

# Testing similar workflow as in getting-started vignette


# start project in a tempdir
site_dir <- tempfile("new-")
suppressMessages(wflow_start(site_dir, change_wd = FALSE))
on.exit(unlink(site_dir, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE))
site_dir <- workflowr:::absolute(site_dir)
r <- repository(path = site_dir)
s <- wflow_status(project = site_dir)

test_that("wflow_start provides necessary infrastructure", {
  expect_true(dir.exists(file.path(site_dir, ".git")))
  expect_true(dir.exists(file.path(site_dir, "analysis")))
  expect_true(file.exists(file.path(site_dir, "analysis/_site.yml")))
  expect_true(file.exists(file.path(site_dir, "analysis/index.Rmd")))
                                    paste0(basename(site_dir), ".Rproj"))))
  expect_true(length(commits(r)) == 1)

rmd <- rownames(s$status)
stopifnot(length(rmd) > 0)
# Expected html files
html <- workflowr:::to_html(rmd, outdir = s$docs)

test_that("wflow_build builds the website, but only once", {
  suppressMessages(o <- wflow_build(view = FALSE, project = site_dir))
  expect_identical(o$built, rmd)
  expect_silent(o <- wflow_build(view = FALSE, project = site_dir))

test_that("wflow_view opens website.", {
  expected <- file.path(s$docs, "index.html")
  actual <- wflow_view(dry_run = TRUE, project = site_dir)
  expect_identical(actual, expected)

test_rmd <- file.path(s$analysis, "first-analysis.Rmd")
file.copy("files/workflowr-template.Rmd", test_rmd)
# Expected html file
test_html <- workflowr:::to_html(test_rmd, outdir = s$docs)
s <- wflow_status(project = site_dir)

test_that("wflow_open sets correct working directory", {
  cwd <- getwd()
  wflow_open(files = basename(test_rmd), change_wd = TRUE,
             open_file = FALSE, project = site_dir)
  expect_identical(getwd(), file.path(site_dir, "analysis"))

test_that("wflow_build only builds new file", {
  html_mtime_pre <- file.mtime(html)
  suppressMessages(o <- wflow_build(view = FALSE, project = site_dir))
  expect_identical(o$built, test_rmd)
  html_mtime_post <- file.mtime(html)
  expect_identical(html_mtime_pre, html_mtime_post)
  expect_silent(wflow_build(view = FALSE, project = site_dir))

test_that("wflow_view can open specific file with Rmd extension & without path.", {
  expected <- file.path(s$docs, "first-analysis.html")
  actual <- wflow_view("first-analysis.Rmd", dry_run = TRUE, project = site_dir)
  expect_identical(actual, expected)

all_rmd <- rownames(s$status)
all_html <- workflowr:::to_html(all_rmd, outdir = s$docs)
test_that("wflow_publish can commit new file and website", {
  html_mtime_pre <- file.mtime(all_html)
  expect_message(o <- wflow_publish(all_rmd,
                                    message = "first analysis",
                                    view = FALSE,
                                    project = site_dir))
  expect_identical(o$step2$built, all_rmd)
  html_mtime_post <- file.mtime(all_html)
  expect_true(all(html_mtime_pre < html_mtime_post))
  log <- commits(r)
  # browser()
  expect_true(length(log) == 3)
  expect_identical(log[[1]]@message, "Build site.")
  expect_identical(log[[2]]@message, "first analysis")
  expect_silent(wflow_build(make = TRUE, update = TRUE, view = FALSE,
                            project = site_dir))
jdblischak/workflowrBeta documentation built on May 17, 2019, 7:28 p.m.