context( 'checkFileSystem setup' )
noSuchPath <- tempfile( 'noSuchPath')
emptyFile <- tempfile( 'emptyFile' )
emptyDir <- tempfile( 'emptyDir' )
file.create( emptyFile )
dir.create( emptyDir )
linkToEmptyFile <- tempfile( 'linkToEmptyFile' )
linkToEmptyDir <- tempfile( 'linkToEmptyDir' )
linkToNowhere <- tempfile( 'linkToNowhere' )
noFileLinks <- ! file.symlink( emptyFile, linkToEmptyFile )
noDirLinks <- ! file.symlink( emptyDir, linkToEmptyDir )
noBadLinks <- ! file.symlink( noSuchPath, linkToNowhere )
linkToLinkToEmptyFile <- tempfile( 'linkToLinkToEmptyFile' )
linkToLinkToNowhere <- tempfile( 'linkToLinkToNowhere' )
noLinkToLinks <- ! file.symlink( linkToEmptyFile, linkToLinkToEmptyFile )
noLinkToBadLinks <- ! file.symlink( linkToNowhere, linkToLinkToNowhere )
describe( "The setup for testing checkIsPath and friends.", {
it( "Provides a non-existing path.", {
expect_false( file.exists( noSuchPath ))
it("Provides a path to and existing file", {
expect_true( file.exists( emptyFile ))
expect_false( dir.exists( emptyFile ))
it("Provides a path to and existing dir", {
expect_true( file.exists( emptyDir ))
expect_true( dir.exists( emptyDir ))
context( 'checkIsPath()' )
describe( "checkIsPath() - path=", {
it( "'path' exists? Return an empty string.", {
want <- ""
got <- checkIsPath( emptyFile )
expect_equal( got, want)
got <- checkIsPath( emptyDir )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' does not exist? Return a failure string.", {
want <- "No such path."
got <- checkIsPath( noSuchPath )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' is a bad value? Return an error string (not an error).", {
WantRE <- paste0(
"Checking for a path failed with the following error:",
" invalid 'file' argument"
expect_silent( { got <- checkIsPath( NA )} )
expect_match( got, WantRE)
it( "Internal error? Return an error string (not an error).", {
wantRE <- paste0(
"Checking for a path failed with the following error:",
" naughty 'file.exists'"
`base::file.exists` = function(...) stop("naughty 'file.exists'"),
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsPath( emptyFile ) })
expect_match( got, wantRE)
it( "'path' exists but is a file symlink? Return an empty string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
want <- ""
got <- checkIsPath( linkToEmptyFile )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a dir symlink? Return an empty string.", {
if (noDirLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
want <- ""
got <- checkIsPath( linkToEmptyDir )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a no-target symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
if (noBadLinks) {skip("Symlinks to missing paths are not allowed on this os.")}
want <- "No such path."
got <- checkIsPath( linkToNowhere )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a symlink to a symlink? Return an empty string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
if (noLinkToLinks) skip("Symlinks to symlinks are not allowed on this os.")
want <- ""
got <- checkIsPath( linkToLinkToEmptyFile )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a symlink to a no-target symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
if (noBadLinks) skip("Symlinks to missing paths are not allowed on this os.")
if (noLinkToLinks) skip("Symlinks to symlinks are not allowed on this os.")
want <- "No such path."
got <- checkIsPath( linkToLinkToNowhere )
expect_equal( got, want)
context( 'checkIsNotPath()' )
describe( "checkIsNotPath() - path=", {
it( "'path' does not exist? Return an empty string.", {
want <- ""
got <- checkIsNotPath( noSuchPath )
expect_equal( got, want )
it( "'path' exists? Return a failure string.", {
want <- "Path exists."
got <- checkIsNotPath( emptyFile )
expect_match( got, want)
it( "'path' is a bad value? Return an error string (not an error).", {
wantRE <- paste0(
"Checking for a path failed with the following error:",
" invalid 'file' argument"
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsNotPath( NA ) })
expect_match( got, wantRE)
it( "Internal error? Return an error string (not an error).", {
wantRE <- paste0(
"Checking for a path failed with the following error:",
" naughty 'file.exists'"
`base::file.exists` = function(...) stop("naughty 'file.exists'"),
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsNotPath( emptyFile ) })
expect_match( got, wantRE)
it( "'path' exists but is a file symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
want <- "Path exists."
got <- checkIsNotPath( linkToEmptyFile )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a dir symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noDirLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
want <- "Path exists."
got <- checkIsNotPath( linkToEmptyDir )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a no-target symlink? Return an empty string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
if (noBadLinks) {skip("Symlinks to missing paths are not allowed on this os.")}
want <- ""
got <- checkIsNotPath( linkToNowhere )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a symlink to a symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
if (noLinkToLinks) skip("Symlinks to symlinks are not allowed on this os.")
