
numbercoresglobalm <- reactiveValues(ncorem = detectCores()-1)
observeEvent(input$numbercoresm, {
	numbercoresglobalm$ncorem <- input$numbercoresm
output$ncoresm <- renderUI({
	sliderInput(inputId = "numbercoresm", label = "Number of threads", min=1, max=detectCores(), value=detectCores()-1, step =1)

output$antestat_testm <- renderUI({
	selectInput('antestatm', 'Elements', c(Humerus='humerus', Ulna='ulna', Radius='radius', Femur='femur', Tibia='tibia', Fibula='fibula'),'humerus')

output$antestat_outputm <- renderUI({

#file upload render for multiple comparison
output$resettableInputante1 <- renderUI({
	fileInput('file1ante', 'Upload antemortem statures', accept=c('text/csv', 'text/comma-separated-values,text/plain', '.csv'))  
#file upload render for multiple comparison
output$resettableInputante2 <- renderUI({
	fileInput('file2ante', 'Upload postmortem measurements', accept=c('text/csv', 'text/comma-separated-values,text/plain', '.csv'))  
#clears session for multiple comparison
observeEvent(input$clearFile1ante, {
	fileInput('file1ante', 'Upload antemortem statures', accept=c('text/csv', 'text/comma-separated-values,text/plain', '.csv'))  
	fileInput('file2ante', 'Upload postmortem measurements', accept=c('text/csv', 'text/comma-separated-values,text/plain', '.csv'))  

observeEvent(input$proantestatm, {
	showModal(modalDialog(title = "Calculation has started...Window will update when finished.", easyClose = FALSE, footer = NULL))
	withProgress(message = 'Calculation has started',
	            detail = '', value = 0, {       
	            for (i in 1:10) {

	#Upload CSV file
	inFile1 <- input$file1ante
	inFile2 <- input$file2ante
	 #return null if not uploaded
	if (is.null(inFile1) || is.null(inFile2)){

	tempdata1m <- read.csv(inFile1$datapath, header=TRUE, sep=",", na.strings=c("", " ", "NA"))## see na.strings forces NA for blanks, spaces, etc
	tempdata2m <- read.csv(inFile2$datapath, header=TRUE, sep=",", na.strings=c("", " ", "NA"))## see na.strings forces NA for blanks, spaces, etc		

	#calls sorting function
	if(input$alphatest1m == "Alpha") {temptest = TRUE}
	if(input$alphatest1m == "PI") {temptest = FALSE}
	outtemp1m <- antestat.input(bone = input$antestatm, metric = input$metric_typem, antemortem_stature = tempdata1m, postmortem_measurement = tempdata2m, population = input$antestat_populationm)
	outtemp2m <- antestat.regtest(threads = numbercoresglobalm$ncorem, sort = outtemp1m[[1]], ref = outtemp1m[[2]], prediction_interval = input$predlevelantestatm, alphalevel = input$alphalevelsantestatm, alphatest = temptest, output_options = c(input$fileoutputant1m, input$fileoutputant2m), sessiontempdir = sessiontemp)
	coo <- ""
	if(input$research_mm) {
		#used to assess accuracy of methodology
		globala <- as.matrix(outtemp2m[[3]][1])
		globalb <- as.matrix(outtemp2m[[3]][3])
		cn <- 0
		for(xx in 1:nrow(globala)) {
			if(globala[xx] == globalb[xx]) {cn <- cn +1}
		global1 <- as.matrix(outtemp2m[[2]][1])
		global2 <- as.matrix(outtemp2m[[2]][3])
		co <- 0
		 for(i in 1:nrow(global1)) {
		 	if(global1[i] == global2[i]) {co <- co + 1}
		#used to assess accuracy of methodology
		nmatch <- nrow(outtemp2m[[2]])
		ll <- nrow(outtemp2m[[2]]) + nrow(outtemp2m[[3]])
		TP <- (ll - cn) - nmatch
		FP <- cn
		FN <- nmatch - co
		TN <- co
		coo <- paste("TP: ", 				"<font color=\"#00688B\">",TP, "</font>", 
				"<br/>","FP: ", 			"<font color=\"#00688B\">",FP, "</font>", 
				"<br/>","FN: ", 			"<font color=\"#00688B\">",FN, "</font>", 
				"<br/>","TN: ", 			"<font color=\"#00688B\">", TN, "</font>", 
				"<br/>","FPR: ", 			"<font color=\"#00688B\">",1 - round(TN/(TN+FP), digits = 3) ,"</font>", 
				"<br/>","Sens: ", 			"<font color=\"#00688B\">",round(TP/(TP+FN), digits = 3), "</font>", 
				"<br/>","Spec: ", 			"<font color=\"#00688B\">",round(TN/(TN+FP), digits = 3),"</font>", 
				"<br/>","PPV: ", 			"<font color=\"#00688B\">",round(TP/(TP+FP), digits = 3), "</font>", 
				"<br/>","NPV: ", 			"<font color=\"#00688B\">",round(TN/(TN+FN), digits = 3),"</font>", 
				"<br/>","FDR: ", 			"<font color=\"#00688B\">",round(FP/(FP+TP), digits = 3), "</font>", 
				"<br/>","EFF: ", 			"<font color=\"#00688B\">",round((TP+TN) / (TP+TN+FN+FP), digits = 3),"</font>", 
				"<br/>", sep = "")

