

run <- function(pathmaxent="/home/affu/Desktop/Maxent/", pathproject="/home/affu/Desktop/example/", doproject=0, inputfiles="asc", pathlayers="/home/affu/Desktop/Layers/",
                pathplayers="/home/affu/Desktop/Layers/Players", pathcoastline="/home/affu/Desktop/coastlines/", dobgmanip=FALSE, updownbgmanip=0, levelbgmanip=300,
                projectextent=c(60,110,8.5,46), projectpextent=c(60,110,8.5,46), pathlocations="/home/affu/Desktop/Locations/", CORly = TRUE, calcAUC = TRUE,
                AUCbootstrapITER = 10, clipbycoast = TRUE, inputCRSdef="+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +towgs84=0,0,0",
                outputCRSdef="+init=epsg:3975 +proj=cea +lon_0=0 +lat_ts=30 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0")
  # Creating project folder structure
  setwd(dir = "/home/affu/")
  dir.create(path = pathproject)
  setwd(dir = pathproject)
  dir.create(path = "./layers/")
  dir.create(path = "./locations/")
  dir.create(path = "./results/")
  if ((doproject == 1) | (doproject == 2))
    dir.create(path = "./projection/")
  # Reading and reprojecting location data
  setwd(dir = pathlocations)
  projectlocations <- read.csv(file = "locations.csv", header = FALSE)
  templocations <- matrix(ncol = 2, nrow = length(projectlocations$V3))
  templocations[,1] <- projectlocations$V3
  templocations[,2] <- projectlocations$V2
  templocations <- SpatialPoints(coords = templocations, proj4string = inputCRS)
  templocationsrp <- spTransform(x = templocations, CRSobj = outputCRS)
  projectlocations[,3] <- templocationsrp@coords[,1]
  projectlocations[,2] <- templocationsrp@coords[,2]
  # Reading in and reprojecting shapefile
  coastlinein <- readOGR(dsn = "./", layer = "coast_continents", p4s = NULL)
  coastlineout <- spTransform(x = coastlinein, CRSobj = outputCRS)
  # Reading in, cropping to extent, reprojecting to equal area
  setwd(dir = pathlayers)
  layerfnames <- c(list.files(path = ".", pattern = "^bio_.*\\.asc"), "topo_Elevation.asc")
  layerstack <- stack()
  #  NAvalue(layerstack) <- -9999 # causing an error in empty stack! commented out
  for (i in 1:(length(layerfnames)-1))
    layerstack[i] <- projectRaster(crop(x = raster(layerfnames[i], crs = inputCRS), y = projectextent), crs = outputCRS, res = 1000)
    layerstack[i] <- mask(layerstack[i], coastlineout)
  layerstack[20] <- resample(x = raster(layerfnames[20]), y = layerstack, method = "bilinear")
  layerstack[20] <- mask(layerstack[20], coastlineout)
  NAvalue(layerstack) <- -9999
  # Correlation analysis if TRUE
  if (CORly == TRUE)
    setwd(dir = pathproject)
    #### 1. pearson correlation ####
    tempdat1<-cor(as.data.frame(layerstack), use="pairwise", method = "pearson")
    #### 2. spearman correlation ####
    tempdat2<-cor(as.data.frame(predictors), use="pairwise", method = "spearman")
    setwd(dir = pathlayers)
  if (doproject == 1)
    setwd(dir = pathplayers)
    playerfnames <- c(list.files(path = ".", pattern = "^bio.*\\.asc"), "topo_Elevation.asc")
    playerstack <- stack()
    # NAvalue(playerstack) <- -9999 # commented out see above
    for (i in 1:(length(playerfnames)-1))
      playerstack[i] <- projectRaster(crop(x = raster(playerfnames[i], crs = inputCRS), y = projectextent), crs = outputCRS)
      playerstack[i] <- mask(layerstack[i], coastlineout)
    playerstack[20] <- resample(x = raster(playerfnames[20]), y = playerstack, method = "bilinear")
    playerstack[20] <- mask(layerstack[20], coastlineout)
    NAvalue(playerstack) <- -9999
  if (doproject == 2)
    setwd(dir = pathlayers)