want <- "Path exists."
got <- checkIsNotPath( linkToLinkToEmptyFile )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a symlink to a no-target symlink? Return an empty string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
if (noBadLinks) skip("Symlinks to missing paths are not allowed on this os.")
if (noLinkToLinks) skip("Symlinks to symlinks are not allowed on this os.")
want <- ""
got <- checkIsNotPath( linkToLinkToNowhere )
expect_equal( got, want)
context( 'checkIsFile()' )
describe( "checkIsFile() - path=", {
it( "'path' exists and is file? Return an empty string.", {
want <- ""
got <- checkIsFile( emptyFile )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' does not exist? Return a failure string.", {
want <- "No such path."
got <- checkIsFile( noSuchPath )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is not a file? Return a failure string.", {
want <- "Not a file."
got <- checkIsFile( emptyDir )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' is a bad value? Return an error string (not an error).", {
wantRE <- paste0(
"Checking for a file failed with the following error:",
" invalid 'file' argument"
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsFile( NA ) })
expect_match( got, wantRE)
it( "Internal error? Return an error string (not an error).", {
wantRE <- paste0(
"Checking for a file failed with the following error:",
" naughty ''"
`` = function(...) stop("naughty ''"),
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsFile( emptyFile ) })
expect_match( got, wantRE)
it( "'path' exists but is a file symlink? Return an empty string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
want <- ""
got <- checkIsFile( linkToEmptyFile )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a dir symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noDirLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
want <- "Not a file."
got <- checkIsFile( linkToEmptyDir )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a no-target symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
if (noBadLinks) skip("Symlinks to missing paths are not allowed on this os.")
want <- "No such path."
got <- checkIsFile( linkToNowhere )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a symlink to a file symlink? Return an empty string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
if (noLinkToLinks) skip("Symlinks to symlinks are not allowed on this os.")
want <- ""
got <- checkIsFile( linkToLinkToEmptyFile )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a symlink to a no-target symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
if (noLinkToLinks) skip("Symlinks to links are not allowed on this os.")
want <- "No such path."
got <- checkIsFile( linkToLinkToNowhere )
expect_equal( got, want)
describe( "checkIsFile() -", {
fileInfo <-
dirInfo <-
missingInfo <-
badInfo <- FALSE
it( "Does not call stat when is provided", {
want <- ""
`` = function(...) stop("naughty"),
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsFile( emptyFile, fileInfo ) })
expect_equal( got, want)
describe( "results with correct", {
it( "'path' exists and is file? Return an empty string.", {
want <- ""
got <- checkIsFile( emptyFile, fileInfo )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' does not exist? Return a failure string.", {
want <- "No such path."
got <- checkIsFile( noSuchPath, missingInfo )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is not a file? Return a failure string.", {
want <- "Not a file."
got <- checkIsFile( emptyDir, dirInfo )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' is a bad value? Return an error string (not an error).", {
wantRE <- paste0(
"Checking for a file failed with the following error:",
" invalid 'file' argument"
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsFile( NA, fileInfo ) })
expect_match( got, wantRE)
it( "Internal error? Return an error string (not an error).", {
wantRE <- paste0(
"Checking for a file failed with the following error:",
" naughty 'file.exists'"
`base::file.exists` = function(...) stop("naughty 'file.exists'"),
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsFile( emptyFile, fileInfo ) })
expect_match( got, wantRE)
# Note, on link returns the information about the ultimate target, possibly NA.
it( "'path' exists but is a file symlink? Return an empty string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
want <- ""
got <- checkIsFile( linkToEmptyFile, linkToEmptyFile ))
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a dir symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noDirLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
want <- "Not a file."
got <- checkIsFile( linkToEmptyDir, linkToEmptyDir ))
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a no-target symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
if (noBadLinks) skip("Symlinks to missing paths are not allowed on this os.")
want <- "No such path."
got <- checkIsFile( linkToNowhere, linkToNowhere ))
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a symlink to a file symlink? Return an empty string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
if (noLinkToLinks) skip("Symlinks to symlinks are not allowed on this os.")
want <- ""
got <- checkIsFile( linkToLinkToEmptyFile, linkToLinkToEmptyFile ))
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a symlink to a no-target symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
if (noBadLinks) skip("Symlinks to missing paths are not allowed on this os.")
if (noLinkToLinks) skip("Symlinks to links are not allowed on this os.")
want <- "No such path."
got <- checkIsFile( linkToLinkToNowhere, linkToLinkToNowhere ))
expect_equal( got, want)
describe( "results with incorrect", {
it( "'' valid but wrong? Use anyway", {
want <- "Not a file."
