  echo = TRUE,
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"


AlphaSimHlpR is an R package that is not on CRAN but can be installed from github:

if (!require("devtools")) install.packages("devtools")

The suppressMessages function is not strictly necessary, but removes a fair amount of output that doesn't seem very informative.
The package is intended to simplify the simulation of a two-part breeding program, as defined by Gaynor et al. (2017)[^1]. The package assumes all individuals are outcrossed and clonally propagated.

[^1]:Gaynor, R.C., G. Gorjanc, A.R. Bentley, E.S. Ober, P. Howell, et al. 2017. A Two-Part Strategy for Using Genomic Selection to Develop Inbred Lines. Crop Sci. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2016.09.0742.

Illustration of a generic two-part breeding strategy with a population improvement part and a product development part{ width=80% }

Specifying simulation parameters

Three text control files are required to specify simulation parameters: a population control file, a scheme control file, and a costs control file. The control files need to be specified in that order:

bsp <- specifyPopulation(ctrlFileName="PopulationCtrlFile.txt")
bsp <- specifyPipeline(bsp, ctrlFileName="ControlFile.txt")
bsp <- specifyCosts(bsp, ctrlFileName="CostsCtrlFile.txt")

All of the parameters in the control files are specified in the text file as follows:

# The number of stages simulated and retained in the records

Any text after a # symbol is ignored.
nStages is a keyword to indicate how many stages the product development of your breeding scheme contains. The value to set that variable is given immediately on the next line (3 in this case).
Control files for a toy example are provided with the package and can be found and used as follows:

pathToSimDirectory <- path.package("AlphaSimHlpR")
bsp <- specifyPopulation(ctrlFileName="PopulationCtrlFile_Small.txt")
bsp <- specifyPipeline(bsp, ctrlFileName="ControlFile_Small.txt")
bsp <- specifyCosts(bsp, ctrlFileName="CostsCtrlFile_Small.txt")


Describing the crop species and founder population


The species has a certain number of chromosomes:


Each chromosome is simulated to be 1 Morgan long in recombination map.

Effective size of population generating the founders

Aspects of polymorphism and linkage disequilibrium are determined by the population history of the founders:


The number of segregating sites per chromosome includes both QTL and observed SNPs. QTL and SNPs will be selected at random, so there is a chance that some QTL will be observed as SNPs:


Genotyping resources

AlphaSimHlpR assumes the breeder has some genotyping platform available to observe SNPs that track ancestry and segregation. The number of observed SNPs per chromosome:


Genetic architecture and mode of gene action

The number of QTL per chromosome:


Single genes have additive and dominance effects. The distribution of the degree of dominance is set by:


It is also possible to specify a certain fraction of variance determined by additive by additive epistasis, set by:


Note that this relative fraction assumes allele frequencies of 0.5, where AxA effects are largest. In reality, because MAF < 0.5, relative epistasis will be lower.

Genetic variance

The genetic variance among founders is given in the population control file. The genetic variance will change as individuals are selected and move down the product development pipeline (see below). Those changes will depend on the genetic architecture as well as selection intensities. It is worth checking whether changes in genetic variance observed in the simulation match at all observations from historical data in the breeding program. The parameter to set founder genetic variance is:

genVar 40

Genotype by environment interaction variance

AlphaSimHlpR deals with GxE in a very simple way. All GxE deviations are assumed to be Independently and Identically Distributed. Each stage is characterized by a number of locations ($n_l$) and a number of reps within locations ($n_r$). Since an individual is evaluated in one stage for one year (then either removed or advanced to the next stage), the error variance for the mean of observations on an individual for a stage is:
$$ errVar(\bar{y}{stage}) = \sigma^2{g \times y} + \frac{\sigma^2_{g \times l} + \sigma^2_{g \times y \times l} + \frac{\sigma^2_{plot(stage)}}{n_r}}{n_l} $$ where $\sigma^2_{plot(stage)}$ is the plot error variance specified for that stage, and $\sigma^2_{g \times y}$, $\sigma^2_{g \times l}$, and $\sigma^2_{g \times y \times l}$ are the genotype by year, genotype by location, and genotype by year by location variances. These variances can be specified by:


Alternatively, a general genotype by environment variance can be given:


Any of gxyVar, gxlVar, or gxyxlVar that are not specified are set to a default. If gxeVar is given, the default is $\sigma^2_{g \times e} / 3$. If gxeVar is not given, the default is zero.

Product Development Pipeline

The following parameters have to do with the product development part of the breeding program, that is, the right-hand side of the figure above.

