
Defines functions rf.partial.prob

Documented in rf.partial.prob

#' @title Random Forest probability scaled partial dependency plots
#' @description Produces partial dependency plots with probability distribution 
#'              based on scaled margin distances.
#' @param x              Object of class randomForest 
#' @param pred.data      Training data.frame used for constructing the plot, 
#' @param xname          Name of the variable for calculating partial dependence 
#' @param which.class    The class to focus on
#' @param w              Weights to be used in averaging (if not supplied, mean 
#'                       is not weighted) 
#' @param prob           Scale distances to probabilities
#' @param plot           (TRUE/FALSE) Plot results 
#' @param smooth         c(spline, loess) Apply spline.smooth or loess to 
#' @param conf           (TRUE/FALSE) Should confidence intervals be calculated 
#'                       for smoothing
#' @param smooth.parm    An appropriate smoothing parameter passed to loess or 
#'                       smooth.spline
#' @param pts            (FALSE/TRUE) Add raw points
#' @param raw.line       (FALSE/TRUE) Plot raw line (non-smoothed)
#' @param rug            Draw hash marks on plot representing deciles of x
#' @param n.pt           Number of points on the grid for evaluating partial 
#'                       dependence.
#' @param xlab           x-axis plot label
#' @param ylab           y-axis plot label
#' @param main           Plot label for main
#' @param ...            Additional graphical parameters passed to plot
#' @return A list class object with fit x,y. If smooth=c("spline","loess") y 
#'         represents smoothed scaled margin distance values 
#' @author Jeffrey S. Evans    <jeffrey_evans<at>tnc.org>
#' @details
#' ...
#' @references 
#' Evans J.S., M.A. Murphy, Z.A. Holden, S.A. Cushman (2011). Modeling species 
#'   distribution and change using Random Forests CH.8 in Predictive Modeling in 
#'   Landscape Ecology eds Drew, CA, Huettmann F, Wiersma Y. Springer 
#' @references 
#' Baruch-Mordo, S., J.S. Evans, J. Severson, J. D. Naugle, J. Kiesecker, J. Maestas, & 
#'   M.J. Falkowski (2013) Saving sage-grouse from the trees: A proactive solution to 
#'   reducing a key threat to a candidate species Biological Conservation 167:233-241  
#' @examples 
#'  require(randomForest)
#'    data(iris)
#'    iris.rf <- randomForest(iris[,1:4], iris[,5])
#'  # plot all parameters	 
#'  par(mfrow=c(2,2))
#'    for(i in names(iris)[1:4]) {     
#'      rf.partial.prob(iris.rf, iris, i, "setosa", smooth="spline", 
#'                      n.pt=70, smooth.parm = 0.5)
#'     }
#'  # Plot spline and loess smoothing for one parameter, with raw points and line
#'  par(mfrow=c(1,2))	 
#'    rf.partial.prob(x = iris.rf, pred.data = iris, xname = "Sepal.Length", 
#'                    which.class = "setosa", smooth = "spline", smooth.parm = 0.5,
#'    				  n.pt = 70, pts = TRUE, raw.line = TRUE, rug = TRUE)
#'    rf.partial.prob(x = iris.rf, pred.data = iris, xname = "Sepal.Length", 
#'                    which.class = "setosa", smooth = "loess", smooth.parm = 0.20,
#'    				  n.pt = 70, pts = TRUE, raw.line = TRUE, rug = TRUE)
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{smooth.spline}} for smooth.spline details on spar smoothing argument
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{loess}} for loess details of span smoothing argument 
#' @export
rf.partial.prob <- function(x, pred.data, xname, which.class, w, prob=TRUE, plot=TRUE,
                            smooth, conf = TRUE, smooth.parm = NULL, pts = FALSE, 
							raw.line = FALSE, rug=FALSE, n.pt, xlab, ylab, main, ...) { 
	if (inherits(x, "ranger"))   
	  stop("Sorry, ranger objects not yet supported")
	if (!inherits(x, "randomForest"))   
	  stop("x is not a randomForest object")	  
	  if (is.null(x$forest)) stop("Object does not contain an ensemble \n")
	    if(!x$type != "regression")	stop("Regression not supported \n")	   
	      if (missing(which.class)) stop("Class name missing \n")
	    if (missing(xname)) stop("X Variable name missing \n")
	  if (missing(x)) stop("randomForest object missing \n")
    if (missing(pred.data)) stop("New data missing \n")
	focus <- charmatch(which.class, colnames(x$votes))
    if (is.na(focus)) stop(which.class, "is not one of the class labels")
    xv <- pred.data[, xname]
	n <- nrow(pred.data)
	  if(missing(n.pt)) n.pt <- min(length(unique(pred.data[, xname])), 51)
	  if (missing(w)) w <- rep(1, n)
	scale.dist <- function(d) { return( (exp(d) - min(exp(d))) / (max(exp(d)) - min(exp(d))) ) }
    if(is.factor(xv) && !is.ordered(xv)) {
      x.pt <- levels(xv)
      y.pt <- numeric(length(x.pt))
        for (i in seq(along = x.pt)) {
          x.data <- pred.data
          x.data[, xname] <- factor(rep(x.pt[i], n), levels = x.pt)
          pr <- stats::predict(x, x.data, type = "prob")
          y.pt[i] <- stats::weighted.mean(log(ifelse(pr[, focus] > 0, pr[, focus],
		              .Machine$double.eps)) - rowMeans(log(ifelse(pr > 0, pr, 
					  w, na.rm=TRUE)
      if( prob == TRUE) { y.pt <- scale.dist(y.pt) } 
      if (plot) {
        if(missing(xlab)) xlab=xname
	    if(missing(ylab)) ylab=which.class
	    if(missing(main)) main="Partial Dependency Plot"
	      graphics::barplot(y.pt, width=rep(1,length(y.pt)), col="blue",
                            xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main,
                            names.arg=x.pt, ...)
