
#'Wrapper for cppls function with multiple pass and outliers elmination
#'@param formula a model formula. Most of the lm formula constructs are supported. See below.
#'@param ncomp the number of components to include in the model (see below).
#'@param Y.add a vector or matrix of additional responses containing relevant information about the observations. Only used for cppls.
#'@param data	an optional data frame with the data to fit the model from.
#'@param validation	character. What kind of (internal) validation to use
#'@param nbpass Number of passes
#'@param out T value threshold for outlier elimination
#'@return A list with the following components
#'@return outliers A vector with outliers names as deduced from data row.names
#'@return plsr the pls model object from the final pass
#'@return ncomp the number of components to be further used
#'@return pass a vector of same length as outliers indicating at which pass outliers were removed
#'@author J.-F. Rami \email{rami@@cirad.fr}
  res.outliers <- NULL
  pass <- NULL
  mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
  mf[[1]] <- quote(cppls)
  mf$data <- quote(data)
  mf$Y.add <- Y.add
  mf$formula <- formula
  mf <- mf[-which(names(mf) == "nbpass")]
  mf <- as.call(c(as.list(mf), y = T))
  if (nbpass>0){
    for (p in 1:nbpass) {
      pls.trn <- eval(mf)
      msepcv.trn <- MSEP(pls.trn, estimate = c("train", "CV"))
      cvder<-as.vector(smooth(sign(c(msepcv.trn$val["CV", , ][-1], 0) - msepcv.trn$val["CV", , ])))
      if (any(cvder[-1]-cvder[-length(cvder)]==2)){
        ncomp.trn <- min(which(round(c(msepcv.trn$val["CV", , ][-1], 0) - msepcv.trn$val["CV", , ], 3) == 0))      
      mf$ncomp <- ncomp.trn
      reg.final.trn <- eval(mf)
      trn.pred <- predict(reg.final.trn, ncomp = ncomp.trn)[, , 1]
      rmsec <- RMSEP(reg.final.trn, estimate = "train", ncomp = ncomp.trn, intercept = FALSE)
      comp.trn <- data.frame(Lab.Value = reg.final.trn$y, Prediction = trn.pred)
      Ts.trn <- abs(comp.trn$Prediction - comp.trn[, 1])
      Ts.trn[is.na(Ts.trn)] <- 0
      outliers.trn <- comp.trn[Ts.trn >= out * (rmsec$val[, , 1]), ]
      if (nrow(outliers.trn)==0) break
      data <- data[!row.names(data) %in% row.names(outliers.trn), ]
      res.outliers <- c(res.outliers, row.names(outliers.trn))
      pass <- c(pass, rep(p, nrow(outliers.trn)))
      mf$ncomp <- ncomp
  mf$ncomp <- ncomp
  pls.trn <- eval(mf)
  msepcv.trn <- MSEP(pls.trn, estimate = c("train", "CV"))
  cvder<-as.vector(smooth(sign(c(msepcv.trn$val["CV", , ][-1], 0) - msepcv.trn$val["CV", , ])))
  if (any(cvder[-1]-cvder[-length(cvder)]==2)){
    ncomp.trn <- min(which(round(c(msepcv.trn$val["CV", , ][-1], 0) - msepcv.trn$val["CV", , ], 3) == 0))      
  mf$ncomp <- ncomp.trn
  reg.final.trn <- eval(mf)
  res <- vector(mode = "list", length = 5)
  names(res) <- c("outliers", "plsr", "ncomp", "pass","pass.ncomp")
  if (is.null(res.outliers)) res.outliers<-NA
  if (is.null(pass.ncomp)) pass.ncomp<-NA
  res[[1]] <- res.outliers
  res[[2]] <- reg.final.trn
  res[[3]] <- ncomp.trn
  res[[4]] <- pass
  res[[5]] <- pass.ncomp
jframi/multipass.pls documentation built on May 19, 2019, 7:17 a.m.