2[i]
			N_new <- df2new + df1 + 1

			z <- rnorm(n= ndraws,mean=0,sd=1)
			c1 <- sqrt(rchisq(n= ndraws,df= df1-1,ncp=0)) #This is indeed df1 - 1 and is a constant 0 when df1=1.
			c2 <- sqrt(rchisq(n= ndraws,df= df2new,ncp=0))
			cN <- sqrt(rchisq(n= ndraws,df= N_new-1,ncp=0))

			#Posterior Predictive Distribution
			if (future_fixed == TRUE){
				ppF <- (df2new/df1)*((z+sqrt(N_new)*posterior)^2 + c1^2)/c2^2
			} else {
				ppF <- (df2new/df1)*((z+ cN*posterior)^2 + c1^2)/c2^2

			dist <- ecdf(ppF)
			EP <- 1 - dist(qf(alpha, df1=df1, df2= df2new, ncp=0, lower.tail=FALSE))
			start_values[i, 1] <- N_new
			start_values[i, 2] <- EP

	#Estimate a smoothed curve across the range of sample sizes in start_df2.
	#We then use the predicted values from this model and solve for DesirePower and a lower and higher value
	#of expected power around that. This provides the initial range of sample sizes to conduct a more
	#detailed and precise estimate of expected power and a new smoothed spline model.

	Starting_Expected_Power <- smooth.spline(x= start_values[,1],y= start_values[,2], spar=.2)
	Upper_Power_Value <- min(c((1 - desired_ep)*.25 + desired_ep,.99))
	Lower_Power_Value <- .93*desired_ep
	if (predict(Starting_Expected_Power, max(start_df2))$y < Upper_Power_Value){
		cat("Required sample size is too high to estimate accurately.\n")
		cat("Sample size of ", max(start_df2)," results in initial estimated statistical power of ", predict(Starting_Expected_Power, max(start_df2))$y, ".\n")

	f_start <- function(x) (predict(Starting_Expected_Power, x)$y - desired_ep)
	f_high  <- function(x) (predict(Starting_Expected_Power, x)$y - Upper_Power_Value)
	f_low   <- function(x) (predict(Starting_Expected_Power, x)$y - Lower_Power_Value)

	#Here we define a fairly tight range around the solution to do more refined modeling of df and expected power
	Starting_Solution <- uniroot(f_start,interval=c(start_values[1,1],  start_values[NROW(start_values),1]),tol = 0.001)$root
	Upper <- uniroot(f_high,interval=c(start_values[1,1],  start_values[NROW(start_values),1]),tol = 0.001)$root
	Lower <- uniroot(f_low,interval=c(start_values[1,1],  start_values[NROW(start_values),1]),tol = 0.001)$root

	#Evenly sample 80 df points from the lower to upper values
	final_n1 <- seq(from=Lower-2, to=Upper+1, by=(Upper - Lower)/80)

	#Add more concentration around the initial solution.
	#This initial solution is often quite decent so sampling intensively around this initial estimate
	#provides data to really help the precision of the estimate of expected statistical power.

	final_n2 <- rnorm(n = 40, mean = Starting_Solution, sd = (Upper-Starting_Solution)/20 )
	final_n <- c(final_n1, final_n2)
	final_n[final_n < 3] <- 3

	val <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(final_n), ncol=4)
	for (i in 1:length(final_n) ){
			df2new <- final_n[i]
			N_new <- df2new + df1  + 1
			posterior <- posterior_Cohen_f(Ftest=Ftest, df1=df1, df2=df2, filter=filter, upper_null=upper_null, fixed=estimate_fixed)
			ndraws<- length(posterior)

			z <- rnorm(n= ndraws,mean=0,sd=1)
			c1 <- sqrt(rchisq(n= ndraws,df= df1-1,ncp=0)) #This is indeed df1 - 1 and is a constant 0 when df1=1.
			c2 <- sqrt(rchisq(n= ndraws,df= df2new,ncp=0))
			cN <- sqrt(rchisq(n= ndraws,df= N_new-1,ncp=0))

