
Defines functions .onLoad

# nocov start
.onLoad <- function(...) {

#' The tRakt client ID for this particular app
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
tRakt_client_id <- "12fc1de7671c7f2fb4a8ac08ba7c9f45b447f4d5bad5e11e3490823d629afdf2"

#' Useful global internal variables
#' Used in two functions. In case of changes, I want to only have to change it once.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
trakt_people_crew_sections <- c(
  "production", "art", "crew", "directing", "writing",
  "sound", "camera", "costume & make-up", "visual effects"

#' Trakt's rating label
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
trakt_rating_labels <- c(
  `1` = "Weak Sauce :(",
  `2` = "Terrible",
  `3` = "Bad",
  `4` = "Poor",
  `5` = "Meh",
  `6` = "Fair",
  `7` = "Good",
  `8` = "Great",
  `9` = "Superb",
  `10` = "Totally Ninja!"

# nocov end
jemus42/tRakt documentation built on Oct. 11, 2024, 9:28 a.m.