

#' #Yates's Base R Function. Plot patient data using the "shaped" data. This function isn't necessary to prep the data and arguments for jags.
#' @param pt.id Integer of patient record to be displayed
#' @param what.data Variable that says what clinical data source to plot. "Both" = plot both PSA and Biopsy data, "psa" = plot just PSA data, "biopsy" = plot just biopsy data
#' @param log.scale TRUE if using log scale for PSA, FALSE if not. TRUE default.
#' @param plot.psad TRUE if using PSA Density instead of PSA, FALSE if not. FALSE defaul
#' @export

### 1. Load packageges and necessary data.
### 2. Define plotPtData function

### 0. Load packages and necessary data.
#ls() #bx.full, psa.data, psa.data

plotPtData<-function(pt.id, what.data="both", log.scale=T, plot.psad=F){

#subset PSA data

#subset bx data
#pt.subj<-ptDataframes$pt.data$subj[ptDataframes$pt.data$id==pt.id] #if you go back and add id to the bx.full dataframe, we don't need this step
#bx.data.i<-bx.full[bx.full$subj==pt.subj & bx.full$bx.here==1 & !is.na(bx.full$bx.here),]

#why doesnt this work



n.psa.i <- dim(psa.data.i)[1] #number of PSA observations for pt

	psa.data.i$vol <- pt.data$vol.avg[pt.data$id==pt.id] #average prostate volume
	psa.to.plot <- ifelse(rep(log.scale==T, n.psa.i), (psa.data.i$log.psa - log(psa.data.i$vol)), psa.data.i$psa/psa.data.i$vol) } #define values to be plotted
#note: ifelse() returns an object that is the same length as the first argument. that is why I use rep()

	psa.to.plot <- ifelse(rep(log.scale==T, n.psa.i), psa.data.i$log.psa, psa.data.i$psa)} #define values to be plotted

#define the range of (log)PSA/PSAD values. This will be used to define the area of the plotting space and place biopsy results at the top and bottom of graph
psa.range <- range(psa.to.plot)
length.range <- psa.range[2] - psa.range[1]
ylim.i <- psa.range + c(-1,1)*0.1*length.range #here, I am just trying to make the plotting window slightly larger than the range of the PSA data

par(mar=c(3.5,3.25,2,3)) #this sets the margins outside the plotting window. We want more space on the right than given my default so we can add the biopsy result labels and tic marks

plot(x=0, y=0, type="n", ylim=ylim.i, xlim=range(c(psa.data.i$age, bx.data.i$age)), yaxt=ifelse(log.scale==T,"n","s"), xlab="", ylab="") #plot() establishes the plotting environment. I don't actually want to plot any data yet, just define the environment, so I use x=0, y=0, type="n to supress plotting any data.
#Then, I define the limits of the x and y-axis based on the range of the data.
#Next, I tell R to add tic marks and axis labels to the left hand axis if we aren't using the log-scale data. For the log scale, we will place and label the tic marks manually
#Finally, I leave the x- and y- axis labels blank

mtext(ifelse(plot.psad==F,"PSA (ng/mL)", "PSA Density"), side=2, line=2.25)	#lable the y-axis depending on what data we are showing

if(log.scale==T){ #manually place and label tic marks for y-axis
	length.range.nolog<- exp(psa.range[2]) - exp(psa.range)[1]

	if(plot.psad==F){ #for these, I add a different number of tic marks depending on the maximum observed PSA. (I don't want the axis to be too crowded or, alternatively, not give enough information). The code is slightly different for PSA and PSAD since PSAis larger and can be represented with whole numbers I can use the floor() and ceiling() function
		if(length.range.nolog<1){ Axis(side=2, at=log(seq(round(eylim.i[1],1) , round(eylim.i[2],1), 0.1)), labels= seq(round(eylim.i[1],1), round(eylim.i[2], 1), 0.1) ) }else{
			if(length.range.nolog<2){ Axis(side=2, at=log(seq(floor(eylim.i[1]) , ceiling(eylim.i[2]), 0.25)), labels= seq(floor(eylim.i[1]), ceiling(eylim.i[2]), 0.25) )}else{
				if(length.range.nolog<4){ Axis(side=2, at=log(seq(floor(eylim.i[1]) , ceiling(eylim.i[2]), 0.5)), labels= seq(floor(eylim.i[1]), ceiling(eylim.i[2]), 0.5) ) }else{
					if(length.range.nolog<11){ Axis(side=2, at=log(seq(floor(eylim.i[1]) , ceiling(eylim.i[2]))), labels= seq(floor(eylim.i[1]), ceiling(eylim.i[2]), 1) ) }else{
						Axis(side=2, at=log(c(1, seq(5,100,5))), labels=c(1, seq(5,100,5))) }}}}
				} #end plot.psad=F

	if(plot.psad==T){ # for log(PSAD)
		if(length.range.nolog<0.05){Axis(side=2, at=log(seq(0,1,0.01)), labels=seq(0,1,0.01)) }else{
			if(length.range.nolog<0.1){Axis(side=2, at=log(seq(0,1,0.02)), labels=seq(0,1,0.02))}else{
				Axis(side=2, at=seq(0,1,0.05), labels=seq(0,1,0.05))} }
				}#end plot.psad=T

	}#end log.scale=T for y-axis tic mark labels

#Reclassification axis labels on right side axis
Axis(side=4, at=ylim.i , labels=c("No", "Yes") )
mtext("Biopsy Reclassification Observed", side=4, line=2)

#Label x-axis
mtext("Age (years)", side=1, line=2.25)

#plot PSA data
points(psa.to.plot~psa.data.i$age, pch=19, col="blue", cex=1.5) #points
lines(psa.to.plot~psa.data.i$age, col="blue") #lines

#plot BX data
rc.x<-ifelse(bx.data.i$rc==0, ylim.i[1], ylim.i[2]) #convert no reclassification and reclassificaiton outcomes to lower and upper end of psa data range
points(rc.x~bx.data.i$bx.age, pch=25, col="green4", bg="green", cex=2) #each triangle is one biopsy received


jbindman/prostate-project documentation built on May 18, 2019, 5:59 p.m.