loadExonExpressionFile: Load a TCGA exon expression data file as a data frame

Description Usage Arguments Value Errors


Loads an RNA exon expression data file as generated for the TCGA, returning its contents as a data frame. The input file has four tab-delimited columns, no header. The first column in the file describes the exon as <chr>:<start>-<end><strand>, the next three give count, coverage, and rpkm values.





The path to the exon expression data file to load


A data frame with the following columns from the exon expression file:

chr The exon's chromosome
start The genomic start coordinate for the exon
end The genomic end coordinate for the exon
strand The strand the chromosome is on, one of + | - | *
count One of the exon expression level columns
coverage One of the exon expression level columns
rpkm One of the exon expression level columns


The following fatal errors can occur:

No such file: path

The exon expression file named can not be found. Case, spelling permission and wrong working dir for relative paths are all common errors.

jefferys/FusionExpressionPlot documentation built on May 19, 2019, 3:59 a.m.