
Defines functions default.args simple.cv crossval

Documented in crossval

#' Cross-validation function for quadrupen fitting methods.
#' Function that computes K-fold (double) cross-validated error of a
#' \code{quadrupen} fit. If no \code{lambda2} is provided, simple
#' cross validation on the \code{lambda1} parameter is performed. If
#' a vector \code{lambda2} is passed as an argument, double
#' cross-validation is performed.
#' @param penalty a string for the fitting procedure used for
#' cross-validation. Either \code{"elastic.net"} or
#' \code{"bounded.reg"}, at the moment. Default is \code{elastic.net}.
#' @param x matrix of features, possibly sparsely encoded
#' (experimental). Do NOT include intercept.
#' @param y response vector.
#' @param K integer indicating the number of folds. Default is 10.
#' @param folds list of \code{K} vectors that describes the folds to
#' use for the cross-validation. By default, the folds are randomly
#' sampled with the specified K. The same folds are used for each
#' values of \code{lambda2}.
#' @param lambda2 tunes the \eqn{\ell_2}{l2}-penalty (ridge-like) of
#' the fit. If none is provided, the default scalar value of the
#' corresponding fitting method is used and a simple CV is
#' performed. If a vector of values is given, double cross-validation
#' is performed (both on \code{lambda1} and \code{lambda2}, using the
#' same folds for each \code{lambda2}).
#' @param verbose logical; indicates if the progression (the current
#' lambda2) should be displayed. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param mc.cores the number of cores to use. The default uses 2 cores.
#' @param ... additional parameters to overwrite the defaults of the
#' fitting procedure identified by the \code{'penalty'} argument. See
#' the corresponding documentation (\code{\link{elastic.net}} or
#' \code{\link{bounded.reg}}).
#' @note If the user runs the fitting method with option
#' \code{'bulletproof'} set to \code{FALSE}, the algorithm may stop
#' at an early stage of the path. Early stops are handled internally,
#' in order to provide results on the same grid of penalty tuned by
#' \eqn{\lambda_1}{lambda1}.  This is done by means of \code{NA}
#' values, so as mean and standard error are consistently
#' evaluated. If, while cross-validating, the procedure experiences
#' too many early stoppings, a warning is sent to the user, in which
#' case you should reconsider the grid of \code{lambda1} used for the
#' cross-validation.  If \code{bulletproof} is \code{TRUE} (the
#' default), there is nothing to worry about, except a possible slow
#' down when any switching to the proximal algorithm is required.
#' @return An object of class "cvpen" for which a \code{plot} method
#' is available.
#' @seealso \code{\linkS4class{quadrupen}}, \code{\link{plot,cvpen-method}}
#' and \code{\linkS4class{cvpen}}.
#' @examples
#' ## Simulating multivariate Gaussian with blockwise correlation
#' ## and piecewise constant vector of parameters
#' beta <- rep(c(0,1,0,-1,0), c(25,10,25,10,25))
#' cor  <- 0.75
#' Soo  <- toeplitz(cor^(0:(25-1))) ## Toeplitz correlation for irrelevant variable
#' Sww  <- matrix(cor,10,10) ## bloc correlation between active variables
#' Sigma <- bdiag(Soo,Sww,Soo,Sww,Soo) + 0.1
#' diag(Sigma) <- 1
#' n <- 100
#' x <- as.matrix(matrix(rnorm(95*n),n,95) %*% chol(Sigma))
#' y <- 10 + x %*% beta + rnorm(n,0,10)
#' ## Use fewer lambda1 values by overwritting the default parameters
#' ## and cross-validate over the sequences lambda1 and lambda2
#' \donttest{
#' cv.double <- crossval(x,y, lambda2=10^seq(2,-2,len=50), nlambda1=50)
#' }
#' ## Rerun simple cross-validation with the appropriate lambda2
#' cv.10K <- crossval(x,y, lambda2=0.2)
#' ## Try leave one out also
#' cv.loo <- crossval(x,y, K=n, lambda2=0.2)
#' \donttest{
#' plot(cv.double)
#' }
#' plot(cv.10K)
#' plot(cv.loo)
#' ## Performance for selection purpose
#' beta.min.10K <- slot(cv.10K, "beta.min")
#' beta.min.loo <- slot(cv.loo, "beta.min")
#' cat("\nFalse positives with the minimal 10-CV choice: ", sum(sign(beta) != sign(beta.min.10K)))
#' cat("\nFalse positives with the minimal LOO-CV choice: ", sum(sign(beta) != sign(beta.min.loo)))
#' @importFrom utils modifyList
#' @keywords models regression
#' @name crossval
#' @aliases crossval
#' @rdname crossval
#' @export
crossval <- function(x,
                     penalty  = c("elastic.net", "bounded.reg"),
                     K        = 10,
                     folds    = split(sample(1:nrow(x)), rep(1:K, length=nrow(x))),
                     lambda2  = 0.01,
                     verbose  = TRUE,
                     mc.cores = 2,
                     ...) {

  ## =============================================================
  if (Sys.info()[['sysname']] == "Windows") {
    warning("\nWindows does not support fork, enforcing mc.cores to '1'.")
    mc.cores <- 1
  penalty <- match.arg(penalty)
  get.lambda1 <- switch(penalty,
                        "elastic.net" = get.lambda1.l1,
                        "bounded.reg" = get.lambda1.li)
  user <- list(...)
  defs <- default.args(penalty,nrow(x)-max(sapply(folds,length)),ncol(x),user)
  args <- modifyList(defs, user)
  ## Compute a grid of lambda1 (the same for each fold)
  if (is.null(args$lambda1)) {
    input <- standardize(x,y,args$intercept,args$normalize,args$penscale)
    args$lambda1 <- get.lambda1(input$xty,args$nlambda1,args$min.ratio)
  ## =============================================================
  if (length(lambda2) > 1) {
    if (verbose){
      cat("\nDOUBLE CROSS-VALIDATION FOR ",penalty," REGULARIZER \n\n")
      cat(length(folds),"-fold CV on the lambda1 grid for each lambda2\n", sep="")
    cv <- sapply(1:length(lambda2), function(i) {
        if (i %% 5 == 0) {cat("\n")}
      simple.cv(folds, x, y, args, lambda2[i], mc.cores)
    }, simplify=FALSE)

