Defines functions kNNImpute cv.kNNImpute .dist.2dto1d

Documented in cv.kNNImpute kNNImpute

#' kNN Impute
#' Imputation using k-nearest neighbors.
#' For each record, identify missinng features.  For each missing feature
#' find the k nearest neighbors which have that feature.  Impute the missing
#' value using the imputation function on the k-length vector of values
#' found from the neighbors.
#' The default impute.fn weighs the k values by their respective distances.
#'   First the smallest k distances are extracted into the variable smallest.distances
#'   Then, the corresponding values are extracted to knn.values.  Finally, knn.weights
#'   normalizes the distances by the max distance, and are subtracted by 1.  The result
#'   is the weighted mean of the values of the nearest neighbors and their weight based
#'   on their distance.  It is implemented as follows:
#' \preformatted{impute.fn = function(values, distances, k) {
#'   ranks = order(distances)
#'   smallest.distances = distances[ranks][1:k]
#'   #values corresponding to smallest distances
#'   knn.values = values[ranks][1:k]
#'   knn.weights = 1 - (smallest.distances / max(distances))
#'   weighted.mean(knn.values, knn.weights)
#' }}
#' A simple mean can be implemented as follows:
#' \preformatted{impute.fn = function(values, distances, k) {
#'   ranks = order(distances)
#'   mean(distances[ranks][1:k])
#' }}
#' @param x a data frame or matrix where each row represents a different record
#' @param k the number of neighbors to use for imputation
#' @param x.dist an optional, pre-computed distance matrix to be used for kNN
#' @param impute.fn the imputation function to run on the length k vector of values for
#'   a missing feature.  Defaults to a weighted mean of the neighboring values weighted
#'   by the distance of the neighbors
#' @param verbose if TRUE print status updates
#' @references Missing value estimation methods for DNA microarrays.  Troyanskaya et al.
#' @examples
#'   x = matrix(rnorm(100),10,10)
#'   x.missing = x > 1
#'   x[x.missing] = NA
#'   kNNImpute(x, 3)
#' @export
kNNImpute = function(x, k, x.dist = NULL, impute.fn, verbose=T) {
  if (!is.matrix(x)) stop("x should be a numeric data matrix")
  if(k >= nrow(x)) stop("k must be less than the number of rows in x")

  prelim = impute.prelim(x)
  if (prelim$numMissing == 0) return (x)
  missing.matrix = prelim$missing.matrix
  x.missing = prelim$x.missing
  missing.rows.indices = prelim$missing.rows.indices

  if (missing(impute.fn)) 
    impute.fn = function(values, distances, k) {
      ranks = order(distances)
      smallest.distances = distances[ranks]
      #values corresponding to smallest distances
      knn.values = values[ranks][1:k]
      knn.weights = 1 - (smallest.distances / max(distances)) [1:k]
      weighted.mean(knn.values, knn.weights)

  if (verbose) print("Computing distance matrix...")
  if (is.null(x.dist)) x.dist = dist(x)
  if (verbose) print("Distance matrix complete")
  x.missing.imputed = t(apply(x.missing, 1, function(i) {
    rowIndex = as.numeric(i[1])
    i.original = unlist(i[-1])
    if(verbose) print(paste("Imputing row", rowIndex,sep=" "))
    missing.cols = which(missing.matrix[rowIndex,])
    if(length(missing.cols) == ncol(x))
      warning( paste("Row",rowIndex,"is completely missing",sep=" ") )
    imputed.values = sapply(missing.cols, function(j) {
      #find neighbors that have data on the jth column
      neighbor.indices = which(!missing.matrix[,j])
      #lookup the distance to these neighbors
      #order the neighbors to find the closest ones
      if (!is.null(x.dist)) {
        indices.1d = .dist.2dto1d(rowIndex, neighbor.indices, nrow(x))
        knn.dist = x.dist[indices.1d]
      else knn.dist = pdist(x, indices.A = rowIndex,
                            indices.B = neighbor.indices)@dist
      impute.fn(x[neighbor.indices,j], knn.dist, k)
    i.original[missing.cols] = imputed.values
  x[missing.rows.indices,] = x.missing.imputed

  #Things that were not able to be imputed are set to 0
  missing.matrix2 = is.na(x)
  x[missing.matrix2] = 0

  return (list(

#' CV for kNNImpute
#' Cross Validation for kNNImpute
#' Artificially erase some data and run kNNImpute multiple times,
#' varying k from 1 to k.max.  For each k, compute the RMSE on the subset of x
#' for which data was artificially erased.
#' @param x a data frame or matrix where each row represents a different record
#' @param k.max the largest amount of neighbors to try kNN Impute
#' @param parallel runs each run for k = 1 to k = k.max in parallel.  Requires
#'   a parallel backend to be registered
#' @examples
#'   x = matrix(rnorm(100),10,10)
#'   x.missing = x > 1
#'   x[x.missing] = NA
#'   cv.kNNImpute(x)
#' @export
cv.kNNImpute = function(x, k.max=5, parallel = F) {
  if (!is.matrix(x)) stop("x should be a numeric data matrix")
  if (k.max >= nrow(x)) stop("k.max must be less than nrow(x)")

  prelim = cv.impute.prelim(x)
  remove.indices = prelim$remove.indices
  x.train = prelim$x.train

  x.dist = dist(x)
  if (parallel) {
    if (!require(foreach)) stop("R package foreach is required for parallel execution, as well
                                 as a registered parallel backend")
    rmse = foreach (i=1:k.max, .combine = c, .packages = c('imputation')) %dopar% {
      x.imputed = kNNImpute(x.train, i, x.dist, verbose=F)$x
      error = (x.imputed[remove.indices] - x[remove.indices])
  else {
    rmse = sapply(1:k.max, function(i) {
      x.imputed = kNNImpute(x.train, i, x.dist, verbose=F)$x
      error = (x.imputed[remove.indices] - x[remove.indices])
  list(k = which.min(rmse), rmse = rmse[which.min(rmse)],
       k.full = 1:k.max, rmse.full = rmse)

#' 2D indices to 1D indices
#' Helper function to convert 2D indices to 1D indices.
#' The return value of the function dist does not by default return a
#' 2D object, instead it returns an array.  When wanting to access an
#' element at the i,jth position of the distance matrix, this function
#' converts the 2D index to a 1D index that can be used on the distance array
.dist.2dto1d = function(i,j,n) {
  ret = rep(0, length(j))
  j.larger.indices = which(j > i)
  j.smaller.indices = which(j < i)
  if (length(j.larger.indices) > 0) {
    j.larger = j[j.larger.indices]
    ret[j.larger.indices] = (i-1)*n - i^2/2 + j.larger - i/2
  if (length(j.smaller.indices) > 0) {
    j.smaller = j[j.smaller.indices]
    ret[j.smaller.indices] = (j.smaller-1)*n - j.smaller^2/2 + i - j.smaller/2
jeffwong/imputation documentation built on May 19, 2019, 4:02 a.m.