#' Makes a table of performance results
#' eztune_table creates a table that contains the average error rates
#' and run times for a series of eztune runs and compares them to
#' the best results obtained from a grid search.
#' @param dat Dataset created from load_opt_data or with several
#' datasets from load_opt_data combined with rbind. Information
#' from this dataset will be used to populate the majority of
#' the table.
#' @param value the value from dat that should be used as the
#' error metric. This will typically be either loss_mse_acc_10 or
#' loss_mae_auc_10
#' @param best_grid A dataset that contains the best error rate
#' obtained from the grid search. The first column must contain
#' the names of the datasets used to populate the tables. The
#' names must be identical to those in the dat object. The second
#' column is numeric and contains the best error measure obtained
#' by the grid search for that dataset. If it is omitted the table will
#' be made without the grid information. The function get_best_grid
#' can be used to create
#' @return Returns a data.frame with the performance metrics from the
#' EZtune tests. Each column is a character vector. This data.frame
#' can be passed to the function eztune_table_latex to create a latex
#' version of the table.
#' @seealso \code{\link{load_opt_data}}, \code{\link{get_best_grid}},
#' \code{\link{get_grid_data}}, \code{\link{eztune_table_latex}}
#' @export
eztune_table <- function(dat, value = "loss_mse_acc_10", best_grid = NULL) {
data_sets <- unique(dat$data)[order(unique(dat$data))]
colnames(dat)[colnames(dat) == value] <- "value"
summ <- dplyr::group_by(dat, data, optimizer, fast, cross) %>%
dplyr::summarize(mean = mean(value, na.rm = TRUE),
time = mean(time, na.rm = TRUE))
summ$round <- rep(NA, nrow(summ))
summ$int <- rep(NA, nrow(summ))
for(i in 1:nrow(summ)) {
if(!is.na(summ$mean[i])) {
if(summ$mean[i] > 999) {
summ$round[i] <- as.character(signif(summ$mean[i], digits = 3))
} else if(summ$mean[i] > 99) {
summ$round[i] <- stringr::str_trunc(as.character(summ$mean[i]), width = 3, side = "right", ellipsis = "")
} else if(summ$mean[i] > 1) {
summ$round[i] <- stringr::str_trunc(as.character(summ$mean[i]), width = 4, side = "right", ellipsis = "")
} else {
summ$round[i] <- stringr::str_trunc(as.character(summ$mean[i]), width = 5, side = "right", ellipsis = "")
summ$int[i] <- paste("(", summ$round[i], ", ", round(summ$time[i]), "s)",
sep = "")
summ$optimizer <- ifelse(summ$optimizer == "ga", "Genetic algorithm", "Hooke-Jeeves")
summ$method <- ifelse(summ$fast != 0, paste0("Fast = ", summ$fast), NA)
summ$method <- ifelse(summ$method == "Fast = 1", "Fast = TRUE", summ$method)
summ$method <- ifelse(summ$cross != "resub" & summ$fast == 0, paste0("CV = ", summ$cross), summ$method)
summ$method <- ifelse(summ$cross == "resub", "Resub", summ$method)
summ <- dplyr::ungroup(summ) %>%
dplyr::select(data, optimizer, method, int)
newtab <- tidyr::pivot_wider(summ, names_from = data, values_from = int)
if(!is.null(best_grid)) {
newtab <- rbind(newtab, c("Best Grid", "", rep(NA, ncol(newtab) - 2)))
for(i in 1:nrow(best_grid)) {
if(best_grid[i, 2] > 999) {
value <- as.character(signif(best_grid[i, 2], digits = 3))
} else if(best_grid[i, 2] > 99) {
value <- stringr::str_trunc(as.character(best_grid[i, 2]), width = 3, side = "right", ellipsis = "")
} else {
value <- stringr::str_trunc(as.character(best_grid[i, 2]), width = 4, side = "right", ellipsis = "")
newtab[nrow(newtab), colnames(newtab) == best_grid[i, 1]] <- value
colnames(newtab)[1:2] <- c("Optimizer", "Type")
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