    if (is.numeric(xv)) {
      x.pt <- seq(min(xv), max(xv), length=n.pt)
      y.pt <- numeric(length(x.pt))
        for (i in seq(along=x.pt)) {
          x.data <- pred.data
          x.data[, xname] <- rep(x.pt[i], n)
          pr <- stats::predict(x, x.data, type = "prob")
          y.pt[i] <- stats::weighted.mean(log(ifelse(pr[, focus] == 0, .Machine$double.eps,
               pr[, focus])) - rowMeans(log(ifelse(pr == 0, .Machine$double.eps, pr))),
               w, na.rm=TRUE)
    if(prob == TRUE) { y.pt <- scale.dist(y.pt) }
	if (plot == TRUE) {
      if(missing(xlab)) xlab = xname
	    if(missing(ylab)) ylab = "probability"
	      if(missing(main)) main = paste("Partial Dependency Plot for Class",
		                                 which.class, sep=" - ")
      if(!missing(smooth)) {
	    if(smooth == "spline") {	
	      fit <- stats::smooth.spline(x.pt, y.pt, spar = smooth.parm, all.knots = TRUE)
          fit.y <- fit$y
            if(prob == TRUE) {
              fit.y[fit.y < 0] <- 0		
		      fit.y[fit.y > 1] <- 1
            if(conf == TRUE) {
	# Using jackknifed residuals for upper and lower 95% confidence interval 
                res <- (fit$yin - fit$y)/(1-fit$lev)    
                  sigma <- sqrt(stats::var(res))              
                    upper <- fit$y + 2.0 * sigma * sqrt(fit$lev)   
                    lower <- fit$y - 2.0 * sigma * sqrt(fit$lev)  
	  } else if (smooth == "loess") {
          if(is.null(smooth.parm)) smooth.parm = 0.75		
		    fit <- stats::predict(stats::loess(y.pt ~ x.pt, span = smooth.parm), 
			                      se = TRUE, degree = 2)
		fit.y <- fit$fit
		  if(prob == TRUE) {
            fit.y[fit.y < 0] <- 0
		    fit.y[fit.y > 1] <- 1
	      if(conf == TRUE) {	
            lower <- fit$fit - stats::qt(0.975, fit$df) * fit$se 
            upper <- fit$fit + stats::qt(0.975, fit$df) * fit$se
	  } else {
	    warning("Not a valid option for smoothing type, options are: spline or loess")
		if(conf == FALSE) {	  
	      graphics::plot(x.pt, fit.y, type = "l", xlab=xlab, lwd=0.75, lty=2, ylab=ylab, 
		} else {
          graphics::plot(x.pt, y.pt, type = "n", xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main)
	        graphics::polygon(c(x.pt, rev(x.pt)), c(upper, rev(lower)),  
	                          col=grDevices::rgb(0.85, 0.85, 0.85, 0.5))
		    graphics::lines(x.pt, fit.y, lty=3, col="gray42")
      } else {
	    fit.y <- y.pt
        graphics::plot(x.pt, y.pt, type = "l", xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main)
    if( raw.line == TRUE) { graphics::lines(x.pt, y.pt, lty = 1, lwd=0.5, col="red") }
      if( pts == TRUE) { graphics::points(x.pt, y.pt, pch=19, cex=0.35, col="black") }
        if (rug == TRUE) {
          if (n.pt > 10) {
            graphics::rug(stats::quantile(xv, seq(0.1, 0.9, by=0.1)), side = 1)
              } else {
            graphics::rug(unique(xv, side = 1))
  invisible(list(x=x.pt, y=fit.y))
jeffreyevans/rfUtilities documentation built on Nov. 12, 2023, 6:52 p.m.