context("Testing IOExceptions and sub-classes.")
# Specific test fixture - test that a constructed IOexception has the correct
# content via all S3 accessors and for any additional data as well. Requires
# a list with the expected elements, see desc$ references below.
expect_exception_like <- function(ex, desc) {
expect_equal( class( ex ), desc$class )
expect_equalOrNull( conditionMessage( ex ), desc$displayMessage )
expect_equalOrNull( conditionCall( ex ), desc$call )
expect_equalOrNull( exceptionPackage( ex ), desc$package )
expect_equalOrNull( exceptionPath( ex ), desc$path )
expect_equalOrNull( exceptionTarget( ex ), desc$target )
for( datum in names(desc$data)) {
expect_equal( ex[datum], desc$data[datum] )
# Default description of an IO exception, including S3 data fields and extra
# data as a list
exceptionDesc <- function(c) {
class= c,
rawMessage="A test message",
displayMessage="[testMe] A test message",
call= sys.calls(),
package= "testMe",
path= "/some/path",
target= "/some/target",
data= list( A=1, B=list(a="amy", b="bob"))
# Convert a list description of an exception to an argument for an
# exception constructor.
descToExecArgsArg <- function( desc ) {
message= desc$rawMessage,
call= desc$call,
package= desc$package,
path= desc$path,
target= desc$target
# To be definitive in testing.
thisPackage <- utils::packageName()
describe( "IOException", {
IOExceptionClasses = c( "IOException", "Exception", "condition" )
it( "Constructs the expected default object", {
got <- IOException()
desc <- list(
class= IOExceptionClasses,
displayMessage= sprintf("[%s] An IOException occurred.", thisPackage),
call= NULL,
package= thisPackage
expect_exception_like( got, desc )
it( "Can set message, call, path, target, and extra data", {
desc <- exceptionDesc( IOExceptionClasses )
argList <- descToExecArgsArg( desc )
got <- "IOException", argList )
expect_exception_like( got, desc )
it( "Displays raw message if package is null", {
got <- conditionMessage( IOException(package= NULL ))
want <- "An IOException occurred."
expect_equal( got, want )
got <- conditionMessage( IOException(message= "new message", package= NULL ))
want <- "new message"
expect_equal( got, want )
describe( "FileSystemException", {
FileSystemExceptionClasses = c( "FileSystemException", "IOException",
"Exception", "condition" )
it( "Constructs the expected default object", {
got <- FileSystemException()
desc <- list(
class= FileSystemExceptionClasses,
displayMessage= sprintf("[%s] A FileSystemException occurred.", thisPackage),
call= NULL,
package= thisPackage
expect_exception_like( got, desc )
it( "Can set message, call, path, target, and extra data", {
desc <- exceptionDesc( FileSystemExceptionClasses )
argList <- descToExecArgsArg( desc )
got <- "FileSystemException", argList )
expect_exception_like( got, desc )
it( "Displays raw message if package is null", {
got <- conditionMessage( FileSystemException(package= NULL ))
want <- "A FileSystemException occurred."