Number of stages in product pipeline


AlphaSimHlpR assumes that phenotypes collected during the stages are recorded and stored in a database. Even if evaluating the phenotype involves rapid visual assessment, there is a cost to recording the phenotypes. So evaluation in the product pipeline stages has a cost associated with it. All of the information collected in the product pipeline stages is used in analyses to estimate breeding values (BV) or total genotypic values (TGV). That means that if you use large numbers (e.g., 1000 or above), you have a lot of information but the simulation runs slowly. Many parameters are specified by stage (e.g., the stage names, stageNames) and the number of names given must match the number of stages specified here.
AlphaSimHlpR also has an option for visually selecting F1s without incurring the phenotype recording cost (imagine selecting seedlings visually, and just transplanting the vigorous ones). That is discussed below.

Stage names


The stage names have no functional purpose but serve to help with plots and tables.

Number of entries in each stage

600 200 100 30

Indicates how many individuals are entered into each stage.

Replications and locations

1 1 2 3
1 2 3 5

Indicates how many replications are planted at each location and how many locations are used for evaluation in that stage. These numbers will affect the error variance assumed for phenotypic means from each stage.

Error variances

Programs should estimate error variances from each stage using historical data. Each stage has a characteristic plot size and experimental design, so each stage's error variance will be different. The error variances are specified by:

200 120 90 70



Indicates the stage at which to genotype individuals. In addition to the named stages (CET, PYT, AYT, and UYT in this example), the user can specify "F1", which will cause all newly created progeny individuals to be genotyped. If stageToGenotype is not specified, the default will be to genotype all F1s.

Selection of entries to advance between stages

A function must be given to calculate the selection criterion that is used to decide which individuals to advance from one stage to the next. Truncation selection is applied to that criterion. You can write your own function to do this (!) but AlphaSimHlpR provides two functions:

In general, selCritIID seems appropriate to me for advancing individuals in the product pipeline. A nice feature might be enable information sharing in early stages when per se information is very noisy, and then transition to IID. That feature doesn't exist yet. So here's how to specify the function (if you write your own function, you have to give the name of that function):


Selecting seeds to advance from the F1 to enter Stage 1 trials

Possibly, the crossing nursery will generate more seeds than the number of individuals that will enter the first phenotyping stage (CET in the example above). There are three possibilities for choosing which F1s go to Stage 1, determined by among others these parameters:



Checks serve three purposes:

  1. They provide connectivity between trials. Trials in different years and locations may have different experimental entries. To estimate the main environment effect, use the checks.
  2. Checks can help characterize environments. For example, if a check is sensitive to drought, its performance may tell you about water availability in the environment.
  3. Checks can help estimate incomplete block effects. For this purpose, you need to decide how many experimental entry plots you will have for each check plot.

Purpose 1 and 3 do not require so many checks. Purpose 2 requires more carefully chosen checks. AlphaSimHlpR only really applies Purpose 1.

AlphaSimHlpR does not simulate field heterogeneity. The question of experimental design and heterogeneity of fields is independent of the question of breeding scheme optimization. If a new better experimental design is discovered that increases effective heritability by 0.05, that new heritability can be plugged in to the optimizer without explicitly simulating the field heterogeneity it effectively captures. Nevertheless, it is useful to retain checks in the simulation to account for their cost in different simulation schemes. In AlphaSimHlpR that is done with the entryToChkRatio:


In this example, we imagine incomplete blocks with 18 total plots, 17 experimental plots and one check. A single integer can be given here, in which case the ratio is constant across all stages, or each stage can have its own ratio:

35 17 11 11

The number of unique individuals to use as checks is given by nChks:

2 5 5 5

In this example, for cassava, there would be 2 unique clones used in the CET stage (each replicated a number of times over the field, given the large number of experimental plots), and 5 unique clones used in the PYT, AYT, and UYT stages. AlphaSimHlpR ensures that each check is used at least once in each replicate. Again, the main purpose of the checks in AlphaSimHlpR is to somewhat correctly assess field costs since field heterogeneity and specific environment heterogeneity are not simulated.

Population Improvement

The following parameters have to do with the population improvement part of the breeding program, that is, the left-hand side of the figure above.

Selection criterion for choosing parents

As for the selection of entries to advance between stages, a selection criterion is calculated. The criterion is given as a function specified by selCritPopImprov:


AlphaSimHlpR provides the same functions here as for advancing within product development, that is selCritIID and selCritGRM. For population improvement, selCritGRM makes more sense, since it estimates breeding values with information sharing among clones. But it is substantially slower than selCritIID. If no function is given, selCritIID is the default.

