#' Confidence Limits for Lethal Dose Estimate From Dose-response Line
#' @description This uses Fieller's formula to calculate a confidence
#' interval for a specified mortality proportion, commonly
#' 0.50, or 0.90, or 0.99. Here "dose" is a generic term for
#' any measure of intensity of a treatment that is designed
#' to induce insect death.
#' @details See the internal code for details of the value \code{g}.
#' The calculation gives increasing wide confidence intervals as
#' \code{g} approaches 1. If \eqn{g>=1}, there are no limits.
#' The default value for \code{df.t} is a rough guess at what
#' might be reasonable. For models fitted using \code{lme4::lmer()},
#' abilities in the \pkg{lmerTest} package can be used to determine
#' a suitable degrees of freedom approximation --- this does not
#' extend to use with \code{glmer()} or \code{glmmTMB}.
#' @param phat Mortality proportion
#' @param b Length 2 vector of intercept and slope
#' @param vv Variance-covariance matrix for intercept and slope
#' @param df.t Degrees of freedom for variance-covariance
#' matrix
#' @param offset Offset to be added to intercept. This can be of
#' length 2, in order to return values on the original scale,
#' in the case where \code{b} and \code{vv} are for values that
#' have been scaled by subtracting \code{offset[1]} and dividing by
#' \code{offset[2]}.
#' @param logscale Should confidence limits be back transformed
#' from log scale?
#' @param link Link function that transforms expected mortalities
#' to the scale of the linear predictor
#' @param lambda The power \eqn{\lambda}, when using the
#' \code{link="fpower"}. (This applies to \code{fieller2}
#' only.)
#' @param eps If \code{eps>0} \code{phat} is replaced by
#' \eqn{\frac{p+\epsilon}{1+2*\epsilon}} before applying
#' the transformation.
#' @param type The default is to use Fieller's formula. The
#' Delta (\code{type="Delta"}) method, which relies on a first
#' order Taylor series approximation to the variance, is
#' provided so that it can be used for comparative purposes.
#' It can be reliably used only in cases where the interval
#' has been shown to be essentially the same as given by
#' \code{type="Fieller"}!
#' @param maxg Maximum value of \code{g} for which a
#' confidence interval will be calculated. Must be \code{< 1}.
#' @return A vector, with elements
#' \item{est}{Estimate}
#' \item{var}{Variance, calculated using the Delta method}
#' \item{lwr}{Lower bound of confidence interval}
#' \item{upr}{upper bound of confidence interval}
#' \item{g}{If \code{g} is close to 0 (perhaps \code{g < 0.05}),
#' confidence intervals will be similar to those calculated
#' using the Delta method, and the variance can reasonably
#' be used for normal theory inference.}
#' @references Joe Hirschberg & Jenny Lye (2010) A Geometric
#' Comparison of the Delta and Fieller Confidence Intervals,
#' The American Statistician, 64:3, 234-241, DOI: 10.1198/ tast.2010.08130
#' E C Fieller (1944). A Fundamental Formula in the Statistics
#' of Biological Assay, and Some Applications. Quarterly
#' Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 17, 117-123.
#' David J Finney (1978). Statistical Method in Biological Assay (3rd ed.),
#' London, Charles Griffin and Company.
#' @seealso \code{\link{varRatio}}
#' @examples
#' redDel <- subset(qra::codling1988, Cultivar=="Red Delicious")
#' redDel.glm <- glm(cbind(dead,total-dead)~ct, data=redDel,
#' family=quasibinomial(link='cloglog'))
# ## Note that between replicate variation has not been modeled
#' vv <- summary(redDel.glm)$cov.scaled
#' fieller(0.99, b=coef(redDel.glm), vv=vv, link='cloglog')
#' @rdname fieller
#' @export
fieller <-
function (phat, b, vv, df.t = Inf, offset = 0, logscale = FALSE,
link = "logit", eps=0, type=c("Fieller","Delta"), maxg=0.99)
warning(paste0("Illegal interval type '",type[1],"': assuming Fieller"))
if(maxg>=1)maxg <- 0.99
if(length(offset)==1) offset<- c(offset[1],1)
offset <- as.vector(offset)
unscale <- function(x, offset, logscale=FALSE){
x <- x*offset[2]+offset[1]
if(logscale)exp(x) else x
v11 <- vv[1, 1]
v12 <- -vv[1, 2]
v22 <- vv[2, 2]
b <- as.vector(b)
a <- stats::make.link(link)[["linkfun"]]((phat+eps)/(1+2*eps)) - b[1]
m <- a/b[2]
tau2 <- v11 - 2 * m * v12 + m^2 * v22
v <- tau2*offset[2]^2/b[2]^2
if (df.t == Inf)
tt <- 1.96
else tt <- stats::qt(0.975, df.t)
if(type[1] == "Fieller") g <- (tt/b[2])^2 * v22 else
if(type[1] == "Delta") g <- 0 else g <- (tt/b[2])^2 * v22
if (g > maxg || g < 0) {
m <- unscale(m, offset, logscale=logscale)
return(c(estval = m, var = v, lower = NA, upper = NA,
g = g))
xhat0 <- (m - g*v12/v22)/(1 - g)
Ix <- tt/b[2]/(1 - g) * sqrt(tau2 - g * v11 + g/v22 * v12^2)
Ix <- abs(Ix)
m <- unscale(m, offset=offset, logscale=logscale)
lwr <- unscale(xhat0 - Ix, offset=offset, logscale=logscale)
upr <- unscale(xhat0 + Ix, offset=offset, logscale=logscale)
c(est = m, var = v, lwr = lwr, upr = upr, g = g)
#' @rdname fieller
#' @export
fieller2 <-
function (phat, b, vv, df.t = Inf, offset = 0, logscale = FALSE,
link = "fpower", lambda=0, eps=0, type=c("Fieller","Delta"),
warning(paste0("Illegal interval type '",type[1],"': assuming Fieller"))
if(maxg>=1)maxg <- 0.99
if(length(offset)==1) offset<- c(offset[1],1)
offset <- as.vector(offset)
unscale <- function(x, offset, logscale=FALSE){
x <- x*offset[2]+offset[1]
if(logscale)exp(x) else x
v11 <- vv[1, 1]
v12 <- -vv[1, 2]
v22 <- vv[2, 2]
b <- as.vector(b)
if(link!="fpower")warning(paste0("Illegal link ", link,
". Using 'fpower'."))
a <- qra::fpower(phat, lambda, eps) - b[1]
m <- a/b[2]
tau2 <- v11 - 2 * m * v12 + m^2 * v22
v <- tau2*offset[2]^2/b[2]^2
if (df.t == Inf)
tt <- 1.96
else tt <- stats::qt(0.975, df.t)
if(type[1] == "Fieller") g <- (tt/b[2])^2 * v22 else
if(type[1] == "Delta") g <- 0 else g <- (tt/b[2])^2 * v22
if (g > maxg || g < 0) {
m <- unscale(m, offset, logscale=logscale)
return(c(estval = m, var = v, lower = NA, upper = NA,
g = g))
xhat0 <- (m - g*v12/v22)/(1 - g)
Ix <- tt/b[2]/(1 - g) * sqrt(tau2 - g * v11 + g/v22 * v12^2)
Ix <- abs(Ix)
m <- unscale(m, offset=offset, logscale=logscale)
lwr <- unscale(xhat0 - Ix, offset=offset, logscale=logscale)
upr <- unscale(xhat0 + Ix, offset=offset, logscale=logscale)
c(est = m, var = v, lwr = lwr, upr = upr, g = g)
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