
Defines functions arg_check_scan_test scan.test

Documented in scan.test

#' Spatial Scan Test
#' \code{scan.test} performs the original spatial scan test
#' of Kulldorf (1997) based on a fixed number of cases.
#' Candidate zones are circular and extend from the observed
#' region centroids.  The clusters returned are
#' non-overlapping, ordered from most significant to least
#' significant.  The first cluster is the most  likely to be
#' a cluster.  If no significant clusters are found, then
#' the most likely cluster is returned (along with a
#' warning).
#' @param coords An \eqn{n \times 2} matrix of centroid
#'   coordinates for the regions in the form (x, y) or
#'   (longitude, latitude) is using great circle distance.
#' @param cases The number of cases observed in each region.
#' @param pop The population size associated with each
#'   region.
#' @param ex The expected number of cases for each region.
#'   The default is calculated under the constant risk
#'   hypothesis.
#' @param nsim The number of simulations from which to
#'   compute the p-value.
#' @param ubpop The upperbound of the proportion of the
#'   total population to consider for a cluster.
#' @param alpha The significance level to determine whether
#'   a cluster is signficant.  Default is 0.10.
#' @param longlat The default is \code{FALSE}, which
#'   specifies that Euclidean distance should be used. If
#'   \code{longlat} is \code{TRUE}, then the great circle
#'   distance is used to calculate the intercentroid
#'   distance.
#' @param type The type of scan statistic to compute. The
#'   default is \code{"poisson"}. The other choice
#'   is \code{"binomial"}.
#' @param min.cases The minimum number of cases required for
#'   a cluster.  The default is 2.
#' @param simdist Character string indicating the simulation
#' distribution. The default is \code{"multinomial"}, which
#' conditions on the total number of cases observed. The
#' other options are \code{"poisson"} and \code{"binomial"}
#' @inheritParams pbapply::pblapply
#' @return Returns a \code{smerc_cluster} object.
#' @seealso \code{\link{print.smerc_cluster}},
#' \code{\link{summary.smerc_cluster}},
#' \code{\link{plot.smerc_cluster}},
#' \code{\link{scan.stat}}
#' @author Joshua French
#' @export
#' @references Kulldorff, M. (1997) A spatial scan
#'   statistic. Communications in Statistics - Theory and
#'   Methods, 26(6): 1481-1496,
#'   <doi:10.1080/03610929708831995>
#' Waller, L.A. and Gotway, C.A. (2005). Applied Spatial
#' Statistics for Public Health Data. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
#' @examples
#' data(nydf)
#' coords <- with(nydf, cbind(longitude, latitude))
#' out <- scan.test(
#'   coords = coords, cases = floor(nydf$cases),
#'   pop = nydf$pop, nsim = 0,
#'   alpha = 1, longlat = TRUE
#' )
#' # basic plot
#' plot(out, idx = 1:3)
#' # better plot
#' if (require("sf", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'    data(nysf)
#'    plot(st_geometry(nysf),
#'         col = color.clusters(out, idx = 1:3))
#' }
#' ## plot output for new york state
#' # specify desired argument values
#' mapargs <- list(
#'   database = "county", region = "new york",
#'   xlim = range(out$coords[, 1]),
#'   ylim = range(out$coords[, 2])
#' )
#' # only run this example if maps available
#' if (require("maps", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' # needed for "state" database (unless you execute library(maps))
#' data(countyMapEnv, package = "maps")
#' plot(out, usemap = TRUE, mapargs = mapargs, idx = 1:3)
#' }
#' # extract detected clusteers
#' clusters(out)
#' # a second example to match the results of Waller and Gotway (2005)
#' # in chapter 7 of their book (pp. 220-221).
#' # Note that the 'longitude' and 'latitude' used by them has
#' # been switched.  When giving their input to SatScan, the coords
#' # were given in the order 'longitude' and 'latitude'.
#' # However, the SatScan program takes coordinates in the order
#' # 'latitude' and 'longitude', so the results are slightly different
#' # from the example above.
#' # Note: the correct code below would use cbind(x, y), i.e.,
#' # cbind(longitude, latitude)
#' coords <- with(nydf, cbind(y, x))
#' out2 <- scan.test(
#'   coords = coords, cases = floor(nydf$cases),
#'   pop = nydf$pop, nsim = 0,
#'   alpha = 1, longlat = TRUE
#' )
#' # the cases observed for the clusters in Waller and Gotway: 117, 47, 44
#' # the second set of results match
#' clusters(out2, idx = 1:3)
scan.test <- function(coords, cases, pop,
                      ex = sum(cases) / sum(pop) * pop,
                      nsim = 499, alpha = 0.1,
                      ubpop = 0.5, longlat = FALSE, cl = NULL,
                      type = "poisson",
                      min.cases = 2,
                      simdist = "multinomial") {
  # argument checking
  type <- match.arg(type, c("poisson", "binomial"))
  simdist <- match.arg(simdist, c("multinomial", "poisson", "binomial"))
    coords = coords, cases = cases,
    pop = pop, ex = ex, nsim = nsim,
    alpha = alpha, ubpop = ubpop,
    longlat = longlat,
    k = 1, w = diag(nrow(coords)),
    type = type, simdist = simdist,
    min.cases = min.cases

