
Defines functions getNullLogLik getHessian getGradient getCoefficients appendModelInfo getBestModel getListVal getMultistartSummary logitr

Documented in logitr

# ============================================================================
# Main logitr functions
# ============================================================================

#' The main function for estimating logit models
#' Use this function to estimate multinomial (MNL) and mixed logit (MXL)
#' models with "Preference" space or "Willingness-to-pay" (WTP) space utility
#' parameterizations. The function includes an option to run a multistart
#' optimization loop with random starting points in each iteration, which is
#' useful for non-convex problems like MXL models or models with WTP space
#' utility parameterizations. The main optimization loop uses the `nloptr()`
#' function to minimize the negative log-likelihood function.
#' @keywords logitr mnl mxl wtp willingness-to-pay mixed logit
#' @param data The data, formatted as a `data.frame` object.
#' @param outcome The name of the column that identifies the outcome variable,
#' which should be coded with a `1` for `TRUE` and `0` for `FALSE`.
#' @param obsID The name of the column that identifies each observation.
#' @param pars The names of the parameters to be estimated in the model.
#' Must be the same as the column names in the `data` argument. For WTP space
#' models, do not include the `scalePar` variable in `pars`.
#' @param scalePar The name of the column that identifies the scale variable,
#' which is typically "price" for WTP space models, but could be any
#' continuous variable, such as "time". Defaults to `NULL`.
#' @param randPars A named vector whose names are the random parameters and
#' values the distribution: `'n'` for normal, `'ln'` for log-normal, or
#' `'cn'` for zero-censored normal. Defaults to `NULL`.
#' @param randScale The random distribution for the scale parameter: `'n'` for
#' normal, `'ln'` for log-normal, or `'cn'` for zero-censored normal. Only used
#' for WTP space MXL models. Defaults to `NULL`.
#' @param modelSpace This argument is no longer needed as of v0.7.0. The model
#' space is now determined based on the `scalePar` argument:
#' if `NULL` (the default), the model will be in the preference space,
#' otherwise it will be in the WTP space. Defaults to `NULL`.
#' @param weights The name of the column that identifies the weights to be
#' used in model estimation. Defaults to `NULL`.
#' @param panelID The name of the column that identifies the individual (for
#' panel data where multiple observations are recorded for each individual).
#' Defaults to `NULL`.
#' @param clusterID The name of the column that identifies the cluster
#' groups to be used in model estimation. Defaults to `NULL`.
#' @param robust Determines whether or not a robust covariance matrix is
#' estimated. Defaults to `FALSE`. Specification of a `clusterID` or
#' `weights` will override the user setting and set this to `TRUE' (a
#' warning will be displayed in this case). Replicates the functionality of
#' Stata's cmcmmixlogit.
#' @param correlation Set to `TRUE` to account for correlation across random
#' parameters (correlated heterogeneity). Defaults to `FALSE`.
#' @param startValBounds sets the `lower` and `upper` bounds for the starting
#' parameter values for each optimization run, which are generated by
#' `runif(n, lower, upper)`. Defaults to `c(-1, 1)`.
#' @param startVals is vector of values to be used as starting values for the
#' optimization. Only used for the first run if `numMultiStarts > 1`. Defaults
#' to `NULL`.
#' @param numMultiStarts is the number of times to run the optimization loop,
#' each time starting from a different random starting point for each parameter
#' between `startValBounds`. Recommended for non-convex models, such as WTP
#' space models and mixed logit models. Defaults to `1`.
#' @param useAnalyticGrad Set to `FALSE` to use numerically approximated
#' gradients instead of analytic gradients during estimation. For now, using
#' the analytic gradient is faster for MNL models but slower for MXL models.
#' Defaults to `TRUE`.
#' @param scaleInputs By default each variable in `data` is scaled to be
#' between 0 and 1 before running the optimization routine because it usually
#' helps with stability, especially if some of the variables have very large or
#' very small values (e.g. `> 10^3` or `< 10^-3`). Set to `FALSE` to turn this
#' feature off. Defaults to `TRUE`.
#' @param standardDraws By default, a new set of standard normal draws are
#' generated during each call to `logitr` (the same draws are used during each
#' multistart iteration). The user can override those draws by providing a
#' matrix of standard normal draws if desired. Defaults to `NULL`.
#' @param drawType Specify the draw type as a character: `"halton"`
#' (the default) or `"sobol"` (recommended for models with more than 5
#' random parameters).
#' @param numDraws The number of Halton draws to use for MXL models for the
#' maximum simulated likelihood. Defaults to `50`.
#' @param numCores The number of cores to use for parallel processing of the
#' multistart. Set to `1` to serially run the multistart. Defaults to `NULL`,
#' in which case the number of cores is set to `parallel::detectCores() - 1`.
#' Max cores allowed is capped at `parallel::detectCores()`.
#' @param vcov Set to `TRUE` to evaluate and include the variance-covariance
#' matrix and coefficient standard errors in the returned object.
#' Defaults to `FALSE`.
#' @param predict If `FALSE`, predicted probabilities, fitted values, and
#' residuals are not included in the returned object. Defaults to `TRUE`.
#' @param options A list of options for controlling the `nloptr()` optimization.
#' Run `nloptr::nloptr.print.options()` for details.
#' @param price No longer used as of v0.7.0 - if provided, this is passed
#' to the `scalePar` argument and a warning is displayed.
#' @param randPrice No longer used as of v0.7.0 - if provided, this is passed
#' to the `randScale` argument and a warning is displayed.
#' @param choice No longer used as of v0.4.0 - if provided, this is passed
#' to the `outcome` argument and a warning is displayed.
#' @param choiceName No longer used as of v0.2.3 - if provided, this is passed
