#' @title Proximity Index
#' @description Calculates proximity index for a set of polygons
#' @param x A polygon class sp or sf object
#' @param y Optional column in data containing classes
#' @param min.dist Minimum threshold distance
#' @param max.dist Maximum neighbor distance
#' @param background Optional value in y column indicating background value
#' @return A vector equal to nrow(x) of proximity index values, if a background value is specified
#' NA values will be returned in the position(s) of the specified class
#' @author Jeffrey S. Evans <jeffrey_evans@@tnc.org>
#' @references Gustafson, E.J., & G.R. Parker (1994) Using an Index of Habitat Patch Proximity
#' for Landscape Design. Landscape and Urban Planning 29:117-130
#' @examples
#' library(sp)
#' library(rgeos)
#' # Create test polygons
#' data(meuse)
#' coordinates(meuse) = ~x+y
#' meuse_poly <- gBuffer(meuse, width = meuse$elev * 5, byid = TRUE)
#' meuse_poly$LU <- sample(c("forest","nonforest"), nrow(meuse_poly), replace=TRUE)
#' # All polygon proximity index 1000 radius
#' ( pidx <-proximity.index(meuse_poly, min.dist = 1) )
#' pidx[pidx > 100] <- 100
#' # Class-level proximity index 1000 radius
#' ( pidx.class <- proximity.index(meuse_poly, y = "LU", min.dist = 1) )
#' pidx.class[pidx.class > 100] <- 100
#' # plot index for all polygons
#' meuse_poly$pidx <- pidx
#' spplot(meuse_poly, "pidx")
#' # plot index for class-level polygons
#' meuse_poly$cpidx <- pidx.class
#' spplot(meuse_poly, "cpidx")
#' # plot index for just forest class
#' forest <- meuse_poly[meuse_poly$LU == "forest",]
#' spplot(forest, "cpidx")
#' @export
proximity.index <- function(x, y = NULL, min.dist = 0, max.dist = 1000,
background = NULL) {
if(any(class(x) == "sf")) { x <- as(x, "Spatial") }
if(!any(class(x) == "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame"))
stop("x must be an sp SpatialPolygonsDataFrame object")
if(!is.null(y)) {
if(!any(y %in% names(x)))
stop("Column (y) is not in polygon data")
classes <- unique(x@data[,y])
if(!is.null(background)) {
if(!any(background %in% unique(x@data[,y])))
stop("Background class not in data")
bg.idx <- which( x@data[,y] == background )
x <- x[x@data[,y] != background,]
classes <- classes[-grep(background, classes)]
class.pidx <- vector()
rn <- vector()
for(j in classes) {
xx <- x[x@data[,y] == j,]
rn <- append(rn,rownames(xx@data))
dmat <- rgeos::gDistance(xx, byid=TRUE)
dmat[dmat <= min.dist | dmat > max.dist] <- NA
a <- rgeos::gArea(xx, byid=TRUE)
pidx <- vector()
for(i in 1:nrow(dmat)) {
idx <- colnames(dmat)[which(!is.na(as.numeric(dmat[,i])))]
pidx[i] <- sum(a[which(names(a) %in% idx)] * dmat[,i][idx]^-2)
class.pidx <- append(class.pidx, pidx)
pidx <- class.pidx[order(match(rownames(x@data),rn))]
} else {
dmat <- rgeos::gDistance(x, byid=TRUE)
dmat[dmat <= min.dist | dmat > max.dist] <- NA
a <- rgeos::gArea(x, byid=TRUE)
pidx <- vector()
for(i in 1:nrow(dmat)) {
idx <- colnames(dmat)[which(!is.na(as.numeric(dmat[,i])))]
#pidx[i] <- sum(a[which(names(a) %in% idx)] / dmat[,i][idx])
pidx[i] <- sum(a[which(names(a) %in% idx)] * dmat[,i][idx]^-2)
if(!is.null(background)) {
z <- numeric(length(pidx) + length(bg.idx))
z[bg.idx] <- NA
z[-bg.idx] <- pidx
pidx <- z
return ( pidx )
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