
# check vs. CBP 1967 table 1
Tt_r2    <- rep(c(1.0, 2.15, 4.64), 4) * 10^(rep(c(-3, -2, -1, 0), each = 3))
a_01     <- c(0.9771, 0.9658, 0.9490, 0.9238, 0.8860, 0.8283,
              0.7460, 0.6289, 0.4782, 0.3117, 0.1665, 0.07415)
a_0001   <- c(0.9969, 0.9949, 0.9914, 0.9853, 0.9744, 0.9545,
              0.9183, 0.8538, 0.7436, 0.5729, 0.3543, 0.1554)
a_000001 <- c(0.9992, 0.9985, 0.9970, 0.9942, 0.9888, 0.9781,
              0.9572, 0.9167, 0.8410, 0.7080, 0.5038, 0.2620)

dat <- list(x = Tt_r2)

formula = formula(x~.)

frec1 = recipe(formula = formula, data = dat) |>
    times = x,
    radius = 1.0,
    radius_casing = 1.0,
    radius_well = 1.0,
    specific_storage = 1e-1,
    hydraulic_conductivity = 1.0,
    thickness = 1.0,
    head_0 = 1.0,
    n_terms = 12L
  ) |>

expect_equivalent(frec1[[2]], a_01, tolerance = 1e-3,
                            info = "R6 and hydrorecipes api are equivalent")

frec1 = recipe(formula = formula, data = dat) |>
    times = x,
    radius = 1.0,
    radius_casing = 1.0,
    radius_well = 1.0,
    specific_storage = 1e-3,
    hydraulic_conductivity = 1.0,
    thickness = 1.0,
    head_0 = 1.0,
    n_terms = 12L
  ) |>

expect_equivalent(frec1[[2]], a_0001, tolerance = 1e-3,
                            info = "R6 and hydrorecipes api are equivalent")

frec1 = recipe(formula = formula, data = dat) |>
    times = x,
    radius = 1.0,
    radius_casing = 1.0,
    radius_well = 1.0,
    specific_storage = 1e-5,
    hydraulic_conductivity = 1.0,
    thickness = 1.0,
    head_0 = 1.0,
    n_terms = 12L
  ) |>

expect_equivalent(frec1[[2]], a_000001, tolerance = 1e-3,
                            info = "R6 and hydrorecipes api are equivalent")

dat <- list(x = 0.0)
h_0 <- 20
frec1 = recipe(formula = formula, data = dat) |>
    times = x,
    radius = 1.0,
    radius_casing = 1.0,
    radius_well = 1.0,
    specific_storage = 1e-5,
    hydraulic_conductivity = 1.0,
    thickness = 1.0,
    head_0 = h_0,
    n_terms = 12L
  ) |>

expect_equivalent(frec1[[2]], h_0,
                            info = "R6 and hydrorecipes api are equivalent")

# time = c(0, 1:86400)
# kern_slug <- hydrorecipes:::cooper_bredehoeft_papadopulos_laplace(time,
#                                                               r = 0.10,
#                                                               r_c = 0.10,
#                                                               r_w = 0.10,
#                                                               S = 1e-5,
#                                                               Tr = 5e-4,
#                                                               h_0 = 1,
#                                                               n = 14L)
# dat <- data.table(x = time)
# frec1 = recipe(formula = formula, data = dat) |>
#   step_slug_cbp(
#     times = x,
#     radius = 0.1,
#     radius_casing = 0.1,
#     radius_well = 0.1,
#     specific_storage = 1e-5,
#     hydraulic_conductivity = 5e-4,
#     thickness = 1.0,
#     head_0 = 1.0,
#     n_terms = 14L
#   ) |>
#   plate("dt")
jkennel/hydrorecipes documentation built on Dec. 24, 2024, 5:38 p.m.