#' to the `outcome` argument and a warning is displayed.
#' @param obsIDName No longer used as of v0.2.3 - if provided, this is passed
#' to the `obsID` argument and a warning is displayed.
#' @param parNames No longer used as of v0.2.3 - if provided, this is passed
#' to the `pars` argument and a warning is displayed.
#' @param priceName No longer used as of v0.2.3 - if provided, this is passed
#' to the `scalePar` argument and a warning is displayed.
#' @param weightsName No longer used as of v0.2.3 - if provided, this is passed
#' to the `weights` argument and a warning is displayed.
#' @param clusterName No longer used as of v0.2.3 - if provided, this is passed
#' to the `clusterID` argument and a warning is displayed.
#' @param cluster No longer used as of v0.2.3 - if provided, this is passed
#' to the `clusterID` argument and a warning is displayed.
#' @details
#' The the `options` argument is used to control the detailed behavior of the
#' optimization and must be passed as a list, e.g. `options = list(...)`.
#' Below are a list of the default options, but other options can be included.
#' Run `nloptr::nloptr.print.options()` for more details.
#' |    Argument    |    Description    |    Default    |
#' |:---------------|:------------------|:--------------|
#' |`xtol_rel`|The relative `x` tolerance for the `nloptr` optimization loop.|`1.0e-6`|
#' |`xtol_abs`|The absolute `x` tolerance for the `nloptr` optimization loop.|`1.0e-6`|
#' |`ftol_rel`|The relative `f` tolerance for the `nloptr` optimization loop.|`1.0e-6`|
#' |`ftol_abs`|The absolute `f` tolerance for the `nloptr` optimization loop.|`1.0e-6`|
#' |`maxeval`|The maximum number of function evaluations for the `nloptr` optimization loop. |`1000`|
#' |`algorithm`|The optimization algorithm that `nloptr` uses.|`"NLOPT_LD_LBFGS"`|
#' |`print_level`|The print level of the `nloptr` optimization loop.|`0`|
#' @return
#' The function returns a list object containing the following objects.
#' |    Value    |    Description    |
#' |:------------|:------------------|
#' |`coefficients`|The model coefficients at convergence.|
#' |`logLik`|The log-likelihood value at convergence.|
#' |`nullLogLik`|The null log-likelihood value (if all coefficients are 0).|
#' |`gradient`|The gradient of the log-likelihood at convergence.|
#' |`hessian`|The hessian of the log-likelihood at convergence.|
#' |`probabilities`|Predicted probabilities. Not returned if `predict = FALSE`.|
#' |`fitted.values`|Fitted values. Not returned if `predict = FALSE`.|
#' |`residuals`|Residuals. Not returned if `predict = FALSE`.|
#' |`startVals`|The starting values used.|
#' |`multistartNumber`|The multistart run number for this model.|
#' |`multistartSummary`|A summary of the log-likelihood values for each multistart run (if more than one multistart was used).|
#' |`time`|The user, system, and elapsed time to run the optimization.|
#' |`iterations`|The number of iterations until convergence.|
#' |`message`|A more informative message with the status of the optimization result.|
#' |`status`|An integer value with the status of the optimization (positive values are successes). Use [statusCodes()] for a detailed description.|
#' |`call`|The matched call to `logitr()`.|
#' |`inputs`|A list of the original inputs to `logitr()`.|
#' |`data`|A list of the original data provided to `logitr()` broken up into components used during model estimation.|
#' |`numObs`|The number of observations.|
#' |`numParams`|The number of model parameters.|
#' |`freq`|The frequency counts of each alternative.|
#' |`modelType`|The model type, `'mnl'` for multinomial logit or `'mxl'` for mixed logit.|
#' |`weightsUsed`|`TRUE` or `FALSE` for whether weights were used in the model.|
#' |`numClusters`|The number of clusters.|
#' |`parSetup`|A summary of the distributional assumptions on each model parameter (`"f"`="fixed", `"n"`="normal distribution", `"ln"`="log-normal distribution").|
#' |`parIDs`|A list identifying the indices of each parameter in `coefficients` by a variety of types.|
#' |`scaleFactors`|A vector of the scaling factors used to scale each coefficient during estimation.|
#' |`standardDraws`|The draws used during maximum simulated likelihood (for MXL models).|
#' |`options`|A list of options for controlling the `nloptr()` optimization. Run `nloptr::nloptr.print.options()` for details.|
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # For more detailed examples, visit
#' # https://jhelvy.github.io/logitr/articles/
#' library(logitr)
#' # Estimate a MNL model in the Preference space
#' mnl_pref <- logitr(
#'   data    = yogurt,
#'   outcome = "choice",
#'   obsID   = "obsID",
#'   pars    = c("price", "feat", "brand")
#' )
#' # Estimate a MNL model in the WTP space, using a 5-run multistart
#' mnl_wtp <- logitr(
#'   data           = yogurt,
#'   outcome        = "choice",
#'   obsID          = "obsID",
#'   pars           = c("feat", "brand"),
#'   scalePar       = "price",
#'   numMultiStarts = 5
#' )
#' # Estimate a MXL model in the Preference space with "feat"
#' # following a normal distribution
#' # Panel structure is accounted for in this example using "panelID"
#' mxl_pref <- logitr(
#'   data     = yogurt,
#'   outcome  = "choice",
#'   obsID    = "obsID",
#'   panelID  = "id",
#'   pars     = c("price", "feat", "brand"),
#'   randPars = c(feat = "n")
#' )
logitr <- function(
  scalePar        = NULL,
  randPars        = NULL,
  randScale       = NULL,
  modelSpace      = NULL,
  weights         = NULL,
  panelID         = NULL,
  clusterID       = NULL,
  robust          = FALSE,
  correlation     = FALSE,
  startValBounds  = c(-1, 1),
  startVals       = NULL,
  numMultiStarts  = 1,
  useAnalyticGrad = TRUE,
  scaleInputs     = TRUE,
  standardDraws   = NULL,
  drawType        = 'halton',
  numDraws        = 50,
  numCores        = NULL,
  vcov            = FALSE,
  predict         = TRUE,
  options         = list(
    print_level = 0,
    xtol_rel    = 1.0e-6,
    xtol_abs    = 1.0e-6,
    ftol_rel    = 1.0e-6,
    ftol_abs    = 1.0e-6,
    maxeval     = 1000,
    algorithm   = "NLOPT_LD_LBFGS"
  price, # Outdated argument names as of v0.7.0
  randPrice, # Outdated argument names as of v0.7.0
  choice, # Outdated argument names as of v0.4.0
  parNames, # Outdated argument names as of v0.2.3
) {

