
## Test geocoding functionality without making any API calls


# get all method names
all_methods <- unique(tidygeocoder::api_parameter_reference[["method"]])

# Check column names with custom settings
test_that("geocode default colnames", {
  result <- tibble::tibble(addr = NA) %>%
    geocode(addr, no_query = TRUE)

  expect_identical(colnames(result), c("addr", "lat", "long"))
  expect_equal(nrow(result), 1) # result should have one row

# Check column names with custom settings
test_that("geocode custom colnames", {
  result <- tibble::tibble(addr = "") %>%
    geocode(addr, lat = "latitude", long = "longitude", no_query = TRUE)

  expect_identical(colnames(result), c("addr", "latitude", "longitude"))
  expect_equal(nrow(result), 1) # result should have one row

# Check that null/empty address values are handled properly
test_that("geocode null/empty addresses", {
  # expected NA result
  NA_result <- get_na_value("lat", "long")

  # NA input data
  NA_data <- tibble::tribble(
    "   ",

  expected_colnames <- c(colnames(NA_data), "lat", "long")

  for (method in all_methods) {
    # label to include in error message so we know which method failed
    method_label <- paste0('method = "', method, '"', " ")

    # make sure blank addresses are not being sent to the geocoder
      geo(" ", method = method, return_addresses = FALSE, no_query = TRUE),
      label = method_label

    # test geocoding NA/blank data
    result <- NA_data %>% geocode(addr, no_query = TRUE, method = method)

    # check column names
    expect_identical(colnames(result), expected_colnames, label = method_label)

    # make sure geo_method is NA when address is NA
    expect_equal(nrow(result), nrow(NA_data), label = method_label) # check dataframe length

test_that("Test geo() and reverse_geo() error handling", {

  # invalid cascade_order
  # expect_error(geo(no_query = TRUE, address = 'abc', method = 'cascade', cascade_order = 1))
  # invalid method
  expect_error(geo(no_query = TRUE, address = "abc", method = "123"))
  expect_error(reverse_geo(no_query = TRUE, lat = 1, long = 2, method = "123"))
  # invalid mode
  expect_error(geo(no_query = TRUE, address = "abc", mode = "123"))
  expect_error(reverse_geo(no_query = TRUE, lat = 1, long = 2, mode = "123"))
  # incompatible address arguments
  expect_error(geo(no_query = TRUE, address = "abc", street = "xyz", no_query = TRUE))

  # invalid limit
  expect_error(geo(no_query = TRUE, address = "abc", limit = 0))
  expect_error(reverse_geo(no_query = TRUE, lat = 1, long = 2, limit = 0))
  # don't allow mixed lengths for inputs
  expect_error(geo(no_query = TRUE, city = c("x", "y"), state = "ab"))
  expect_error(reverse_geo(no_query = TRUE, lat = c(1, 5), long = 2))

  # should not allow batch geocoding with a method that doesn't have batch geocoding
  expect_error(geo("yz", no_query = TRUE, mode = "batch", method = "osm"))
  expect_error(reverse_geo(lat = 1, long = 2, no_query = TRUE, mode = "batch", method = "osm"))

  # invalid parameters for the census service (country and limit != 1)
  expect_error(geo("yz", no_query = TRUE, country = "abc", method = "census"))

  # improper parameters for cascade (limit !=1 and full_results = TRUE)
  # expect_error(geo('xy', no_query = TRUE, full_results = TRUE, method = 'cascade'))
  # expect_error(geo('ab', no_query = TRUE, limit = 5, method = 'cascade'))

  # api_options tests ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # invalid mapbox_permanent parameter
  expect_error(geo(no_query = TRUE, address = "abc", api_options = list(mapbox_permanent = "AA")))
  expect_error(reverse_geo(no_query = TRUE, lat = -5, long = 10, api_options = list(mapbox_permanent = "AA")))

  # invalid api_options parameter
  expect_error(geo(no_query = TRUE, address = "abc", api_options = list(invalid_parameter = "blah")))
  expect_error(reverse_geo(no_query = TRUE, lat = 0, long = 0, api_options = list(invalid_parameter = "blah")))
  # api_options - method mismatch
  expect_error(geo(no_query = TRUE, method = 'google', address = "abc", api_options = list(geocodio_v = 1.0)))
  expect_error(reverse_geo(lat = 1, long = 2, no_query = TRUE,  method = 'google', address = "abc", api_options = list(geocodio_v = 1.0)))
  expect_error(geo(no_query = TRUE, method = 'geocodio', address = "abc", api_options = list(geocodio_v = 1.0, census_return_type ="geographies")))

  # invalid here_request_id parameter
  expect_error(geo(no_query = TRUE, address = "abc", method = "here", api_options = list(here_request_id = 12345)))
  expect_error(reverse_geo(no_query = TRUE, lat = 1, long = 2, method = "here", api_options = list(here_request_id = 12345)))
  # invalid return_type
  expect_error(geo(no_query = TRUE, address = "abc", api_options = list(census_return_type = "xyz")))

  # here specific batch issue for here_request_id
    no_query = TRUE, lat = c(0, 1), long = c(0, 0),
    method = "here", api_options = list(here_request_id = "asdf"), return_coords = TRUE, mode = "batch"
    no_query = TRUE, address = c("xyz", "abc"),
    method = "here", api_options = list(here_request_id = "asdf"), return_addresses = TRUE, mode = "batch"

