
Defines functions sites_by_species

Documented in sites_by_species

#' Sites by species
#' A data.frame is returned as grid cells by species with values in each cell being the number of occurrences of each species. No null (all zero) species should be returned. The coordinates returned are the TOP-LEFT corner of the grid cell.
#' @author Atlas of Living Australia \email{support@@ala.org.au}
#' @references \url{http://api.ala.org.au/ws}
#' @references \url{http://spatial.ala.org.au/ws}
#' @references \url{http://www.geoapi.org/3.0/javadoc/org/opengis/referencing/doc-files/WKT.html}
#' @param taxon string: the identifier to get the species data from the ala biocache. E.g. "genus:Macropus".
#' @param wkt string: Bounding area in Well Known Text (WKT) format. E.g. "POLYGON((118 -30,146 -30,146 -11,118 -11,118 -30))".
#' @param gridsize numeric: size of output grid cells in decimal degrees. E.g. 0.1 (=~10km)
#' @param SPdata.frame logical: should the output be returned as a SpatialPointsDataFrame of the sp package?
#' @param verbose logical: show additional progress information? [default is set by ala_config()]
#' @return A dataframe or a SpatialPointsDataFrame containing the species by sites data. Columns will include longitude, latitude, and each species present. Values for species are record counts (i.e. number of recorded occurrences of that taxon in each grid cell) 
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Eucalyptus in Tasmania based on a 0.1 degree grid
#' ss=sites_by_species(taxon='genus:Eucalyptus',wkt='POLYGON((144 -43,148 -43,148 -40,144 -40,144 -43))',gridsize=0.1,verbose=TRUE)
#' ss[,1:6]
#' # equivalent direct webservice call: POST http://spatial.ala.org.au/alaspatial/ws/sitesbyspecies?speciesq=genus:Eucalyptus&qname=data&area=POLYGON((144%20-43,148%20-43,148%20-40,144%20-40,144%20-43))&bs=http://biocache.ala.org.au/ws/&movingaveragesize=1&gridsize=0.1&sitesbyspecies=1
#' }

# TODO need way to better check input species query
# TODO precheck of taxon

#' @export
sites_by_species = function(taxon,wkt,gridsize=0.1,SPdata.frame=FALSE,verbose=ala_config()$verbose) {
    ##TODO data checks
    ##todo setup output structure and class
    ##todo api movingaveragesize is unnecessary... consider removing...
    ## check input parms are sensible
    assert_that(is.numeric(gridsize), gridsize>0)
    ##setup the key query
    base_url = ala_config()$base_url_alaspatial #get the base url
    url_str = paste(base_url,'sitesbyspecies?speciesq=',taxon,'&qname=data',sep='') #setup the base url string 
    url_str = paste(url_str,'&area=',wkt,sep='') #append the area info
    url_str = paste(url_str,'&bs=',ala_config()$base_url_biocache,sep='') # append hte biocache URL string
    url_str = paste(url_str,'&movingaveragesize=1',sep='') #append hte moving window average value (1 = 1 cell, which means that no moving average applied)
    url_str = paste(url_str,'&gridsize=',gridsize,sep='') #append hte grid size
    url_str = paste(url_str,'&sitesbyspecies=1',sep='') #define the type
    this_cache_file=ala_cache_filename(url_str) ## the file that will ultimately hold the results (even if we are not caching, it still gets saved to file)
    if ((ala_config()$caching %in% c("off","refresh")) || (! file.exists(this_cache_file))) {
        pid = cached_post(URLencode(url_str),'',caching='off',verbose=verbose) #should simply return a pid
        if (pid=="") { stop("there has been an issue with this service. Please try again but if the issue persists, contact support@@ala.org.au") } #catch for these missing pid issues
        status_url = paste('http://spatial.ala.org.au/alaspatial/ws/job?pid=',pid,sep='')
        if(verbose) { cat("  ALA4R: waiting for sites-by-species results to become available: ") }
        status=cached_get(URLencode(status_url),type="json",caching="off",verbose=verbose)#get the data url
        while (status$state != "SUCCESSFUL") {
            if(verbose) { cat('.') } #keep checking the status until finished
            status=cached_get(status_url,type="json",caching="off",verbose=verbose) #get the status
            if (status$state=='FAILED') {
                ## stop if there was an error
                ## first check the wkt string: if it was invalid (or unrecognized by our checker) then warn the user
                if (is.na(wkt_ok)) {
                    warning("WKT string may not be valid: ",wkt)
                } else if (!wkt_ok) {
                    warning("WKT string appears to be invalid: ",wkt)
                if (str_detect(status$message,"No occurrences found")) {
                    ## don't consider "No occurrences found" to be an error
                    if (ala_config()$warn_on_empty) {
                        warning("no occurrences found")
                    return(data.frame()) ## return empty results
        }; cat('\n')
    } else {
        ## we are using the existing cached file
        if (verbose) { cat(sprintf("  ALA4R: using cached file %s\n",this_cache_file)) }
    out = read.csv(unz(this_cache_file,'SitesBySpecies.csv'),as.is=TRUE,skip=4) #read in the csv data from the zip file; omit the first 4 header rows

    ## drop the "Species" column, which appears to be a site identifier (but just constructed from the longitude and latitude, so is not particularly helpful
    ##deal with SpatialPointsDataFrame
    if (SPdata.frame) { #if output is requested as a SpatialPointsDataFrame
        ## coerce to SpatialPointsDataFrame class
        if (nrow(out)>0) {
            out=SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords=out[,c("Longitude","Latitude")],proj4string=CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84"),data=out)
    ## rename variables
    ## warn about empty results if appropriate
    if (nrow(out)<1 && ala_config()$warn_on_empty) {
        warning("no occurrences found")
    ##return the output
jjvanderwal/ALA4R documentation built on May 19, 2019, 11:40 a.m.