  call <- match.call()

  # Argument names were changed in v0.2.3
  calls <- names(sapply(call, deparse))[-1]
  if (any("parNames" %in% calls)) {
    pars <- parNames
      "The 'parNames' argument is outdated as of v0.2.3. Use 'pars' instead"
  if (any("choiceName" %in% calls)) {
    outcome <- choiceName
      "The 'choiceName' argument is outdated as of v0.2.3. Use 'outcome' instead"
  if (any("choice" %in% calls)) {
    outcome <- choice
      "The 'choice' argument is outdated as of v0.4.0. Use 'outcome' instead"
  if (any("obsIDName" %in% calls)) {
    obsID <- obsIDName
      "The 'obsIDName' argument is outdated as of v0.2.3. Use 'obsID' instead"
  if (any("priceName" %in% calls)) {
    price <- priceName
      "The 'priceName' argument is outdated as of v0.2.3. Use 'price' instead"
  if (any("weightsName" %in% calls)) {
    weights <- weightsName
      "The 'weightsName' argument is outdated as of v0.2.3. Use 'weights' ",
  if (any("clusterName" %in% calls)) {
    clusterID <- clusterName
      "The 'clusterName' argument is outdated as of v0.2.3. Use 'clusterID' ",
  if (any("cluster" %in% calls)) {
    clusterID <- cluster
      "The 'cluster' argument is outdated as of v0.2.3. Use 'clusterID' instead"
  if (any("price" %in% calls)) {
    scalePar <- price
      "The 'price' argument is outdated as of v0.7.0. Use 'scalePar' instead"
  if (any("randPrice" %in% calls)) {
    randScale <- randPrice
      "The 'randPrice' argument is outdated as of v0.7.0. Use 'randScale' instead"
  if (any("modelSpace" %in% calls)) {
      "The 'modelSpace' argument is no longer needed as of v0.7.0. and will ",
      "be ignored. The model space is now determined based on the scalePar ",
      "argument: if NULL (the default), the model will be in the preference ",
      "space, otherwise it will be in the WTP space."

