Man pages for jjanuszczak/freshdeskr
An R Client for the Freshdesk API

agentView an Agent
agent_date_fieldsAgent date fields returned by the Freshdesk API.
agentsView a list of Agents
agent_ticket_scopeLookup table for ticket scope
companiesView a list of Companies
companyView an Company
company_date_fieldsCompany date fields returned by the Freshdesk API.
contactView a Contact
contact_date_fieldsContact date fields returned by the Freshdesk API.
contactsView a list of Contacts
freshdesk_apiCalls Freshdesk API
freshdesk_api_callCalls Freshdesk API
freshdesk_clientCreates a Freshdesk API client
freshdeskrfreshdeskr: An R wrapper for the Freshdesk API.
print.freshdesk_apiGeneric print for 'freshdesk_api' class
ticketView a Ticket
ticket_date_fieldsTicket date fields returned by the Freshdesk API.
ticket_include_parametersTicket embedding parameters by the Freshdesk API.
ticket_prioritiesLookup table for ticket priorities.
ticketsView a list of Tickets
tickets_csvSave a list of Tickets to a csv file
ticket_sourcesLookup table for ticket sources.
ticket_statusLookup table for ticket status.
jjanuszczak/freshdeskr documentation built on May 29, 2019, 11:05 p.m.