
Defines functions load_inv_positive load_pcr_positive load_new_positive load_positive

Documented in load_inv_positive load_new_positive load_pcr_positive load_positive

#' Load PCR Positives from a Given Date with Investigations File Data
#' `load_positive()` loads positive PCR tests and investigations, and it joins
#' the results together.
#' @param date Optional. Character (formatted as "YYYY-MM-DD") or `Date`.
#' @return A `date_tbl`, which is a `tibble` with a `date` attribute
#' @export
load_positive <- function(date = NULL) {

  # Get date of latest NBS PCR file
  if (rlang::is_empty(date)) {
    date <- path_pcr() %>%
      stringr::str_extract(pattern = "[0-9]{8}") %>%
  } else {
    date <- lubridate::as_date(date)

  # Load PCR file for `date`
  pcr <- load_pcr_positive(date = date) %>%

  # Load investigations file
  inv <- load_inv_positive(date = date) %>%

  # Generate random suffix to identify variables to drop from inv file
  suffix <- c(LETTERS, letters, 0L:9L) %>%
    sample(size = 23L, replace = TRUE) %>%
    append("_") %>%
    rev() %>%
    append("_") %>%
    rev() %>%
    paste0(collapse = "")

  pcr %>%
    dplyr::left_join(inv, by = "inv_local_id", suffix = c("", suffix)) %>%
    dplyr::select(-dplyr::ends_with(suffix)) %>%
    as_date_tbl(date = date)

#' Load New NBS Positive PCRs for a Given Date
#' `load_new_positive()` loads newly reported positive tests on a given date.
#' It identifies newly reported tests on that date, subsets to those tests, and
#' adds information from the investigations file to the identified records.
#' @param date Character (formatted as "YYYY-MM-DD") or `Date`.
#' @return A `date_tbl`, which is a `tibble` with a `date` attribute
#' @export
load_new_positive <- function(date = NULL) {

  # Get date of latest NBS PCR file
  if (rlang::is_empty(date)) {
    date <- path_pcr() %>%
      stringr::str_extract(pattern = "[0-9]{8}") %>%
  } else {
    date <- lubridate::as_date(date)

  # Load positives tests in latest and second-latest files
  pcr_new <- load_pcr_positive(date = date) %>%
  pcr_old <- load_pcr_positive(date = date - 1L) %>%
    janitor::clean_names() %>%

  # Join data from investigations file
  inv_new <- load_inv_positive(date = date)

  # Generate random suffix to identify variables to drop from inv file
  suffix <- c(LETTERS, letters, 0L:9L) %>%
    sample(size = 6L) %>%
    append("_") %>%
    rev() %>%
    append("_") %>%
    rev() %>%
    paste0(collapse = "")

  pcr_new %>%
    # Get rid of duplicates in PCR files
    dplyr::anti_join(pcr_old, by = "lab_local_id") %>%
    # Add data from investigations file
    dplyr::left_join(inv_new, by = "inv_local_id", suffix = c("", suffix)) %>%
    # Remove duplicate columns in investigations file
    dplyr::select(-dplyr::ends_with(suffix)) %>%
    # Convert to `date_tbl`
    as_date_tbl(date = date)

#' Load Positive Tests or Cases From NBS Snapshot File
#' `load_pcr_positive()` loads positive tests from the latest PCR snapshot file,
#' or the one specified by `date`, if provided. `load_inv_positive()` does the
#' same for the latest investigations snapshot file.
#' @param date Optional. Character (formatted as "YYYY-MM-DD") or `Date`.
#' @return A `tibble`
#' @name load_nbs_positive
#' @aliases load_inv_positive load_pcr_positive

#' @rdname load_nbs_positive
#' @export
load_pcr_positive <- function(date = NULL) {

  path_pcr(date = date) %>%
    read_pcr_positive() %>%
    janitor::clean_names() %>%
      .data[["inv_case_status"]] %in% c("C", "P"),
      .data[["lab_result"]] %in% c("Positive", "Presumptive Positive")

#' @rdname load_nbs_positive
#' @export
load_inv_positive <- function(date = NULL) {

  path_inv(date = date) %>%
    read_inv_positive() %>%
    janitor::clean_names() %>%
    dplyr::filter(.data[["inv_case_status"]] %in% c("C", "P")) %>%
      coviData::load_report_date() %>% extract(1L:2L),
      by = "inv_local_id"
    ) %>%
      report_date = .data[["report_date"]] %>%
jesse-smith/covidsms documentation built on Dec. 25, 2021, 4:24 a.m.