  data <- as.data.frame(data) # tibbles break things

  modelInputs <- getModelInputs(
    data, outcome, obsID, pars, randPars, scalePar, randScale,
    weights, panelID, clusterID, robust, startValBounds, startVals,
    numMultiStarts, useAnalyticGrad, scaleInputs, standardDraws, drawType,
    numDraws, numCores, vcov, predict, correlation, call, options

  allModels <- runMultistart(modelInputs)

  if (modelInputs$n$multiStarts > 1) {
    summary <- getMultistartSummary(allModels)
    model <- getBestModel(allModels, summary)
    model$multistartSummary <- summary
  } else {
    model <- allModels[[1]]
  model <- appendModelInfo(model, modelInputs)
  if (vcov) {
    model$vcov <- vcov(model)
    model$se <- sqrt(diag(model$vcov))
  if (predict) {
    model$probabilities <- stats::predict(model)
    model$fitted.values <- stats::fitted(model, probs = model$probabilities)
    model$residuals <- stats::residuals(model, fitted = model$fitted.values)

getMultistartSummary <- function(allModels) {
  summary <- data.frame(
    getListVal(allModels, "logLik"),
    getListVal(allModels, "iterations"),
    getListVal(allModels, "status")
  colnames(summary) <- c("Log Likelihood", "Iterations", "Exit Status")

getListVal <- function(object, val) {
  return(unlist(lapply(object, function(x) x[[val]])))

getBestModel <- function(allModels, summary) {
  summary$index <- seq(nrow(summary))
  good <- summary[which(summary$`Exit Status` > 0),]
  index <- good[which.max(good$`Log Likelihood`),]$index
  if (length(index) == 0) {
    # All NA values...none of the models converged, so just return the first
    index <- 1

appendModelInfo <- function(model, mi) {
  fail <- model$fail
  if (! fail) { model$fail <- NULL }
  # Add model data
  model$data <- mi$data
  # Get coefficients (re-scale if needed)
  coefficients <- getCoefficients(model, mi, fail)
  model$coefficients <- coefficients
  # Make unscaled version of model inputs to compute gradient and hessian
  mi_unscaled <- mi
  mi_unscaled$data_diff <- mi$data_diff_unscaled
  if (mi$modelType == 'mxl') {
    mi_unscaled$partials <- mi$partials_unscaled
  model$gradient <- getGradient(coefficients, mi_unscaled, fail)
  model$hessian  <- getHessian(coefficients, mi_unscaled, fail)
  model$nullLogLik <- getNullLogLik(coefficients, mi_unscaled, fail)

getCoefficients <- function(model, mi, fail) {
  parsUnscaled <- model$coefficients
  names(parsUnscaled) <- mi$parNames$all
  if (fail | (! mi$inputs$scaleInputs)) {
  # Re-scale coefficients
  scaleFactors <- mi$scaleFactors
  # Adjust any log-normal parameters
  lnIDs <- mi$parIDs$ln
  if (length(lnIDs) > 0) {
    parsUnscaled[lnIDs] <- parsUnscaled[lnIDs] - log(scaleFactors[lnIDs])
    scaleFactors[unlist(mi$parIDs$partial_lnIDs)] <- 1
  return(parsUnscaled / scaleFactors)

getGradient <- function(coefficients, mi, fail) {
  if (fail) {
    gradient <- matrix(coefficients*NA, ncol = 1)
    row.names(gradient) <- names(coefficients)
  return(-1 * mi$evalFuncs$negGradLL(coefficients, mi))

getHessian <- function(coefficients, mi, fail) {
    parNames <- mi$parNames$all
    if ((fail) | (any(is.na(coefficients)))) {
        # Model failed - return a matrix of NA values
        hessian <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(parNames), ncol = length(parNames))
    } else {
        hessian <- mi$evalFuncs$hessLL(coefficients, mi)
    colnames(hessian) <- parNames
    row.names(hessian) <- parNames

getNullLogLik <- function(coefficients, mi, fail) {
  if (fail) { return(NA) }
  return(-1*mi$evalFuncs$negLL(coefficients*0, mi))
jhelvy/logitr documentation built on Oct. 3, 2023, 2:33 p.m.