
Defines functions loadJobs

Documented in loadJobs

#' Load and maybe enqueue unfinished jobs from the server database.
#' A global object \code{Jobs} is created, which manages jobs.
#' It is populated from the "jobs" table in the server database.
#' It has these fixed fields:
#' \itemize{
#' \item type: character; type of job
#' \item done: integer; 0 if not attempted; negative for errors; +1
#' for successfully finished
#' \item queue: integer; the queue to which a job belongs; there is one queue
#' per running processServer().  If queue==0, the job has been enqueued
#' for processing but not yet claimed by one of the processServers().
#' If queue is null, it is being handled by emailServer() or pathServer()
#' \item path: full path to folder for job
#' \item oldpath: full path to previous folder for job (permits
#' recovery from server failure during job move)
#' \item user: username, when job is the top job from an authenticated email
#' }
#' Other job items are stored in a JSON-encoded text field called
#' \code{data}.
#' For any jobs to be loaded we verify that the "path" field is
#' correct, in case the server was interrupted while moving a job.
#' @param which character scalar or integer scalar, which will be
#'     converted to a character scalar.  Load only jobs whose top job
#'     is in that queue.  If NULL (the default), do not actually load
#'     or queue any jobs.
#' @return the number of jobs enqueued in the new global \code{MOTUS_QUEUE}.
#' The Jobs are stored in the global \code{Jobs}.
#' @export
#' @author John Brzustowski \email{jbrzusto@@REMOVE_THIS_PART_fastmail.fm}

loadJobs = function(which = NULL) {
    if (exists("Jobs", .GlobalEnv))

    if (!is.null(which)) {
        if ( length(which) != 1 || ! (is.numeric(which) || is.character(which)))
            stop("Must specify 'which' as an integer queue number or character scalar job type")
        which = as.character(which)

    ## connect the global Jobs object to the MOTUS_SERVER_DB's jobs table
    Jobs <<- Copse(ServerDB, "jobs", type=character(), done=integer(), queue=character(), path=character(), oldpath=character(), motusUserID=integer(), motusProjectID=integer())

    if (is.null(which))

    ## get IDs of jobs from selected queue

    jj = query(Jobs, paste0("select t1.id from jobs as t1 left join jobs as t2 on t1.stump=t2.id where t1.done = 0 and t2.queue='",  which, "'"))[[1]]

    ## queue these jobs
    for (j in jj) {
        job = Jobs[[j]]
        queueJob(job, verify=TRUE)  ## verify, so in case server failed before job's on-disk path was updated to match its db path
jbrzusto/motusServer documentation built on May 19, 2019, 8:19 a.m.