got <- checkIsFile( emptyFile, dirInfo )
expect_equal( got, want)
got <- checkIsFile( emptyFile, linkToEmptyDir ))
expect_equal( got, want)
want <- ""
got <- checkIsFile( emptyDir, fileInfo ) # dir but with file info
expect_equal( got, want)
got <- checkIsFile( emptyDir, linkToEmptyFile ))
expect_equal( got, want)
got <- checkIsFile( emptyDir, linkToLinkToEmptyFile ))
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'' is a bad value? Return an error string (not an error).", {
wantRE <- "Checking for a file failed with the following error: .+"
got <- checkIsFile( emptyFile, = badInfo )
expect_match( got, wantRE)
got <- checkIsFile( emptyFile, missingInfo )
expect_match( got, wantRE)
got <- checkIsFile( emptyFile, linkToNowhere ))
expect_match( got, wantRE)
got <- checkIsFile( emptyFile, linkToLinkToNowhere ))
expect_match( got, wantRE)
it( "'' ignored if 'path' does not exists.", {
want <- "No such path."
got <- checkIsFile( noSuchPath, fileInfo ) # file but with dir info
expect_match( got, want)
got <- checkIsFile( noSuchPath, badInfo )
expect_match( got, want)
it( "'' ignored if 'path' is bad.", {
wantRE <- paste0(
"Checking for a file failed with the following error:",
" invalid 'file' argument"
got <- checkIsFile( NA, fileInfo )
expect_match( got, wantRE)
got <- checkIsFile( NA, missingInfo )
expect_match( got, wantRE)
it( "Internal error? Return an error string (not an error).", {
wantRE <- paste0(
"Checking for a file failed with the following error:",
" naughty 'file.exists'"
`base::file.exists` = function(...) stop("naughty 'file.exists'"),
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsFile( emptyFile, dirInfo ) })
expect_match( got, wantRE)
`base::file.exists` = function(...) stop("naughty 'file.exists'"),
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsFile( emptyFile, badInfo ) })
expect_match( got, wantRE)
context( 'checkIsNotFile()' )
describe( "checkIsNotFile() - path=", {
it( "'path' exists and is not a file? Return an empty string.", {
want <- ""
got <- checkIsNotFile( emptyDir )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' does not exist? Return a failure string.", {
want <- "No such path."
got <- checkIsNotFile( noSuchPath )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a file? Return a failure string.", {
want <- "Is a file."
got <- checkIsNotFile( emptyFile )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' is a bad value? Return an error string (not an error).", {
wantRE <- paste0(
"Checking for a file failed with the following error:",
" invalid 'file' argument"
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsNotFile( NA ) })
expect_match( got, wantRE)
it( "Internal error? Return an error string (not an error).", {
wantRE <- paste0(
"Checking for a file failed with the following error:",
" naughty ''"
`` = function(...) stop("naughty ''"),
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsNotFile( emptyFile ) })
expect_match( got, wantRE)
it( "'path' exists but is a file symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
want <- "Is a file."
got <- checkIsNotFile( linkToEmptyFile )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a dir symlink? Return an empty string.", {
if (noDirLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
want <- ""
got <- checkIsNotFile( linkToEmptyDir )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a no-target symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
if (noBadLinks) skip("Symlinks to missing paths are not allowed on this os.")
want <- "No such path."
got <- checkIsNotFile( linkToNowhere )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a symlink to a file symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
if (noLinkToLinks) skip("Symlinks to symlinks are not allowed on this os.")
want <- "Is a file."
got <- checkIsNotFile( linkToLinkToEmptyFile )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a symlink to a no-target symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
if (noBadLinks) skip("Symlinks to missing paths are not allowed on this os.")
if (noLinkToLinks) skip("Symlinks to links are not allowed on this os.")
want <- "No such path."
got <- checkIsNotFile( linkToLinkToNowhere )
expect_equal( got, want)
describe( "checkIsNotFile() -", {
fileInfo <-
dirInfo <-
missingInfo <-
badInfo <- FALSE
it( "Does not call stat when is provided", {
want <- ""
`` = function(...) stop("naughty"),
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsNotFile( emptyDir, dirInfo ) })
expect_equal( got, want)
describe( "results with correct", {
it( "'path' exists and is not file? Return an empty string.", {
want <- ""
got <- checkIsNotFile( emptyDir, dirInfo )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' does not exist? Return a failure string.", {
want <- "No such path."
got <- checkIsNotFile( noSuchPath, missingInfo )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a file? Return a failure string.", {
want <- "Is a file."
