# | AEL ########################################################################
#' Add Name Columns to AEL Excel File
#' `process_names` creates standardized `PatientLastName`,
#' `PatientFirstName`, `PatientMiddleName`, and
#' `PatientMidOthName` columns in AEL data, if they do not already exist.
#' `process_names` first checks the input data for the above columns, as
#' well as any additional `PatientMidOthName` columns. If any of the
#' standardized columns do not exist, or non-standard \code{Patient...Name}
#' columns exist, the function deletes any previously created
#' \code{Patient...Name} columns and adds standardized ones using
#' \code{\link{split_names}}. If the data contains the standardized columns and
#' no additional `PatientMidOthName` columns, the data is returned as-is.
#' @param data A data frame or tibble containing AEL data from one date
#' @param force A logical; if `force = TRUE`, the data is (re-)processed
#' regardless of whether it passes the above checks
#' @return A tibble containing the input data plus standardized
#' `PatientLastName`, `PatientFirstName`, `PatientMiddleName`,
#' and `PatientMidOthName` columns
#' @noRd
# process_names <- function(data, force = FALSE) {
# # Get column names in data and set reference columns
# col_names <- colnames(data)
# ref_cols <- c(
# "PatientLastName",
# "PatientFirstName",
# "PatientMiddleName",
# "PatientMidOthName"
# )
# # Check that all standardized columns exist
# ifelse(ref_cols %in% col_names, yes = TRUE, no = FALSE) %>%
# all() ->
# std_exist
# # Check that no more than the standardized columns exist
# stringr::str_detect(col_names, pattern = "Patient.+Name.*") %>%
# sum() %>%
# (function(x) x == 4) ->
# only_std
# # If the data passes both checks, return as-is (unless force == TRUE)
# if (std_exist & only_std & !force) {
# attr(data, which = "modified") <- FALSE
# return(data)
# }
# # Find and delete any Patient...Name columns, then create standardized ones
# # and return the result
# data %>%
# dplyr::select(-dplyr::matches("Patient.+Name.*")) %>%
# split_names() ->
# new_data
# attr(new_data, which = "modified") <- TRUE
# new_data
# }
#' Split Patient Names in AEL Data
#' \code{split_names} creates columns for the last, first, first-middle, and
#' other-middle names of patients in AEL data
#' @param .data A data frame or data frame extension (e.g. a
#' \code{\link[tibble]{tibble}})
#' @return The original data frame, tibble, etc. with character columns for
#' `PatientLastName`, `PatientFirstName`, `PatientMiddleName`,
#' `PatientMidOthName` inserted after `PatientName` (which is a
#' \code{\link[base]{factor}})
#' @noRd
# split_names <- function(.data) {
# # Create character matrix holding last names and first + other names
# .data$PatientName %>%
# as.character() %>%
# stringr::str_split_fixed(pattern = ",", n = 2) ->
# pt_names
# # Create character matrix holding first, middle, and other middle names
# pt_names[, 2] %>%
# stringr::str_split_fixed(
# pattern = " ",
# n = 3
# ) ->
# pt_other_names
# # Create new columns
# .data %>%
# dplyr::transmute(
# last = pt_names[, 1] %>%
# as.vector() %>%
# stringr::str_squish() %>%
# gsub(pattern = "^$", replacement = NA),
# first = pt_other_names[, 1] %>%
# as.vector() %>%
# stringr::str_squish() %>%
# gsub(pattern = "^$", replacement = NA),
# middle = pt_other_names[, 2] %>%
# as.vector() %>%
# stringr::str_squish() %>%
# gsub(pattern = "^$", replacement = NA),
# other = pt_other_names[, 3] %>%
# as.vector() %>%
# stringr::str_squish() %>%
# gsub(pattern = "^$", replacement = NA)
# ) ->
# new_names
# # Add to existing data
# .data %>%
# dplyr::mutate(
# PatientLastName = new_names$last,
# PatientFirstName = new_names$first,
# PatientMiddleName = new_names$middle,
# PatientMidOthName = new_names$other,
# .after = "PatientName"
# )
# }
#' Add Updated Names Columns to AEL File and Replace Existing File
#' Function to replace AEL data with cleaned names data.
#' @param date The date of the file to replace
#' @param directory The directory in which the file is located
#' @param date_file IDK
#' @param overwrite_names If names are already cleaned, should this be
#' overwritten?
#' @noRd
# replace_ael <- function(
# date = Sys.Date(),
# directory = "V:/EPI DATA ANALYTICS TEAM/AEL Data/",
# date_file = NULL,
# overwrite_names = FALSE
# ) {
# date_str <- as.character(date, format = "%m/%d")
# message(paste0("Reading file for ", date_str, "..."))
# ael_file <- find_file(
# date = date,
# directory = directory
# )
# load_ael(date = date, directory = directory) %>%
# standardize_dates() %>%
# process_names(force = overwrite_names) ->
# processed_data
# modified <- attr(processed_data, which = "modified")
# if (modified) {
# message("Writing file for ", date_str, "...")
# openxlsx::write.xlsx(
# processed_data,
# file = ael_file,
# sheet = "Sheet1"
# )
# }
# invisible(processed_data)
# }
#' Load AEL Data from Disk
#' `load_ael()` loads AEL data from a file into a \code{\link[tibble]{tibble}}.
#' It is essentially a wrapper around \code{\link{load_data}} with defaults
#' specific to AEL data.
#' @inherit load_data params return
#' @noRd
# load_ael <- function(
# date = Sys.Date(),
# ext = "xlsx"
# ) {
# message("Loading AEL file:\n")
# load_data(
# date = date,
# directory = directory,
# ext = ext[[1]],
# pattern = paste0(".*", date, ".*", ext[[1]])
# )
# }
#' Download AEL File from Serv-U SFTP Site
#' \code{download_ael} finds and download the AEL data for the input date and
#' saves it to a folder of your choice. To make the best use of this function,
#' you should save your username and password for Serv-U in a ".Renviron" file;
#' see
#' @param date The creation date of the Serv-U file
#' @param usr The username for Serv-U; the default pulls from a ".Renviron" file
#' and is the recommended setup
#' @param pwd The password for Serv-U; the default pulls from a ".Renviron" file
#' and is the recommended setup
#' @param directory The directory in which the new file will be saved
#' @noRd
# download_ael <- function(
# date = Sys.Date(),
# usr = Sys.getenv("sftp_usr"),
# pwd = Sys.getenv("sftp_pwd"),
# directory = "V:/EPI DATA ANALYTICS TEAM/AEL Data/"
# ) {
# download_servu(
# date = date,
# usr = usr,
# pwd = pwd,
# remote_dir = "AEL",
# local_dir = directory,
# new_file = NULL
# )
# }
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