Truncation selection or optimal contributions

AlphaSimHlpR enables optimal contributions selection through the R package optiSel. The default, however, is truncation selection: a number of parents are selected, crosses are made between parents at random, each cross generates a fixed number of progeny:


If nParents is set to a low value, that translates to high selection intensity and conversely for a high value for nParents. Note that AlphaSimHlpR considers ALL individuals currently in the product development pipeline as selection candidates to become parents to create the next generation.
To use optimal contributions, set


Based on targetEffPopSize, the analysis calculates a maximum increase in the average coancestry from one generation to the next. This parameter determines the selection intensity: low targetEffPopSize means high selection intensity and conversely for high targetEffPopSize. Optimal contributions maximizes the selection criterion while constraining the coancestry increase. As a contrast, with truncation selection, two full-sibs might both be selected if they have good GEBVs. With optimal contributions, only the better of the two might be selected along with a candidate of lower GEBV that contributes diversity.
Also if useOptContrib is TRUE, the specific crosses made between parents are chosen so the inbreeding coefficient of the F1 individuals is low. That is, pairs of parents are chosen to cross that have a low coefficient of coancestry. A simple greedy algorithm is used to choose the crosses, so it probably does not lead to a global minimum inbreeding coefficient.
Finally, the optimal contributions algorithm is slow if applied to many many selection candidates. So selection candidates are prefiltered by truncation on the selection criterion leaving the best nCandOptCont individuals. Functionally, nCandOptCont is a guess at how low in the rankings optimal contributions might go. If nCandOptCont is small then optimal contributions might be prevented from finding individuals lower in the rankings that contribute unique diversity. If nCandOptCont is big, the analysis will be very slow without providing any extra benefit. As a guess, nCandOptCont = 10 * targetEffPopSize is OK.

Using a polycross nursery

The default for usePolycrossNursery is FALSE. Then, AlphaSimHlpR simulates biparental crosses generating families of size nProgeny (see above). If usePolycrossNursery is TRUE, AlphaSimHlpR simulates random crosses, each producing one seed. A second parameter nSeeds determines the number of polycrossed seeds produced. By default, nSeeds is set to nCrosses * nProgeny. NOTE: if you set usePolycrossNursery to TRUE, you should probably do so in the context of setting crossingCost to a low value: collecting open-pollinated seed is less expensive than making biparental crosses. NOTE: you cannot do optimal contributions and polycross nursery at the same time.


Using this year's phenotypes for model training

AlphaSimHlpR proceeds as follows:

  1. Simulate the phenotypic evaluations for the year
  2. Select parents and make crosses to create F1 seeds for the next year
  3. Go back to step 1 for nCyclesToRun

Logisitically, it is sometimes difficult to use phenotypes collected this year for model training to select parents. In cassava, for example, there is a very short time span between when plots are harvested and when they need to be replanted because the stakes will die. The variable useCurrentPhenoTrain determines whether the phenotypes from step 1 are available for step 2 in the same year. Generally in NextGen Cassava programs, phenotypes have not been immediately available. Thus, such programs should set:


For a counter example, if a program planted a full set of clones in the crossing nursery immediately and then took it's time to chose which clones to cross based on this year’s phenotype, it would be correct to set useCurrentPhenoTrain <- TRUE.

Years of records to train prediction models

Phenotypes are used to estimate selection criteria with selCritIID or selCritGRM. In principle, the more phenotypes you have the more accurate the criteria will be, up to a point (phenotypes of very distantly related individuals will not help, for example). BUT, the more phenotypes, the slower the simulation. To balance cost / benefit, trainingPopCycles determines how many years of records to keep and use in estimating selection criteria for each phenotyping stage. That is, a separate number of years is given for each stage: trainingPopCycles is a vector nStages long. Low values of trainingPopCycles will make simulations go faster, but possibly underestimate the gain that the breeding scheme can achieve. If you plan to run many many replicates of a particular breeding scheme, it may be worth evaluating the cost benefit explicitly and setting trainingPopCycles to a minimum value that nevertheless generates the same gain as a large value. The default is that nCyclesToKeepRecords will be used to train prediction models for all stages including and after stageToGenotype. To change the default, include something like:

4 4 3 2

How many cycles to keep records

When you go back to analyze simulation results, you will want to look at records some generations back. nCyclesToKeepRecords determines how far back records are saved. The default forces at least nStages+1 cycles to be kept.


How many clones to send for variety release testing (NCRP)

AlphaSimHlpR assumes that at the end of the stages specified, a number of clones thought to be the best will be sent for testing for variety release. One of the criteria for success of a breeding scheme is the mean of those clones (the higher the better). The user has to decide how many clones to send. The default is 3, indicating that each year, 3 new clones will be tested for possible variety release. If the last stage has fewer than 3 clones, the default is half the number in that stage, rounded up.


Breeding scheme costs

A cost control file contains parameters that determine how much the breeding scheme will cost:

Cost per plot

Plots in each stage have a characteristic cost as a function of their size:

8 14 20 30

Location cost

As the breeding scheme uses more locations, it will cost more to maintain them:


Cost to create and develop an individual


Genotyping cost

AlphaSimHlpR distinguishes a cost for QC genotyping (to verify pedigree and make sure there is no genotype mislabeling in plots) versus whole genome genotyping (for genomic prediction). At the moment, the QC genotyping cost is only incurred once.