got <- checkIsNotFile( emptyFile, fileInfo )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' is a bad value? Return an error string (not an error).", {
wantRE <- paste0(
"Checking for a file failed with the following error:",
" invalid 'file' argument"
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsNotFile( NA, dirInfo ) })
expect_match( got, wantRE)
it( "Internal error? Return an error string (not an error).", {
wantRE <- paste0(
"Checking for a file failed with the following error:",
" naughty 'file.exists'"
`base::file.exists` = function(...) stop("naughty 'file.exists'"),
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsNotFile( emptyDir, dirInfo) })
expect_match( got, wantRE)
# Note, on link returns the information about the ultimate target, possibly NA.
it( "'path' exists but is a file symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
want <- "Is a file."
got <- checkIsNotFile( linkToEmptyFile, linkToEmptyFile ))
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a dir symlink? Return an empty string.", {
if (noDirLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
want <- ""
got <- checkIsNotFile( linkToEmptyDir, linkToEmptyDir ))
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a no-target symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
if (noBadLinks) skip("Symlinks to missing paths are not allowed on this os.")
want <- "No such path."
got <- checkIsNotFile( linkToNowhere, linkToNowhere ))
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a symlink to a file symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
if (noLinkToLinks) skip("Symlinks to symlinks are not allowed on this os.")
want <- "Is a file."
got <- checkIsNotFile( linkToLinkToEmptyFile, linkToLinkToEmptyFile ))
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a symlink to a no-target symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
if (noBadLinks) skip("Symlinks to missing paths are not allowed on this os.")
if (noLinkToLinks) skip("Symlinks to links are not allowed on this os.")
want <- "No such path."
got <- checkIsNotFile( linkToLinkToNowhere, linkToLinkToNowhere ))
expect_equal( got, want)
describe( "results with incorrect", {
it( "'' valid but wrong? Use anyway", {
want <- ""
got <- checkIsNotFile( emptyFile, dirInfo ) # file but with dir info
expect_equal( got, want)
got <- checkIsNotFile( emptyFile, linkToEmptyDir ))
expect_equal( got, want)
want <- "Is a file."
got <- checkIsNotFile( emptyDir, fileInfo ) # dir but with file info
expect_equal( got, want)
got <- checkIsNotFile( emptyDir, linkToEmptyFile ))
expect_equal( got, want)
got <- checkIsNotFile( emptyDir, linkToLinkToEmptyFile ))
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'' is a bad value? Return an error string (not an error).", {
wantRE <- "Checking for a file failed with the following error: .+"
got <- checkIsNotFile( emptyDir, = badInfo )
expect_match( got, wantRE)
got <- checkIsNotFile( emptyDir, missingInfo )
expect_match( got, wantRE)
got <- checkIsNotFile( emptyDir, linkToNowhere ))
expect_match( got, wantRE)
got <- checkIsNotFile( emptyDir, linkToLinkToNowhere ))
expect_match( got, wantRE)
it( "'' ignored if 'path' does not exists.", {
want <- "No such path."
got <- checkIsNotFile( noSuchPath, dirInfo ) # file but with dir info
expect_match( got, want)
got <- checkIsNotFile( noSuchPath, badInfo )
expect_match( got, want)
it( "'' ignored if 'path' is bad.", {
wantRE <- paste0(
"Checking for a file failed with the following error:",
" invalid 'file' argument"
got <- checkIsNotFile( NA, dirInfo )
expect_match( got, wantRE)
got <- checkIsNotFile( NA, missingInfo )
expect_match( got, wantRE)
it( "Internal error? Return an error string (not an error).", {
wantRE <- paste0(
"Checking for a file failed with the following error:",
" naughty 'file.exists'"
`base::file.exists` = function(...) stop("naughty 'file.exists'"),
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsNotFile( emptyDir, fileInfo ) })
expect_match( got, wantRE)
`base::file.exists` = function(...) stop("naughty 'file.exists'"),
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsNotFile( emptyDir, badInfo ) })
expect_match( got, wantRE)
context( "checkIsDir()" )
describe( "checkIsDir() - path=", {
it( "'path' exists and is dir? Return an empty string.", {
want <- ""
got <- checkIsDir( emptyDir )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' does not exist? Return a failure string.", {
want <- "No such path."
got <- checkIsDir( noSuchPath )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is not a dir? Return a failure string.", {
want <- "Not a directory."
got <- checkIsDir( emptyFile )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' is a bad value? Return an error string (not an error).", {
wantRE <- paste0(
"Checking for a directory failed with the following error:",
" invalid 'file' argument"
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsDir( NA ) })
expect_match( got, wantRE)
it( "Internal error? Return an error string (not an error).", {
wantRE <- paste0(
"Checking for a directory failed with the following error:",
" naughty ''"
`` = function(...) stop("naughty ''"),
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsDir( emptyDir ) })
expect_match( got, wantRE)
it( "'path' exists but is a file symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
want <- "Not a directory."