expect_equal( got, want )
got <- conditionMessage( FileSystemException(message= "new message", package= NULL ))
want <- "new message"
expect_equal( got, want )
describe( "PathException", {
PathExceptionClasses = c( "PathException", "FileSystemException",
"IOException", "Exception", "condition" )
somePath <- "../"
rawMessage = paste0(
sprintf( 'A PathException occurred involving path: "%s". ', somePath ),
sprintf( '(Running in: "%s").', getwd() )
it( "Constructs the expected default object", {
got <- PathException(path= somePath)
desc <- list(
class= PathExceptionClasses,
displayMessage= sprintf("[%s] %s", thisPackage, rawMessage),
call= NULL,
package= thisPackage,
path= somePath
expect_exception_like( got, desc )
it( "Can set message, call, path, target, and extra data", {
desc <- exceptionDesc( PathExceptionClasses )
argList <- descToExecArgsArg( desc )
got <- "PathException", argList )
expect_exception_like( got, desc )
it( "Displays raw message if package is null", {
got <- conditionMessage( PathException(path=somePath, package= NULL ))
want <- rawMessage
expect_equal( got, want )
got <- conditionMessage( PathException(somePath, message= "new message", package= NULL ))
want <- "new message"
expect_equal( got, want )
describe( "FileException", {
FileExceptionClasses = c( "FileException", "PathException",
"FileSystemException", "IOException", "Exception", "condition" )
somePath <- "../"
rawMessage = paste0(
sprintf( 'A FileException occurred involving file: "%s". ', somePath ),
sprintf( '(Running in: "%s").', getwd() )
it( "Constructs the expected default object", {
got <- FileException(path= somePath)
desc <- list(
class= FileExceptionClasses,
displayMessage= sprintf("[%s] %s", thisPackage, rawMessage),
call= NULL,
package= thisPackage,
path= somePath
expect_exception_like( got, desc )
it( "Can set message, call, path, target, and extra data", {
desc <- exceptionDesc( FileExceptionClasses )
argList <- descToExecArgsArg( desc )
got <- "FileException", argList )
expect_exception_like( got, desc )
it( "Displays raw message if package is null", {
got <- conditionMessage( FileException(path=somePath, package= NULL ))
want <- rawMessage
expect_equal( got, want )
got <- conditionMessage( FileException(somePath, message= "new message", package= NULL ))
want <- "new message"
expect_equal( got, want )
describe( "DirectoryException", {
DirectoryExceptionClasses = c( "DirectoryException", "PathException",
"FileSystemException", "IOException", "Exception", "condition" )
somePath <- "../"
rawMessage = paste0(
sprintf( 'A DirectoryException occurred involving directory: "%s". ', somePath ),
sprintf( '(Running in: "%s").', getwd() )
it( "Constructs the expected default object", {
got <- DirectoryException(path= somePath)
desc <- list(
class= DirectoryExceptionClasses,
displayMessage= sprintf("[%s] %s", thisPackage, rawMessage),
call= NULL,
package= thisPackage,
path= somePath
expect_exception_like( got, desc )
it( "Can set message, call, path, target, and extra data", {
desc <- exceptionDesc( DirectoryExceptionClasses )
argList <- descToExecArgsArg( desc )
got <- "DirectoryException", argList )
expect_exception_like( got, desc )
it( "Displays raw message if package is null", {
got <- conditionMessage( DirectoryException(path=somePath, package= NULL ))
want <- rawMessage
expect_equal( got, want )
got <- conditionMessage( DirectoryException(
somePath, message= "new message", package= NULL ))
want <- "new message"
expect_equal( got, want )
describe( "LinkException", {
LinkExceptionClasses = c( "LinkException", "PathException",
"FileSystemException", "IOException", "Exception", "condition" )
somePath <- "../"
someTarget <- "not/me"
rawMessage = paste0(
sprintf( 'A LinkException occurred involving link: "%s" ', somePath ),
sprintf( 'with target: "%s". (Running in: "%s").', someTarget, getwd() )
it( "Constructs the expected default object", {
got <- LinkException(path= somePath, target= someTarget)
desc <- list(
class= LinkExceptionClasses,
displayMessage= sprintf("[%s] %s", thisPackage, rawMessage),
call= NULL,
package= thisPackage,
path= somePath,
target= someTarget
expect_exception_like( got, desc )
it( "Can set message, call, path, target, and extra data", {
desc <- exceptionDesc( LinkExceptionClasses )
argList <- descToExecArgsArg( desc )
got <- "LinkException", argList )
expect_exception_like( got, desc )
it( "Displays raw message if package is null", {