  # Test batch limit detection and error/warning toggling - geo()
    address = as.character(seq(1, 10)),
    method = "census", batch_limit = 5, no_query = TRUE

  # Test reverse_geo() batch limit handling
    lat = c(1, 2, 3), long = c(0, 0, 0),
    method = "geocodio", batch_limit = 2, no_query = TRUE

test_that("Test geocode() error handling", {
  addr_df <- tibble::tibble(addr = "xyz")
  named_list <- list(addr = "xyz")

  # expect error when using wrong column name
  expect_error(geocode(addr_df, no_query = TRUE, address = wrong))
  expect_error(geocode(addr_df, no_query = TRUE, address = "wrong"))

  # non-dataframe input
  expect_error(geocode(named_list, no_query = TRUE, address = "addr"))

# Check that null/empty address values are handled properly
test_that("reverse geocode null/empty addresses", {
  # Currently census is the only method that doesn't support reverse geocoding
  reverse_methods <- all_methods[!all_methods %in% pkg.globals$no_reverse_methods]

  NA_result <- tibble::tibble(address = as.character(NA))
  NA_data <- tibble::tribble(
    ~lat, ~lon,
    as.numeric(NA), as.numeric(NA),
    5000, 5000
  expected_colnames <- c(colnames(NA_data), "address")

  for (method in reverse_methods) {
    # label to include in error message so we know which method failed
    method_label <- paste0('method = "', method, '"', " ")

    # check colnames
      lat = lat, long = lon,
      method = method, no_query = TRUE
    )), expected_colnames, label = method_label)
    # check dataframe length
      lat = lat, long = lon,
      method = method, no_query = TRUE
    )), nrow(NA_data), label = method_label)
    # check NA results on blank
      lat = " ", long = " ", method = method,
      return_coords = FALSE, no_query = TRUE
    ), NA_result, label = method_label)

test_that("Test limit related error handling", {
  addr_input <- tibble(addr = c("zyx", "etd"))
  coord_input <- tibble(lat = c(1, 2), long = c(4, 5))

  # reverse_geo()
  expect_error(reverse_geo(no_query = TRUE, method = "geocodio", lat = 1, long = 2, mode = "batch", limit = 5))
  expect_error(reverse_geo(no_query = TRUE, method = "geocodio", lat = 1, long = 2, mode = "batch", limit = NULL))
  expect_true(is_tibble(reverse_geo(no_query = TRUE, method = "geocodio", lat = 1, long = 2, mode = "batch", limit = 1)))
  expect_true(is_tibble(reverse_geo(no_query = TRUE, method = "geocodio", lat = 1, long = 2, mode = "batch", limit = 5, return_coords = FALSE)))

  # geo()
  expect_error(geo(no_query = TRUE, method = "geocodio", address = "xyz", mode = "batch", limit = 5))
  expect_error(geo(no_query = TRUE, method = "geocodio", address = "xyz", mode = "batch", limit = NULL))
  expect_true(is_tibble(geo(no_query = TRUE, method = "geocodio", address = "xyz", mode = "batch", limit = 1)))
  expect_true(geo(no_query = TRUE, method = "geocodio", address = "xyz", mode = "batch", limit = 5, return_addresses = FALSE) %>% is_tibble())

  # geocode()
  expect_error(geocode(addr_input, address = addr, no_query = TRUE, method = "osm", limit = 5, return_input = TRUE))
  expect_error(geocode(addr_input, address = addr, no_query = TRUE, method = "osm", limit = NULL, return_input = TRUE))
  expect_true(is_tibble(geocode(addr_input, address = addr, no_query = TRUE, method = "osm", return_input = TRUE)))
  expect_true(is_tibble(geocode(addr_input, address = addr, no_query = TRUE, method = "osm", unique_only = TRUE)))

  # reverse_geocode()
  expect_error(reverse_geocode(coord_input, lat = lat, long = long, no_query = TRUE, method = "osm", return_input = TRUE, limit = 5))
  expect_error(reverse_geocode(coord_input, lat = lat, long = long, no_query = TRUE, method = "osm", return_input = TRUE, limit = NULL))
  expect_true(reverse_geocode(coord_input, lat = lat, long = long, no_query = TRUE, method = "osm", return_input = FALSE) %>% is_tibble())
  expect_true(reverse_geocode(coord_input, lat = lat, long = long, no_query = TRUE, method = "osm", unique_only = TRUE) %>% is_tibble())

test_that("Test reverse_geocode() error handling", {
  addr_df <- tibble::tibble(lat = 1, long = 2)
  named_list <- list(lat = 1, long = 2)

  # expect error when using wrong column name
  expect_error(reverse_geocode(addr_df, no_query = TRUE, lat = lat, long = wrong))
  expect_error(reverse_geocode(addr_df, no_query = TRUE, lat = wrong, long = long))
  expect_error(reverse_geocode(addr_df, no_query = TRUE, lat = wrong1, long = wrong2))

  # non-dataframe input
  expect_error(reverse_geocode(named_list, no_query = TRUE, address = "addr"))
jessecambon/tidygeocoder documentation built on Jan. 26, 2023, 4:03 p.m.