got <- checkIsDir( linkToEmptyFile )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a dir symlink? Return an empty string.", {
if (noDirLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
want <- ""
got <- checkIsDir( linkToEmptyDir )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a no-target symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
if (noBadLinks) skip("Symlinks to missing paths are not allowed on this os.")
want <- "No such path."
got <- checkIsDir( linkToNowhere )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a symlink to a file symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
if (noLinkToLinks) skip("Symlinks to symlinks are not allowed on this os.")
want <- "Not a directory."
got <- checkIsDir( linkToLinkToEmptyFile )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a symlink to a no-target symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
if (noBadLinks) skip("Symlinks to missing paths are not allowed on this os.")
if (noLinkToLinks) skip("Symlinks to links are not allowed on this os.")
want <- "No such path."
got <- checkIsDir( linkToLinkToNowhere )
expect_equal( got, want)
describe( "checkIsDir() -", {
fileInfo <-
dirInfo <-
missingInfo <-
badInfo <- FALSE
it( "Does not call stat when is provided", {
want <- ""
`` = function(...) stop("naughty"),
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsDir( emptyDir, dirInfo ) })
expect_equal( got, want)
describe( "results with correct", {
it( "'path' exists and is dir? Return an empty string.", {
want <- ""
got <- checkIsDir( emptyDir, dirInfo )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' does not exist? Return a failure string.", {
want <- "No such path."
got <- checkIsDir( noSuchPath, missingInfo )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is not a dir? Return a failure string.", {
want <- "Not a directory."
got <- checkIsDir( emptyFile, fileInfo )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' is a bad value? Return an error string (not an error).", {
wantRE <- paste0(
"Checking for a directory failed with the following error:",
" invalid 'file' argument"
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsDir( NA, dirInfo ) })
expect_match( got, wantRE)
it( "Internal error? Return an error string (not an error).", {
wantRE <- paste0(
"Checking for a directory failed with the following error:",
" naughty 'file.exists'"
`base::file.exists` = function(...) stop("naughty 'file.exists'"),
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsDir( emptyDir, dirInfo) })
expect_match( got, wantRE)
# Note, on link returns the information about the ultimate target, possibly NA.
it( "'path' exists but is a file symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
want <- "Not a directory."
got <- checkIsDir( linkToEmptyFile, linkToEmptyFile ))
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a dir symlink? Return an empty string.", {
if (noDirLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
want <- ""
got <- checkIsDir( linkToEmptyDir, linkToEmptyDir ))
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a no-target symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
if (noBadLinks) skip("Symlinks to missing paths are not allowed on this os.")
want <- "No such path."
got <- checkIsDir( linkToNowhere, linkToNowhere ))
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a symlink to a file symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
if (noLinkToLinks) skip("Symlinks to symlinks are not allowed on this os.")
want <- "Not a directory."
got <- checkIsDir( linkToLinkToEmptyFile, linkToLinkToEmptyFile ))
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a symlink to a no-target symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
if (noBadLinks) skip("Symlinks to missing paths are not allowed on this os.")
if (noLinkToLinks) skip("Symlinks to links are not allowed on this os.")
want <- "No such path."
got <- checkIsDir( linkToLinkToNowhere, linkToLinkToNowhere ))
expect_equal( got, want)
describe( "results with incorrect", {
it( "'' valid but wrong? Use anyway", {
want <- ""
got <- checkIsDir( emptyFile, dirInfo ) # file but with dir info
expect_equal( got, want)
got <- checkIsDir( emptyFile, linkToEmptyDir ))
expect_equal( got, want)
want <- "Not a directory."
got <- checkIsDir( emptyDir, fileInfo ) # dir but with file info
expect_equal( got, want)
got <- checkIsDir( emptyDir, linkToEmptyFile ))
expect_equal( got, want)
got <- checkIsDir( emptyDir, linkToLinkToEmptyFile ))
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' is a bad value? Return an error string (not an error).", {
wantRE <- "Checking for a directory failed with the following error: .+"
got <- checkIsDir( emptyDir, = badInfo )
expect_match( got, wantRE)
got <- checkIsDir( emptyDir, missingInfo )
expect_match( got, wantRE)
got <- checkIsDir( emptyDir, linkToNowhere ))
expect_match( got, wantRE)
got <- checkIsDir( emptyDir, linkToLinkToNowhere ))
expect_match( got, wantRE)
it( "'' ignored if 'path' does not exists.", {
want <- "No such path."
