
#' Function condprob
#' This function calculates a conditional probability analysis
#' @param xX description
#' @param xY description
#' @param xImpair description
#' @param ProbComp description
#' @param Exceed description
#' @param ci description
#' @param alpha description
#' @param R description
#' @param xW description
#' @examples
#' data(jeqdata_wq)
#' ept<-jeqdata_wq$EPT.RICH
#' pct_fn<-jeqdata_wq$PCT.FN
#' cpa1<-condprob_faster(pct_fn,ept,9,'lt','gte',T,R=1000)
#' @export
condprob_faster <- function(xX, xY, xImpair, ProbComp = c("gt", "lt"), Exceed = c("gte", "lte"), ci = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, 
    R = 100, xW = rep(1, length(xX))) 
    # Functions used for bootstrap
    # RESAMPLE Function Per suggestion on R Help Page for use of sample()
    resample <- function(x, size, ...) if (length(x) <= 1) {
        if (!missing(size) && size == 0) 
            x[FALSE] else x
    } else sample(x, size, ...)
    # FILLIN Function Does a step interpolation on missing bootstrapped values Missing bootstrapped values
    # are generated becuase of repeat samples Need to have a one-to-one match of x variable (i.e. what prob
    # is conditioned on). In other words, need to maintain the original values of the x-variable in the
    # bootstrapped samples.  Y-value is bootstrapped
    fillin <- function(x, o, Exceed) {
        if (tolower(Exceed) == "lte") {
            xdf <- cbind(o, x)
            fillmatrix <- cbind(xdf[, 1][xdf[, 2] != 0], xdf[, 2][xdf[, 2] != 0])
            for (i in 1:nrow(fillmatrix)) xdf[, 2][xdf[, 1] < fillmatrix[, 1][i] & xdf[, 2] == 0] = fillmatrix[, 
            xdf[, 2][xdf[, 1] > fillmatrix[, 1][i] & xdf[, 2] == 0] = fillmatrix[, 2][i]
        if (tolower(Exceed) == "gte") {
            xdf <- cbind(order(o, decreasing = T), x[order(o, decreasing = T)])
            fillmatrix <- cbind(xdf[, 1][xdf[, 2] != 0], xdf[, 2][xdf[, 2] != 0])
            for (i in 1:nrow(fillmatrix)) xdf[, 2][xdf[, 1] > fillmatrix[, 1][i] & xdf[, 2] == 0] = fillmatrix[, 
            xdf[, 2][xdf[, 1] < fillmatrix[, 1][i] & xdf[, 2] == 0] = fillmatrix[, 2][i]
            xdf <- cbind(xdf[, 1][order(o, decreasing = T)], xdf[, 2][order(o, decreasing = T)])
    # CP Function Calculates Conditional Probability
    cpwt <- function(xX, xxY, xxImpair, xxProbComp = c("gt", "lt"), xxW = rep(1, length(xX)), xxo) {
      # pre-allocate
      xxNum <- vector("numeric", length(xxo))
      xxDenom <- vector("numeric", length(xxo))
      xxProb <- vector("numeric", length(xxo))
      # Calculates Conditional Probability
      for (i in xxo) {
          if(xxProbComp == "gt"){
            xxNum[i] <- sum(xxW[i:length(xxo)][xxY[i:length(xxo)] > xxImpair])/sum(xxW)
          } else if(xxProbComp == "lt"){
            xxNum[i] <- sum(xxW[i:length(xxo)][xxY[i:length(xxo)] < xxImpair])/sum(xxW)
          xxDenom[i] <- sum(xxW[i:length(xxo)])/sum(xxW)
          xxProb[i] <- xxNum[i]/xxDenom[i]
    # Beginning of Bootstrapping Removes NA's from analysis
    xX2 <- na.omit(data.frame(xX, xY, xW))[, 1]
    xY2 <- na.omit(data.frame(xX, xY, xW))[, 2]
    xW2 <- na.omit(data.frame(xX, xY, xW))[, 3]
    xDF <- data.frame(xX2, xY2, xW2)
    # Sets Exceed Direction
    if (tolower(Exceed) == "gte") {
        o <- order(xDF[, 1], xDF[, 2], decreasing = F)
        xYSort <- xDF[, 2][o]
        xXSort <- xDF[, 1][o]
        xWSort <- xDF[, 3][o]
        o <- order(xXSort)
    if (tolower(Exceed) == "lte") {
        o <- order(xDF[, 1], xDF[, 2], decreasing = T)
        xYSort <- xDF[, 2][o]
        xXSort <- xDF[, 1][o]
        xWSort <- xDF[, 3][o]
        o <- order(xXSort)
    rawdata <- data.frame(xXSort, xYSort, xWSort)
    # o<-which(duplicated(rawdata[,1])==FALSE)
    # Creates Data Frame to store bootstraped CondProb
    bootcp <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = length(xXSort[which(duplicated(xXSort) == FALSE)]), ncol = R))
    # Sets up Bootstrap loop - Conditional deals with possiblility of having Impariment metric values that
    # are actually zero.
    for (i in 1:R) {
        if (sum(rawdata[, 2] == 0) > 0) {
            bootdata1 <- data.frame(rawdata[, 1], (rawdata[, 2] + 1) * resample(c(0, 1), nrow(rawdata), replace = T), rawdata[, 3])
            bootdata <- fillin(bootdata1[, 2], c(1:nrow(bootdata1)), Exceed)
            bootcp[, i] <- cpwt(bootdata1[, 1], bootdata[, 2] - 1, xImpair, ProbComp, bootdata1[, 3], o)[which(duplicated(bootdata1[, 
                1]) == FALSE)]
        } else {
            bootdata1 <- data.frame(rawdata[, 1], (rawdata[, 2]) * resample(c(0, 1), nrow(rawdata), 
                replace = T), rawdata[, 3])
            bootdata <- fillin(bootdata1[, 2], c(1:nrow(bootdata1)), Exceed)
            bootcp[, i] <- cpwt(bootdata1[, 1], bootdata[, 2], xImpair, ProbComp, bootdata1[, 3], o)[which(duplicated(bootdata1[, 
                1]) == FALSE)]
    # Calculates Mean and Upper and Lower CI, Adds to output
    if (ci == T) {
        xOutput <- data.frame(xXSort[which(duplicated(xXSort) == FALSE)], cpwt(xXSort, xYSort, xImpair, ProbComp, 
            xWSort, o)[which(duplicated(xXSort) == FALSE)], apply(bootcp, 1, mean), apply(bootcp, 1, quantile, 
            probs = alpha), apply(bootcp, 1, quantile, probs = 1 - alpha))
        names(xOutput) <- c(substitute(xX), "Raw.Data.Probability", "Bootstrap.Probability", "Lower.CI", 
    } else {
        xOutput <- data.frame(xXSort[which(duplicated(xXSort) == FALSE)], cpwt(xXSort, xYSort, xImpair, ProbComp, 
            xWSort, o)[which(duplicated(xXSort) == FALSE)], apply(bootcp, 1, mean))
        names(xOutput) <- c(substitute(xX), "Raw.Data.Probability", "Bootstrap.Probability")
    class(xOutput) <- "condprob"
    params<-c(as.character(substitute(xX)), as.character(substitute(xY)), xImpair, ProbComp, Exceed, ci)
jhollist/condprob2 documentation built on May 19, 2019, 9:27 a.m.