set.seed(0) knitr::opts_chunk$set( out.extra = 'style="display:block; margin: auto"', fig.align = "center", fig.path = "LocusZoom.js/", collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", dev = "png")
This figure starts with a default and is updated when selected for one of the two alternatives.
htmltools::tags$iframe(src ="lz.html", width = "100%", height = "600px")
THe HTML skeleton (lz.html
) takes a file named top_hits.json
containing the menu items,
[ ["A1BG", "rs145685027", "19:58948122"], ["ACE", "rs4353", "17:61570422"] ]
each corresponds to a file for GWAS summary statistics as shown below
> d <- jsonlite::fromJSON("vignettes/data/ACE-rs4353.json") > class(d) [1] "list" > lapply(d,class) $ppid [1] "character" $data [1] "data.frame" > lapply(d,head,3) $ppid [1] "ACE-rs4353" $data variant position ref_allele alt_allele_freq beta log_pvalue 1 17:61322094_G/T 61322094 G 0.0154 -0.1899 0.69 2 17:61322221_G/A 61322221 G 0.1905 0.0190 0.22 3 17:61322307_G/T 61322307 G 0.9682 0.4065 5.65 > j <- jsonlite::toJSON(lapply(d,head,3)) > j {"ppid":["ACE-rs4353"],"data":[{"variant":"17:61322094_G/T","position":61322094,"ref_allele":"G","alt_allele_freq":0.0154,"beta":-0.1899,"log_pvalue":0.69},{"variant":"17:61322221_G/A","position":61322221,"ref_allele":"G","alt_allele_freq":0.1905,"beta":0.019,"log_pvalue":0.22},{"variant":"17:61322307_G/T","position":61322307,"ref_allele":"G","alt_allele_freq":0.9682,"beta":0.4065,"log_pvalue":5.65}]}
This is a skeleton for possibly interactive use.
library(shiny) # Define a list of protein-pQTL pairs with named elements protein_pqtl_pairs <- list( "A1BG" = c("A1BG", "rs145685027", "19:58948122"), "ACE" = c("ACE", "rs4353", "17:61570422") ) # Define a list of image URLs corresponding to each protein-pQTL pair image_urls <- c( "", "" ) ui <- fluidPage( titlePanel("Protein-pQTL"), sidebarLayout( sidebarPanel( selectInput("imageSelect", "Protein-pQTL pair:", choices = names(protein_pqtl_pairs), selected = names(protein_pqtl_pairs)[1]) ), mainPanel( imageOutput("selectedImage") ) ) ) server <- function(input, output) { output$selectedImage <- renderImage({ selected_pair <- protein_pqtl_pairs[[input$imageSelect]] # Use the first element of the vector returned by match selected_image_url <- image_urls[match(selected_pair, protein_pqtl_pairs)[1]] list(src = selected_image_url, alt = "Selected Image") }, deleteFile = FALSE) } shinyApp(ui, server)
The figure below contains three panels, the first of which is ACE-rs4353 above.
htmltools::tags$iframe(src = "ACE.html", width = "100%", height = "1500px")
We only need to change filename and region for A1BG-rs145685027 above.
filename <- "A1BG-rs145685027" chr <- "19" start <- 58948122 - 250000 end <- 58948122 + 250000 html_content <- readLines("ACE.html") html_content <- gsub("ACE-rs4353", filename, html_content) html_content <- gsub("const chr = '17';", paste0("const chr = '", chr, "';"), html_content) html_content <- gsub("const start = 61320422;", paste0("const start = ", start, ";"), html_content) html_content <- gsub("const end = 61820422;", paste0("const end = ", end, ";"), html_content) output_html <- "ACEr.html" writeLines(html_content, output_html) htmltools::tags$iframe(src = output_html, width = "100%", height = "1500px")
There are also direct links for the html files above
, the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.