got <- checkIsDir( noSuchPath, dirInfo ) # file but with dir info
expect_match( got, want)
got <- checkIsDir( noSuchPath, badInfo )
expect_match( got, want)
it( "'' ignored if 'path' is bad.", {
wantRE <- paste0(
"Checking for a directory failed with the following error:",
" invalid 'file' argument"
got <- checkIsDir( NA, dirInfo )
expect_match( got, wantRE)
got <- checkIsDir( NA, missingInfo )
expect_match( got, wantRE)
it( "Internal error? Return an error string (not an error).", {
wantRE <- paste0(
"Checking for a directory failed with the following error:",
" naughty 'file.exists'"
`base::file.exists` = function(...) stop("naughty 'file.exists'"),
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsDir( emptyDir, fileInfo ) })
expect_match( got, wantRE)
`base::file.exists` = function(...) stop("naughty 'file.exists'"),
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsDir( emptyDir, badInfo ) })
expect_match( got, wantRE)
context( "checkIsNotDir()" )
describe( "checkIsNotDir() - path=", {
it( "'path' exists and is not directory? Return an empty string.", {
want <- ""
got <- checkIsNotDir( emptyFile )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' does not exist? Return a failure string.", {
want <- "No such path."
got <- checkIsNotDir( noSuchPath )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a directory? Return a failure string.", {
want <- "Is a directory."
got <- checkIsNotDir( emptyDir )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' is a bad value? Return an error string (not an error).", {
wantRE <- paste0(
"Checking for a directory failed with the following error:",
" invalid 'file' argument"
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsNotDir( NA ) })
expect_match( got, wantRE)
it( "Internal error? Return an error string (not an error).", {
wantRE <- paste0(
"Checking for a directory failed with the following error:",
" naughty ''"
`` = function(...) stop("naughty ''"),
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsNotDir( emptyDir ) })
expect_match( got, wantRE)
it( "'path' exists but is a file symlink? Return an empty string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
want <- ""
got <- checkIsNotDir( linkToEmptyFile, linkToEmptyFile ))
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a dir symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noDirLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
want <- "Is a directory."
got <- checkIsNotDir( linkToEmptyDir, linkToEmptyDir ))
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a no-target symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
if (noBadLinks) skip("Symlinks to missing paths are not allowed on this os.")
want <- "No such path."
got <- checkIsNotDir( linkToNowhere, linkToNowhere ))
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a symlink to a file symlink? Return an empty string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
if (noLinkToLinks) skip("Symlinks to symlinks are not allowed on this os.")
want <- ""
got <- checkIsNotDir( linkToLinkToEmptyFile, linkToLinkToEmptyFile ))
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a symlink to a no-target symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
if (noBadLinks) skip("Symlinks to missing paths are not allowed on this os.")
if (noLinkToLinks) skip("Symlinks to links are not allowed on this os.")
want <- "No such path."
got <- checkIsNotDir( linkToLinkToNowhere, linkToLinkToNowhere ))
expect_equal( got, want)
describe( "checkIsNotDir() -", {
fileInfo <-
dirInfo <-
missingInfo <-
badInfo <- FALSE
it( "Does not call stat when is provided", {
want <- ""
`` = function(...) stop("naughty"),
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsNotDir( emptyFile, fileInfo ) })
expect_equal( got, want)
describe( " good values", {
it( "'path' exists and is not dir? Return an empty string.", {
want <- ""
got <- checkIsNotDir( emptyFile, fileInfo )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' does not exist? Return a failure string.", {
want <- "No such path."
got <- checkIsNotDir( noSuchPath, missingInfo )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a dir? Return a failure string.", {
want <- "Is a directory."
got <- checkIsNotDir( emptyDir, dirInfo )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' is a bad value? Return an error string (not an error).", {
wantRE <- paste0(
"Checking for a directory failed with the following error:",
" invalid 'file' argument"
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsNotDir( NA, fileInfo ) })
expect_match( got, wantRE)
it( "Internal error? Return an error string (not an error).", {
wantRE <- paste0(
"Checking for a directory failed with the following error:",
" naughty 'file.exists'"
`base::file.exists` = function(...) stop("naughty 'file.exists'"),
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsNotDir( emptyFile, fileInfo ) })
expect_match( got, wantRE)
# Note, on link returns the information about the ultimate target, possibly NA.
it( "'path' exists but is a file symlink? Return an empty string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
want <- ""
got <- checkIsNotDir( linkToEmptyFile, linkToEmptyFile ))
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a dir symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noDirLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
want <- "Is a directory."
got <- checkIsNotDir( linkToEmptyDir, linkToEmptyDir ))
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a no-target symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
if (noBadLinks) skip("Symlinks to missing paths are not allowed on this os.")
want <- "No such path."
got <- checkIsNotDir( linkToNowhere, linkToNowhere ))
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a symlink to a file symlink? Return an empty string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
if (noLinkToLinks) skip("Symlinks to symlinks are not allowed on this os.")