	temp1 <- outtemp2m[[2]][1]
	temp2 <- outtemp2m[[3]][1]
	ante_sample <- nrow(unique(rbind(temp1,temp2))) 
	temp3 <- outtemp2m[[2]][3]
	temp4 <- outtemp2m[[3]][3]
	post_sample <- nrow(unique(rbind(temp3,temp4))) 
	n_comp <- nrow(outtemp2m[[2]]) + nrow(outtemp2m[[3]])
	ex_rate <- nrow(outtemp2m[[3]]) / n_comp
		#display output
		output$antestat_outputm <- renderUI({
				HTML(paste("<strong>",'<br/>',"Comparisons: ", 					"<font color=\"#00688B\">",n_comp,"</font>", 
								  "<br/>", "Antemortem specimens: ", 			"<font color=\"#00688B\">",ante_sample, "</font>", 
								  "<br/>","Postmortem specimens: ", 			"<font color=\"#00688B\">",post_sample, "</font>", 
								  "<br/>", "Potential associations: ", 			"<font color=\"#00688B\">",nrow(outtemp2m[[2]]), "</font>", 
								  "<br/>", "Exclusions: ", 					"<font color=\"#00688B\">",nrow(outtemp2m[[3]]), " (", round(nrow(outtemp2m[[3]]) / n_comp, digits = 3) * 100, "%)", "</font>", 
								  "<br/>", coo, "<strong>"))
		output$antestat_table1m <- DT::renderDataTable({
			DT::datatable(outtemp2m[[2]], options = list(lengthMenu = c(5,10,15,20,25,30), pageLength = 10), rownames = FALSE)
		output$antestat_table2m <- DT::renderDataTable({
			DT::datatable(outtemp2m[[3]], options = list(lengthMenu = c(5,10,15,20,25,30), pageLength = 10), rownames = FALSE)

		if(input$fileoutputant1m || input$fileoutputant2m) {
			#Zip handler       
			direc6 <- outtemp2m[[1]] #direc temp
			files <- list.files(direc6, recursive = TRUE)
			zip:::zip(zipfile = paste(direc6,'.zip',sep=''), files = files)

			setwd(sessiontemp)  #restores session
			#Download handler       
			output$downloadantestatm <- downloadHandler(
				filename <- function() {
				content <- function(file) {
					file.copy(paste(direc6,'.zip',sep=''), file) 
				contentType = "application/zip"
		setwd(sessiontemp) #restores session
		removeModal() #removes modal
jjlynch2/OsteoShiny documentation built on Aug. 6, 2019, 5:32 p.m.