got <- conditionMessage( LinkException(path= somePath, target= someTarget,
package= NULL ))
want <- rawMessage
expect_equal( got, want )
got <- conditionMessage( LinkException(
somePath, someTarget, message= "new message", package= NULL ))
want <- "new message"
expect_equal( got, want )
describe( "NoSuchLinkTargetException", {
NoSuchLinkTargetExceptionClasses = c( "NoSuchLinkTargetException", "LinkException",
"PathException", "FileSystemException", "IOException", "Exception",
"condition" )
somePath <- "../"
someTarget <- "not/me"
rawMessage = paste0(
sprintf( 'The link target does not exist; link: "%s" ', somePath ),
sprintf( 'with target: "%s". (Running in: "%s").', someTarget, getwd() )
it( "Constructs the expected default object", {
got <- NoSuchLinkTargetException(path= somePath, target= someTarget)
desc <- list(
class= NoSuchLinkTargetExceptionClasses,
displayMessage= sprintf("[%s] %s", thisPackage, rawMessage),
call= NULL,
package= thisPackage,
path= somePath,
target= someTarget
expect_exception_like( got, desc )
it( "Can set message, call, path, target, and extra data", {
desc <- exceptionDesc( NoSuchLinkTargetExceptionClasses )
argList <- descToExecArgsArg( desc )
got <- "NoSuchLinkTargetException", argList )
expect_exception_like( got, desc )
it( "Displays raw message if package is null", {
got <- conditionMessage( NoSuchLinkTargetException(path= somePath, target= someTarget,
package= NULL ))
want <- rawMessage
expect_equal( got, want )
got <- conditionMessage( NoSuchLinkTargetException(
somePath, someTarget, message= "new message", package= NULL ))
want <- "new message"
expect_equal( got, want )
describe( "NoSuchFileException", {
NoSuchFileExceptionClasses = c( "NoSuchFileException", "FileException",
"PathException", "FileSystemException", "IOException", "Exception",
"condition" )
somePath <- "../"
rawMessage = paste0(
sprintf( 'No such file: "%s". ', somePath ),
sprintf( '(Running in: "%s").', getwd() )
it( "Constructs the expected default object", {
got <- NoSuchFileException(path= somePath)
desc <- list(
class= NoSuchFileExceptionClasses,
displayMessage= sprintf("[%s] %s", thisPackage, rawMessage),
call= NULL,
package= thisPackage,
path= somePath
expect_exception_like( got, desc )
it( "Can set message, call, path, target, and extra data", {
desc <- exceptionDesc( NoSuchFileExceptionClasses )
argList <- descToExecArgsArg( desc )
got <- "NoSuchFileException", argList )
expect_exception_like( got, desc )
it( "Displays raw message if package is null", {
got <- conditionMessage( NoSuchFileException(path=somePath, package= NULL ))
want <- rawMessage
expect_equal( got, want )
got <- conditionMessage( NoSuchFileException( somePath,
message= "new message", package= NULL ))
want <- "new message"
expect_equal( got, want )
describe( "NoSuchDirectoryException", {
NoSuchDirectoryExceptionClasses = c( "NoSuchDirectoryException",
"DirectoryException", "PathException", "FileSystemException",
"IOException", "Exception", "condition" )
somePath <- "../"
rawMessage = paste0(
sprintf( 'No such directory: "%s". ', somePath ),
sprintf( '(Running in: "%s").', getwd() )
it( "Constructs the expected default object", {
got <- NoSuchDirectoryException(path= somePath)
desc <- list(
class= NoSuchDirectoryExceptionClasses,
displayMessage= sprintf("[%s] %s", thisPackage, rawMessage),
call= NULL,
package= thisPackage,
path= somePath
expect_exception_like( got, desc )
it( "Can set message, call, path, target, and extra data", {
desc <- exceptionDesc( NoSuchDirectoryExceptionClasses )
argList <- descToExecArgsArg( desc )
got <- "NoSuchDirectoryException", argList )
expect_exception_like( got, desc )
it( "Displays raw message if package is null", {
got <- conditionMessage( NoSuchDirectoryException(path=somePath, package= NULL ))
want <- rawMessage
expect_equal( got, want )
got <- conditionMessage( NoSuchDirectoryException( somePath,
message= "new message", package= NULL ))
want <- "new message"
expect_equal( got, want )
describe( "NoSuchLinkException", {
NoSuchLinkExceptionClasses = c( "NoSuchLinkException", "LinkException",
"PathException", "FileSystemException", "IOException", "Exception",
"condition" )
somePath <- "../"
rawMessage = paste0(
sprintf( 'No such link: "%s". ', somePath ),
sprintf( '(Running in: "%s").', getwd() )
it( "Constructs the expected default object", {
got <- NoSuchLinkException(path= somePath)
desc <- list(