want <- ""
got <- checkIsNotDir( linkToLinkToEmptyFile, linkToLinkToEmptyFile ))
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a symlink to a no-target symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
if (noBadLinks) skip("Symlinks to missing paths are not allowed on this os.")
if (noLinkToLinks) skip("Symlinks to links are not allowed on this os.")
want <- "No such path."
got <- checkIsNotDir( linkToLinkToNowhere, linkToLinkToNowhere ))
expect_equal( got, want)
describe( " incorrect or bad values", {
it( "'' valid but wrong? Use anyway", {
want <- "Is a directory."
got <- checkIsNotDir( emptyFile, dirInfo )
expect_equal( got, want)
got <- checkIsNotDir( emptyFile, linkToEmptyDir ))
expect_equal( got, want)
want <- ""
got <- checkIsNotDir( emptyDir, fileInfo ) # dir but with file info
expect_equal( got, want)
got <- checkIsNotDir( emptyDir, linkToEmptyFile ))
expect_equal( got, want)
got <- checkIsNotDir( emptyDir, linkToLinkToEmptyFile ))
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' is a bad value? Return an error string (not an error).", {
wantRE <- "Checking for a directory failed with the following error: .+"
got <- checkIsNotDir( emptyFile, = badInfo )
expect_match( got, wantRE)
got <- checkIsNotDir( emptyFile, missingInfo )
expect_match( got, wantRE)
got <- checkIsNotDir( emptyFile, linkToNowhere ))
expect_match( got, wantRE)
got <- checkIsNotDir( emptyFile, linkToLinkToNowhere ))
expect_match( got, wantRE)
it( "'' ignored if 'path' does not exists.", {
want <- "No such path."
got <- checkIsNotDir( noSuchPath, fileInfo ) # file but with dir info
expect_match( got, want)
got <- checkIsNotDir( noSuchPath, badInfo )
expect_match( got, want)
it( "'' ignored if 'path' is bad.", {
wantRE <- paste0(
"Checking for a directory failed with the following error:",
" invalid 'file' argument"
got <- checkIsNotDir( NA, fileInfo )
expect_match( got, wantRE)
got <- checkIsNotDir( NA, missingInfo )
expect_match( got, wantRE)
it( "Internal error? Return an error string (not an error).", {
wantRE <- paste0(
"Checking for a directory failed with the following error:",
" naughty 'file.exists'"
`base::file.exists` = function(...) stop("naughty 'file.exists'"),
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsNotDir( emptyFile, dirInfo ) })
expect_match( got, wantRE)
`base::file.exists` = function(...) stop("naughty 'file.exists'"),
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsNotDir( emptyFile, badInfo ) })
expect_match( got, wantRE)
context( 'checkIsNotLink()' )
describe( "checkIsNotLink() - path=", {
it( "'path' exists and is not a link? Return an empty string.", {
want <- ""
got <- checkIsNotLink( emptyFile )
expect_equal( got, want)
got <- checkIsNotLink( emptyDir )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' does not exist? Return a failure string.", {
want <- "No such path."
got <- checkIsNotLink( noSuchPath )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' is a bad value? Return an error string (not an error).", {
wantRE <- "Checking for a link failed with the following error: .+"
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsNotLink( NA ) })
expect_match( got, wantRE)
it( "'path' exists but is a file symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
want <- "Is a link."
got <- checkIsNotLink( linkToEmptyFile )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a dir symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noDirLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
want <- "Is a link."
got <- checkIsNotLink( linkToEmptyDir )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a no-target symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
if (noBadLinks) skip("Symlinks to missing paths are not allowed on this os.")
want <- "Is a link."
got <- checkIsNotLink( linkToNowhere )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a symlink to a symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
if (noLinkToLinks) skip("Symlinks to symlinks are not allowed on this os.")
want <- "Is a link."
got <- checkIsNotLink( linkToLinkToEmptyFile )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a symlink to a no-target symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
if (noBadLinks) skip("Symlinks to missing paths are not allowed on this os.")
if (noLinkToLinks) skip("Symlinks to symlinks are not allowed on this os.")
want <- "Is a link."
got <- checkIsNotLink( linkToLinkToNowhere )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( " but path exists? Return an error string (not an error).", {
wantRE <- 'Unspecified error occurred checking if existing path was a link.'