    playerfnames <- c(list.files(path = ".", pattern = "^bio.*\\.asc"), "topo_Elevation.asc")
    playerstack <- stack()
    # NAvalue(playerstack) <- -9999 # see above
    for (i in 1:(length(playerfnames)-1))
      playerstack[i] <- projectRaster(crop(x = raster(playerfnames[i], crs = inputCRS), y = projectpextent), crs = outputCRS)
      playerstack[i] <- mask(layerstack[i], coastlineout)
    playerstack[20] <- resample(x = raster(playerfnames[20]), y = playerstack, method = "bilinear")
    layerstack[20] <- mask(layerstack[20], coastlineout)
    NAvalue(playerstack) <- -9999
  # Terrain analysis
  layerstack[21] <- terrain(x = layerstack[20], opt = "slope", unit = "degrees", neighbors=8)
  layerstack[22] <- terrain(x = layerstack[20], opt = "aspect", unit = "degrees", neighbors=8)
  if ((doproject == 1) | (doproject == 2))
    playerstack[21] <- terrain(x = playerstack[20], opt = "slope", unit = "degrees", neighbors=8)
    playerstack[22] <- terrain(x = playerstack[20], opt = "aspect", unit = "degrees", neighbors=8)
  # Background manipulation if required
  if (dobgmanip==TRUE)
    for (i in 1:(length(layerstack)))
      if (updownbgmanip == 0)
        layerstack[i] <- layerstack[i] * (layerstack[20] < levelbgmanip)
      if (updownbgmanip == 1)
        layerstack[i] <- layerstack[i] * (layerstack[20] > levelbgmanip)
    if ((doproject == 1) | (doproject == 2))
      for (i in 1:(length(playerstack)))
        if (updownbgmanip == 0)
          playerstack[i] <- playerstack[i] * (playerstack[20] < levelbgmanip)
        if (updownbgmanip == 1)
          playerstack[i] <- playerstack[i] * (playerstack[20] > levelbgmanip)
  # Writing the .csv and .asc output files
  setwd(dir = pathproject)
  # find a way to insert a line at the top of the table "species", "lat", "lon"
  write.csv(x = projectlocations, file = "./locations/locations.csv", sep = ",")
  for (i in (1:9))
    writeRaster(x = layerstack[i], file = "./layers/bio0,i,.asc", format = "ascii", NAflag = -9999)
  for (i in (10:19))
    writeRaster(x = layerstack[i], file = "./layers/bio,i,.asc", format = "ascii", NAflag = -9999)
  writeRaster(x = layerstack[20], file = "./layers/topo_Elevation.asc", format = "ascii", NAflag = -9999)
  writeRaster(x = layerstack[21], file = "./layers/topo_Slope.asc", format = "ascii", NAflag = -9999)
  writeRaster(x = layerstack[22], file = "./layers/topo_Aspect.asc", format = "ascii", NAflag = -9999)
  # Writing projection layers if they exist
  if ((doproject == 1)|(doproject == 2))
    for (i in (1:9))
      writeRaster(x = playerstack[i], file = "./players/bio0,i,.asc", format = "ascii", NAflag = -9999)
    for (i in (10:19))
      writeRaster(x = playerstack[i], file = "./players/bio,i,.asc", format = "ascii", NAflag = -9999)
    writeRaster(x = playerstack[20], file = "./players/topo_Elevation.asc", format = "ascii", NAflag = -9999)
    writeRaster(x = playerstack[21], file = "./players/topo_Slope.asc", format = "ascii", NAflag = -9999)
    writeRaster(x = playerstack[22], file = "./players/topo_Aspect.asc", format = "ascii", NAflag = -9999)
  # Insert code for variable selection
  # 1st if there is at least one variable with a gloabal correlation greater than 0.85 in either PEAR or SPEAR, remove the one with the highest correlation
  # 2nd recalculate global correlations after above removal and again remove the variable with the highest global correlation if R>0.85
  # Repeat until no strong correlation remains in the dataset
  # Insert code for model selection
  # Insert code for AUC calculation
jinyung/SDMbase documentation built on May 19, 2019, 10:36 a.m.