  # convert to proper format
  coords <- as.matrix(coords)
  N <- nrow(coords)
  # compute inter-centroid distances
  d <- gedist(coords, longlat = longlat)

  # for each region, determine sorted nearest neighbors
  # subject to population constraint
  nn <- scan.nn(d, pop, ubpop)
  nnn <- unlist(lapply(nn, length), use.names = FALSE)

  # determine total number of cases in each successive
  # window, total number of cases
  yin <- nn.cumsum(nn, cases)
  ty <- sum(cases) # sum of all cases

  # compute test statistics for observed data
  if (type == "poisson") {
    ein <- nn.cumsum(nn, ex)
    eout <- sum(ex) - ein
    # correct for the situation when the expected number of cases
    # is not the same as the observed number of cases
    mult <- ty / sum(ex)
    ein <- ein * mult
    eout <- eout * mult
    logein <- log(ein)
    logeout <- log(eout)
    popin <- NULL
    popout <- NULL
    logpopin <- NULL
    logpopout <- NULL
    tpop <- NULL
    tobs <- stat_poisson_adj(yin, ty, logein, logeout,
      min.cases = min.cases
  } else if (type == "binomial") {
    logein <- NULL
    logeout <- NULL
    tpop <- sum(pop)
    popin <- nn.cumsum(nn, pop)
    popout <- tpop - popin
    logpopin <- log(popin)
    logpopout <- log(popout)
    tobs <- stat_binom_adj(yin, ty, popin, popout,
      logpopin = logpopin,
      logpopout = logpopout,
      tpop = tpop,
      min.cases = min.cases
  # tobs in nn format. Make sure to keep all levels.
  tobs_nn <- split(tobs,
                   f = factor(rep(seq_along(nn),
                                  times = nnn),
                              levels = seq_len(N)))
  noc_info <- noc_nn(nn, tobs_nn)
  tobs <- noc_info$tobs

  # compute test statistics for simulated data
  if (nsim > 0) {
    message("computing statistics for simulated data:")
    tsim <- scan.sim.adj(
      nsim = nsim, nn = nn, ty = ty,
      ex = ex, type = type,
      logein = logein,
      logeout = logeout,
      popin = popin,
      popout = popout, tpop = tpop,
      logpopin = logpopin,
      logpopout = logpopout,
      cl = cl,
      simdist = simdist, pop = pop,
      min.cases = min.cases
    pvalue <- mc.pvalue(tobs, tsim)
  } else {
    pvalue <- rep(1, length(tobs))

  # significant, ordered, non-overlapping clusters and
  # information
  pruned <- sig_prune(
    tobs = tobs, zones = noc_info$clusts,
    pvalue = pvalue, alpha = alpha

    tobs = pruned$tobs, zones = pruned$zones,
    pvalue = pruned$pvalue, coords = coords,
    cases = cases, pop = pop, ex = ex,
    longlat = longlat, method = "circular scan",
    rel_param = list(
      type = type,
      simdist = simdist,
      nsim = nsim,
      ubpop = ubpop,
      min.cases = min.cases
    alpha = alpha,
    w = NULL, d = d

#' Argument checking for scan tests
#' @param coords A matrix of coordinates
#' @param cases A vector of numeric cases
#' @param pop A vector of population values
#' @param ex A vector of expected counts
#' @param nsim A non-negative integer
#' @param alpha A value greater than 0
#' @param nreport Not used
#' @param ubpop A value between 0 and 1
#' @param longlat A logical. TRUE is great circle distance.
#' @param parallel Not used.
#' @param k Number of nearest neighbors. Not always needed.
#' @param w A spatial proximity matrix
#' @param type Statistic type
#' @param simdist Distribution of simulation
#' @param min.cases Minimum number of cases. Only for scan.test.
#' @return NULL
#' @noRd
arg_check_scan_test <-
  function(coords, cases, pop, ex, nsim, alpha,
           nreport = NULL,
           ubpop, longlat, parallel = NULL, k, w, type = NULL,
           simdist = NULL, min.cases = NULL) {
    N <- nrow(coords)
    arg_check_cases(cases, N)
    arg_check_pop(pop, N)
    arg_check_ex(ex, N)
    # nreport no check, deprecated
    # parallel no check, deprecated
    arg_check_k(k, N)
    arg_check_w(w, N)
    if (!is.null(type)) {
    if (!is.null(simdist)) {
    if (!is.null(min.cases)) {
jfrench/smerc documentation built on Oct. 27, 2024, 5:13 p.m.