`base::Sys.readlink` = function(...) {return(NA_character_)},
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsNotLink( emptyDir ) })
expect_match( got, wantRE)
it( "Internal error? Return an error string (not an error).", {
wantRE <- paste0(
"Checking for a link failed with the following error:",
" naughty 'Sys.readlink'"
`base::Sys.readlink` = function(...) stop("naughty 'Sys.readlink'"),
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsNotLink( emptyDir ) })
expect_match( got, wantRE)
context( 'checkIsLink()' )
describe( "checkIsLink() - path=", {
it( "'path' exists and is not a link? Return a failure string.", {
want <- "Not a link."
got <- checkIsLink( emptyFile )
expect_equal( got, want)
got <- checkIsLink( emptyDir )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' does not exist? Return a failure string.", {
want <- "No such path."
got <- checkIsLink( noSuchPath )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' is a bad value? Return an error string (not an error).", {
wantRE <- "Checking for a link failed with the following error: .+"
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsLink( NA ) })
expect_match( got, wantRE)
it( "'path' exists but is a file symlink? Return an empty string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
want <- ""
got <- checkIsLink( linkToEmptyFile )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a dir symlink? Return an empty string.", {
if (noDirLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
want <- ""
got <- checkIsLink( linkToEmptyDir )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a no-target symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
if (noBadLinks) skip("Symlinks to missing paths are not allowed on this os.")
want <- "Bad link."
got <- checkIsLink( linkToNowhere )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a symlink to a symlink? Return an empty string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
if (noLinkToLinks) skip("Symlinks to symlinks are not allowed on this os.")
want <- ""
got <- checkIsLink( linkToLinkToEmptyFile )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a symlink to a no-target symlink? Return a failure string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
if (noBadLinks) skip("Symlinks to missing paths are not allowed on this os.")
if (noLinkToLinks) skip("Symlinks to symlinks are not allowed on this os.")
want <- "Bad link."
got <- checkIsLink( linkToLinkToNowhere )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( " error but path exists? Return an error string (not an error).", {
wantRE <- 'Unspecified error occurred checking if existing path was a link.'
`base::Sys.readlink` = function(...) {return(NA_character_)},
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsLink( emptyDir ) })
expect_match( got, wantRE)
it( "Internal error? Return an error string (not an error).", {
wantRE <- paste0(
"Checking for a link failed with the following error:",
" naughty 'Sys.readlink'"
`base::Sys.readlink` = function(...) stop("naughty 'Sys.readlink'"),
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsLink( emptyDir ) })
expect_match( got, wantRE)
describe( "checkIsLink() - okBadLink=", {
it( "'path' exists and is not a link? Return a failure string.", {
want <- "Not a link."
got <- checkIsLink( emptyFile, okBadLink= TRUE )
expect_equal( got, want)
got <- checkIsLink( emptyDir, okBadLink= TRUE )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' does not exist? Return a failure string.", {
want <- "No such path."
got <- checkIsLink( noSuchPath, okBadLink= TRUE )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' is a bad value? Return an error string (not an error).", {
wantRE <- "Checking for a link failed with the following error: .+"
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsLink( NA, okBadLink= TRUE ) })
expect_match( got, wantRE)
it( "'path' exists but is a file symlink? Return an empty string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
want <- ""
got <- checkIsLink( linkToEmptyFile, okBadLink= TRUE )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a dir symlink? Return an empty string.", {
if (noDirLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
want <- ""
got <- checkIsLink( linkToEmptyDir, okBadLink= TRUE )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a no-target symlink? Return an empty string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
if (noBadLinks) skip("Symlinks to missing paths are not allowed on this os.")
want <- ""
got <- checkIsLink( linkToNowhere, okBadLink= TRUE )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a symlink to a symlink? Return an empty string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
if (noLinkToLinks) skip("Symlinks to symlinks are not allowed on this os.")
want <- ""
got <- checkIsLink( linkToLinkToEmptyFile, okBadLink= TRUE )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( "'path' exists but is a symlink to a no-target symlink? Return an empty string.", {
if (noFileLinks) skip("Symlinks to files are not supported on this os.")
if (noBadLinks) skip("Symlinks to missing paths are not allowed on this os.")
if (noLinkToLinks) skip("Symlinks to symlinks are not allowed on this os.")
want <- ""
got <- checkIsLink( linkToLinkToNowhere, okBadLink= TRUE )
expect_equal( got, want)
it( " error but path exists? Return an error string (not an error).", {
wantRE <- 'Unspecified error occurred checking if existing path was a link.'
`base::Sys.readlink` = function(...) {return(NA_character_)},
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsLink( emptyDir, okBadLink= TRUE ) })
expect_match( got, wantRE)
it( "Internal error? Return an error string (not an error).", {
wantRE <- paste0(
"Checking for a link failed with the following error:",
" naughty 'Sys.readlink'"
`base::Sys.readlink` = function(...) stop("naughty 'Sys.readlink'"),
expect_silent({ got <- checkIsLink( emptyDir, okBadLink= TRUE ) })
expect_match( got, wantRE)
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