With these costs, the overall cost of the breeding scheme is calculated as:

Development Costs

develCosts <- nCrosses * nProgeny * crossingCost

Genotyping Costs

The number of individuals genotyped depends on whether you specify a stage at which to genotype (the default is to genotype all F1s):
nGeno <- nCrosses * nProgeny
nGeno <- nEntries[stageToGenotype]
genotypingCosts <- nGeno * (qcGenoCost + wholeGenomeCost)

Trial Costs

Per year and for each trial stage, the number of plots are:
nPlots <- nEntries * nReps + nChks * chkReps
Note that the chkReps are determined by the number of plots used for entries and the entryToChkRatio
trialCosts <- nPlots * nLocs * plotCost
The overall cost of evaluation in the product pipeline is the sum of trialCosts across stages.

Location Costs

locationCosts <- max(nLocs) * perLocationCost

All of these costs are summed to get the overall breeding scheme cost.

Adjusting stage sizes to hit a budget

If you have a predetermined budget that you want to hit (for example, if you are trying to compare schemes with different nStages, but assuming the same budget), use adjustEntriesToBudget, as follows:

  1. specify the breeding scheme using specifyPopulation, specifyPipeline, and specifyCosts.
  2. call adjustEntriesToBudget with the resulting bsp, a target budget, and which stages should be fixed versus adjusted.
  3. call runBreedingScheme with the bsp that is output from adjustEntriesToBudget.
    The function changes only the number of entries in each stage, everything else is kept constant.

AlphaSimHlpR outputs

One simulation or multiple replicated simulations can be run by:

simOut <- runBreedingScheme(nCycles=bsp$nCyclesToRun, initializeFunc=initializeScheme, productPipeline=productPipeline, populationImprovement=popImprov1Cyc, bsp=bsp)

repSimOut <- lapply(1:nReplications, runBreedingScheme, nCycles=bsp$nCyclesToRun, initializeFunc=initializeScheme, productPipeline=productPipeline, populationImprovement=popImprov1Cyc, bsp)

Then, the object simOut will be a list containing three objects:

  1. records This object itself is a list. It contains an object F1 that is an AlphaSimR population. It contains a list for each of the product development stages. The objects in those lists are tibbles with phenotypic records for each year. The maximum length of those lists is nCyclesToKeepRecords. Finally, it contains a tibble called stageOutputs that has summary values for each cycle and each stage simulated (see below).
  2. bsp This object is a list with all the parameters entered above and also derived costs.
  3. SP The AlphaSimR simulation parameters.

Of course, repSimOut will be a list that is nReplications long of objects like simOut.

The tibble records$stageOutputs has for each stage within each cycle:

Simple plots of gain from selection can be made if you have replicated simulations:

plotData <- plotRecords(repSimOut)

The plots will show:

  1. The change of the population mean over time.
  2. The mean genotypic value of the individuals that were sent to national variety release testing (not necessarily those with the highest true genotypic values, because of error in selection).
  3. The change of the population genetic standard deviation over time.
  4. The average increase of F1 population mean going from one year to the next, and the average change of genotypic value within a cycle going from F1 population mean to genotypic value of the individual with the highest estimated value in the last cycle, then divided by the number of years the product pipeline takes = nStages.

Optimization of budget allocations

Given a specific breeding scheme, but an unknown budget allocation for the stages of that scheme, AlphaSimHlpR can run simulations repeatedly until it finds budget allocations that lead to reliably high response to selection. Note that this function is experimental and slow: in my analyses so far, it can take over 2,000 simulations to figure out optimum budgets. The function optimizeByLOESS works like this:

  1. Specify ranges for the budget allocations for each stage
  2. optimizeByLOESS first runs a batch of simulations covering the budget allocation ranges
  3. Locally estimated scatterplot smoothing (LOESS) is run on the outputs
  4. The budget allocations leading to the best estimated gain is calculated
  5. New ranges are calculated: the range of budgets across any simulations that had gains within 2 std. errors of the best, as calculated in step 4.
  6. Go back to step 2. and iterate until a tolerance is reached
optimizeByLOESS(batchSize=200, targetBudget=8000, percentRanges=percentRanges, startCycle=4, wgtPopImprov=0.5, tolerance=0.40, baseDir=baseDir, maxNumBatches=50, initializeFunc=initializeScheme, productPipeline=productPipeline, populationImprovement=popImprov1Cyc, bsp=bsp, randomSeed=rs, nCores=10)

Parameters are:

jeanlucj/AlfSimHlpR documentation built on Nov. 7, 2021, 5:10 p.m.