    ## Recovering the best lambda1 and lambda2
    lambda1.cv <- sapply(1:length(lambda2), function(j) {
      cv.min <- min(cv[[j]]$mean)
      lambda1.min   <- max(args$lambda1[cv[[j]]$mean <= cv.min], na.rm=TRUE)
      lambda1.1se   <- max(args$lambda1[cv[[j]]$mean <(cv[[j]]$mean+cv[[j]]$serr+1e-5)[match(lambda1.min,cv[[j]]$lambda1)]], na.rm=TRUE)
      return(c(cv.min, lambda1.min, lambda1.1se))
    ind.lb2.min <- which.min(lambda1.cv[1,])
    lambda2.min <- lambda2[ind.lb2.min]
    lambda1.min <- lambda1.cv[2, ind.lb2.min]
    lambda1.1se <- lambda1.cv[3, ind.lb2.min]

    ## formatting cv.error for ggplot
    cv <- data.frame(do.call(rbind,cv),lambda2=rep(lambda2,sapply(cv, function(x) length(x$lambda1))))
  } else {
    if (verbose) {
      cat("\nSIMPLE CROSS-VALIDATION FOR ",penalty," REGULARIZER \n\n")
      cat(length(folds),"-fold CV on the lambda1 grid, lambda2 is fixed.\n", sep="")
    cv <- simple.cv(folds, x, y, args, lambda2, mc.cores)

    ## Recovering the best lambda1 and lambda2
    lambda1.min <- max(cv$lambda1[cv$mean <= min(cv$mean)], na.rm=TRUE)
    lambda1.1se <- max(cv$lambda1[cv$mean <(cv$mean+cv$serr+1e-5)[match(lambda1.min,cv$lambda1)]], na.rm=TRUE)
    lambda2.min <- lambda2

  ## Apply the fitting procedure with these best lambda2 parameter
  args$lambda2 <- lambda2.min
  best.fit <- do.call(quadrupen, c(list(x=x,y=y),args))

  ## Finally recover the CV choice (minimum and 1-se rule)
  ind.max <- nrow(best.fit@coefficients)
  ind.min <- min(match(lambda1.min, args$lambda1),ind.max)
  ind.1se <- min(match(lambda1.1se, args$lambda1),ind.max)

  beta.min <- best.fit@coefficients[ind.min,]
  beta.1se <- best.fit@coefficients[ind.1se,]

             lambda1     = args$lambda1,
             lambda1.min = lambda1.min,
             lambda1.1se = lambda1.1se,
             lambda2     = lambda2,
             lambda2.min = lambda2.min,
             cv.error    = cv,
             folds       = folds,
             beta.min    = beta.min,
             beta.1se    = beta.1se))

simple.cv <- function(folds, x, y, args, lambda2, mc.cores) {

  K <- length(folds)
  n <- length(y)

  ## overwrite irrelevant arguments
  args$control$verbose <- 0
  args$lambda2  <- lambda2
  args$max.feat <- ncol(x)

  ## Multicore approach
  one.fold <- function(k) {
    omit <- folds[[k]]
    fit <- do.call(quadrupen, c(list(x=x[-omit, ], y=y[-omit]), args))
    fold.err <- sweep(matrix(predict(fit,matrix(x[omit,], nrow=length(omit))), nrow=length(omit)), 1L, y[omit], check.margin = FALSE)^2
    if (ncol(fold.err) < length(args$lambda1)) {
      NAs <- length(args$lambda1)-ncol(fold.err)
      fold.err <- cbind(fold.err, matrix(NA,nrow(fold.err),NAs))
  ## turn a list to matrix
  err  <- do.call(rbind,mclapply(1:K, one.fold, mc.cores=mc.cores,
                                 mc.preschedule=ifelse(K > 10,TRUE,FALSE)))
  ## efficient computation of means and the standard error
  mean <- colMeans(err, na.rm=TRUE)
  if (any(is.nan(mean))) {
    warning("\nThere have been a lot of early stops along the path: I keep on running, but you really should reconsider 'min.ratio' regarding the n<<p setting.")
  mean[is.nan(mean)] <- NA
  serr <- sqrt((colSums(sweep(err, 2L, mean, check.margin = FALSE)^2,na.rm=TRUE)/(n-1)) /K)

  return(data.frame(mean=mean, serr=serr, lambda1=args$lambda1))

default.args <- function(penalty,n,p,user) {
  lambda2 <- ifelse(is.null(user$lambda2),0.01,user$lambda2)
    beta0     = NULL,
    lambda1   = NULL,
    lambda2   = 0.01,
    penalty   = penalty,
    penscale  = rep(1,p),
    struct    = NULL,
    intercept = TRUE,
    normalize = TRUE,
    naive     = FALSE,
    nlambda1  = ifelse(is.null(user$lambda1),100,length(user$lambda1)),
    min.ratio = ifelse(n<p,0.01,5e-3),
    max.feat  = ifelse(lambda2<1e-2,min(n,p),min(4*n,p)),
    control   = list()))
jchiquet/quadrupenCRAN documentation built on July 3, 2024, 12:40 p.m.