class= NoSuchLinkExceptionClasses,
displayMessage= sprintf("[%s] %s", thisPackage, rawMessage),
call= NULL,
package= thisPackage,
path= somePath,
target= NA
expect_exception_like( got, desc )
it( "Can set message, call, path, target, and extra data", {
desc <- exceptionDesc( NoSuchLinkExceptionClasses )
argList <- descToExecArgsArg( desc )
got <- "NoSuchLinkException", argList )
expect_exception_like( got, desc )
it( "Displays raw message if package is null", {
got <- conditionMessage( NoSuchLinkException(path=somePath, package= NULL ))
want <- rawMessage
expect_equal( got, want )
got <- conditionMessage( NoSuchLinkException( somePath,
message= "new message", package= NULL ))
want <- "new message"
expect_equal( got, want )
describe( "FileExistsException", {
FileExistsExceptionClasses = c( "FileExistsException", "FileException",
"PathException", "FileSystemException", "IOException", "Exception",
"condition" )
somePath <- "../"
rawMessage = paste0(
sprintf( 'File already exists: "%s". ', somePath ),
sprintf( '(Running in: "%s").', getwd() )
it( "Constructs the expected default object", {
got <- FileExistsException(path= somePath)
desc <- list(
class= FileExistsExceptionClasses,
displayMessage= sprintf("[%s] %s", thisPackage, rawMessage),
call= NULL,
package= thisPackage,
path= somePath
expect_exception_like( got, desc )
it( "Can set message, call, path, target, and extra data", {
desc <- exceptionDesc( FileExistsExceptionClasses )
argList <- descToExecArgsArg( desc )
got <- "FileExistsException", argList )
expect_exception_like( got, desc )
it( "Displays raw message if package is null", {
got <- conditionMessage( FileExistsException(path=somePath, package= NULL ))
want <- rawMessage
expect_equal( got, want )
got <- conditionMessage( FileExistsException( somePath,
message= "new message", package= NULL ))
want <- "new message"
expect_equal( got, want )
describe( "DirectoryExistsException", {
DirectoryExistsExceptionClasses = c( "DirectoryExistsException",
"DirectoryException", "PathException", "FileSystemException",
"IOException", "Exception", "condition" )
somePath <- "../"
rawMessage = paste0(
sprintf( 'Directory already exists: "%s". ', somePath ),
sprintf( '(Running in: "%s").', getwd() )
it( "Constructs the expected default object", {
got <- DirectoryExistsException(path= somePath)
desc <- list(
class= DirectoryExistsExceptionClasses,
displayMessage= sprintf("[%s] %s", thisPackage, rawMessage),
call= NULL,
package= thisPackage,
path= somePath
expect_exception_like( got, desc )
it( "Can set message, call, path, target, and extra data", {
desc <- exceptionDesc( DirectoryExistsExceptionClasses )
argList <- descToExecArgsArg( desc )
got <- "DirectoryExistsException", argList )
expect_exception_like( got, desc )
it( "Displays raw message if package is null", {
got <- conditionMessage( DirectoryExistsException(path=somePath, package= NULL ))
want <- rawMessage
expect_equal( got, want )
got <- conditionMessage( DirectoryExistsException( somePath,
message= "new message", package= NULL ))
want <- "new message"
expect_equal( got, want )
describe( "LinkExistsException", {
LinkExistsExceptionClasses = c( "LinkExistsException", "LinkException",
"PathException", "FileSystemException", "IOException", "Exception",
"condition" )
somePath <- "../"
someTarget <- "not/me"
rawMessage = paste0(
sprintf( 'Link already exists: "%s" ', somePath ),
sprintf( 'with target: "%s". (Running in: "%s").', someTarget, getwd() )
it( "Constructs the expected default object", {
got <- LinkExistsException(path= somePath, target= someTarget)
desc <- list(
class= LinkExistsExceptionClasses,
displayMessage= sprintf("[%s] %s", thisPackage, rawMessage),
call= NULL,
package= thisPackage,
path= somePath,
target= someTarget
expect_exception_like( got, desc )
it( "Can set message, call, path, target, and extra data", {
desc <- exceptionDesc( LinkExistsExceptionClasses )
argList <- descToExecArgsArg( desc )
got <- "LinkExistsException", argList )
expect_exception_like( got, desc )
it( "Displays raw message if package is null", {
got <- conditionMessage( LinkExistsException( path= somePath,
target= someTarget, package= NULL ))
want <- rawMessage
expect_equal( got, want )
got <- conditionMessage( LinkExistsException( somePath, someTarget,
message= "new message", package= NULL ))
want <- "new message"
expect_equal( got, want )
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