
Defines functions AAL tVaR VaR minus stdev expected

Documented in AAL expected minus stdev tVaR VaR

#' @importFrom stats quantile sd aggregate
#' @importFrom methods is

#' A sample YELT (year event loss table)
#' @description A sample YELT (year event loss table) to test layers functions on.
#' The YELT dataframe must have \code{trial_count} and \code{lobs} attributes to work with the
#' layers functions.
#' @format A data frame with 127648 rows and 5 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{trialID}}{Identifier for the trial, which represents one year}
#'   \item{\code{LOB}}{Line of business or other segmentation}
#'   \item{\code{Loss}}{Loss amount}
#'   \item{\code{Sequence}}{Sequence of loss within trial}
#' }
#' @details # Attributes
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{num_trials}}{The number of trials}
#'   \item{\code{lobs}}{The lines of business}
#' @examples
#' aggregate(yelt_test["Loss"], yelt_test["LOB"], sum)
#' attributes(yelt_test)
#' attributes(yelt_test)[c("lobs", "trial_count")]

#' A convenient synonym for .Machine$double.xmax; used for the limit parameter when there is
#' no limit.
#' @export
UNLIMITED <- .Machine$double.xmax

#' Compute the expected losses ceded to the layer or portfolio.
#' @param object the layer or portfolio to compute the expectation of
#' @examples
#' test_layer <- layer(4000000, 1000000, 1, "yelt_test", lobs=c("PHYSICIANS","CHC","MEDCHOICE"))
#' expected(test_layer)
#' @export
expected <- function(object) UseMethod("expected")

#' Compute the standard deviation of losses ceded to the layer.
#' @param object the layer or portfolio to compute the standard deviation of
#' @examples
#' test_layer <- layer(4000000, 1000000, 1, "yelt_test", lobs=c("PHYSICIANS","CHC","MEDCHOICE"))
#' stdev(test_layer)
#' @export
stdev <- function(object) UseMethod("stdev")

#' Change the sign of the losses in a layer or portfolio.
#' @param object the layer to change the sign of
#' @examples
#' test_layer <- layer(4000000, 1000000, 1, "yelt_test", lobs=c("PHYSICIANS","CHC","MEDCHOICE"))
#' minus(test_layer)
#' @export
minus <- function(object) UseMethod("minus")

#' Compute value at risk for the losses in the layer.
#' @param object the layer or portfolio to computer VaR with.
#' @param rp_years Number of years in the return period
#' @param type AEP (aggregate exceedance probability)or OEP (occurrence exceedance probability). Defaults to AEP.
#' @examples
#' gross_layer <- layer(UNLIMITED, 0, 1, "yelt_test", lobs=c("PHYSICIANS","CHC","MEDCHOICE"))
#' VaR(gross_layer, 25)
#' VaR(gross_layer, 25, "AEP") # the same thing
#' VaR(gross_layer, 25, "OEP")
#' @export
VaR <- function(object, rp_years, type = c("AEP", "OEP")) UseMethod("VaR")

#' Compute tail value at risk for the losses in the layer.
#' @param object the layer or portfolio to computer VaR with.
#' @param rp_years Number of years in the return period
#' @param type AEP (aggregate exceedance probability)or OEP (occurrence exceedance probability). Defaults to AEP.
#' @examples
#' gross_layer <- layer(UNLIMITED, 0, 1, "yelt_test", lobs=c("PHYSICIANS","CHC","MEDCHOICE"))
#' tVaR(gross_layer, 25)
#' tVaR(gross_layer, 25, "AEP") # the same thing
#' tVaR(gross_layer, 25, "OEP")
#' @export
tVaR <- function(object, rp_years, type = c("AEP", "OEP")) UseMethod("tVaR")

#' A function to calculate Average Annual Loss (AAL) from a YELT.
#' @param yelt The yelt as a data frame or tibble. It must contain columns named trialID, LOB, and Loss
#' @param all A flag - show each line individually or show a single number for all combined
#' @examples
#' AAL(yelt_test)
#' @export
AAL <- function(yelt, all=FALSE) {
  stopifnot(all(c("trialID", "LOB", "Loss") %in% names(yelt)))
  n_trials <- length(unique(yelt$trialID))
  ans <- rowsum(yelt["Loss"], yelt$LOB)/n_trials
  if (all) ans <- sum(ans)
jfkingiii/layers documentation built on July 21, 2020, 8:57 p.m.