			#Posterior Predictive Distribution
			if (future_fixed == TRUE){
				ppF <- (df2new/df1)*((z+sqrt(N_new)*posterior)^2 + c1^2)/c2^2
				CI_Interval <- ci_f(quantile(abs(posterior),probs=c(.50)), df1= df1, df2=df2new, conf=.95, fixed=TRUE)
				val[i, 2]<- CI_Interval[2] - CI_Interval[1]
			} else {
				ppF <- (df2new/df1)*((z+ cN*posterior)^2 + c1^2)/c2^2
				CI_Interval <- ci_f(quantile(abs(posterior),probs=c(.50)), df1= df1, df2=df2new, conf=.95, fixed=FALSE)
				val[i, 2]<- CI_Interval[2] - CI_Interval[1]

			dist <- ecdf(ppF)
			EP <- 1 - dist(qf(alpha, df1=df1, df2= df2new, ncp=0, lower.tail=FALSE))

			val[i ,1]<- Ftest
			val[i, 3]<- N_new
			val[i, 4]<- EP

	power <- smooth.spline(x=val[,3],y=val[,4])
	CIW <- smooth.spline(x=val[,3],y=val[,2])

	f_final <- function(x) (predict(power, x)$y - desired_ep)
	Desired_Power_n <- uniroot(f_final,interval=c(min(val[,3]),  max(val[,3])),tol = 0.001)$root
	lowern <- round(min(final_n))
	uppern <- round(max(final_n))

	upper_power <- 	predict(power, uppern)$y
	lower_power <- 	predict(power, lowern)$y
	upper_CIW <- 	predict(CIW, uppern)$y
	lower_CIW <- 	predict(CIW, lowern)$y

	plot(power, xlab="Total Sample Size for Future Study",ylab="Expected Statistical Power",xlim=c(lowern, uppern),ylim=c(lower_power, upper_power), frame.plot=FALSE,type="l",lwd=2)
	segments(lowern, desired_ep, Desired_Power_n, desired_ep,col= "grey40", lwd=1,lty="dashed")
	segments(Desired_Power_n, min(val[,4]), Desired_Power_n, desired_ep,col= "grey40", lwd=1,lty="dashed")
	text(uppern,predict(power, uppern)$y,"Expected Power",adj=c(1,0),cex=.7)
	text(Desired_Power_n ,predict(power, lowern)$y,bquote("N ="~.(Desired_Power_n)), adj=c(0,1),cex=.7)

	plot(CIW,type="l",lty="dashed",lwd=2,main=NA,col=c("grey60"),xlim=c(lowern, uppern),ylim=c(upper_CIW, lower_CIW),frame.plot=FALSE,axes=FALSE,xlab=NA, ylab=NA)
	text(uppern,(max(val[,2])-min(val[,2]))/2+min(val[,2]),"Median Confidence Interval Width",srt=90)
	segments(Desired_Power_n,  predict(CIW, uppern)$y, Desired_Power_n, predict(CIW, Desired_Power_n)$y,col= "grey40", lwd=1,lty="dashed")
	segments(Desired_Power_n, predict(CIW, Desired_Power_n)$y, uppern, predict(CIW, Desired_Power_n)$y,col= "grey40", lwd=1,lty="dashed")
	text(lowern,predict(CIW, lowern)$y,"95% CI Width",adj=c(0,1),cex=.7)

	ExpectedPower <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 5))
	colnames(ExpectedPower) <- c("Cohen_f", "df1", "df2","SampleSize", "Median.95CI.Width")
	ExpectedPower$Cohen_f <- sqrt((df1/df2)*Ftest)
	ExpectedPower$df1 <- df1
	ExpectedPower$df2 <- Desired_Power_n - df1 - 1
	ExpectedPower$SampleSize <- Desired_Power_n
	ExpectedPower$Median.95CI.Width <- predict(CIW, Desired_Power_n)$y

jbiesanz/fabs documentation built on July 15, 2022, 11:02 p.m.